

Din sökning på "*" gav 534873 sökträffar

Striden om halvspråkigheten : en undersökning och ett tabubelagt begrepp

Denna uppsats bygger på en enkätundersökning bland gymnasieungdomar som läser svenska som andraspråk i Malmö. Enkätresultaten bygger på ordförståelse och visar att elever som är födda i Sverige visar marginellt bättre resultat än ungdomar som har vistats i Sverige kortare tid. Resultaten ställs mot det tabubelagda begreppet "halvspråkighet" vilket har debatterats livligt inom språkvetens

Gränslöst arbete - en studie om hur unga akademiker uppfattar sitt arbete

Möjligheterna och friheten att styra över sitt arbete i form av tid och rum kan uppfattas som lockande och positiva. Det gränslösa arbetet har också en annan sida, svårigheterna att själv avgöra när, var och hur mycket som ska arbetas. Denna studie syftar till att bättre förstå hur unga akademiker som arbetar inom ett arbete som kan definieras som gränslöst, uppfattar sitt gränslösa arbete. I stud

Transformative Islamic Ecology - Beliefs and Practices of Muslims for Sustainable Agriculture and Permaculture

A growing number of environmental movements recognize the need for changing our spiritual approach to the environment, while we simultaneously witness a revival and development of ecotheologies and religiously motivated environmental initiatives. Islamic theological discourse on ecological issues is quite well studied, but less attention has been directed to how Islamic ecology has been translated

Skatteflykt i den internationella praktiken

Både de mellanstatliga skatteavtalen och EU-rätten grundar sig på och är beroende av staternas lojalitet och efterlevnad. Det faller sig naturligt att både skatteavtal och EU-rätt skall ha företräde framför interna regler för att få genomslag och utifrån syftet önskad effekt. En absolut efterlevnad ställer dock till problem när mellanstatliga samarbeten missbrukas, varför både OECD och EU bekräftaTax treaties as well as EU law lean on the foundation of loyalty and are dependent on the compliance of membership nations. For desired effect, it is natural for both EU regulations and tax treaties to take precedence over local rules. However, absolute compliance creates issues when inter-governmental collaborations are abused. Hence, OECD and EU have agreed on the possibility for internal counte


Leather is a material long used by humans and has found it’s way into many areas of our lives and homes. The project began with the intent to learn more about this material and investigate the techniques used today in the making of leather products. The first part consisted of several weeks of research, where it became apparent that leather is a material burdened by a dirty, environmentally unfrie

Studie och realisering av ett bränsletransportsystem i en överordnad miljö

As the primary objective of the thesis was to reduce the need for staffing and manual rounds at Västhamnsverket and to be able to control the process from Filbornaverket, we have developed a new feature description for Västhamnsverkets fuel transportation system and made a realization of this feature description in an ABB 800xA system. At present day the fuel transportation system is regulated fro

Alfavärdens stabilitet - En undersökning om alfavärdens hållbarhet över en längre tidsperiod

This study aims to contribute to solving the mystery associated with smart investment strategies. It seems impossible to find an extraordinary investment strategy that can outperform the usual returns on the market. Including 116 stocks from Stockholmsbörsens large and mid cap, this study examines if alpha values are stable over time, and if so an investment in a portfolio based on high alpha valu

Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Returns: A study on Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain.

Following the oil price shocks of the 1970s, a great deal of research has been focused on the relationship between oil price changes and macroeconomic variables. However, the body of literature focusing on oil price shocks and stock markets are more limited. In our thesis, we have decided to focus on five OECD countries: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain, commonly known as the PIIGS econo

En vetospelares guide till status quo - FN:s säkerhetsråd och vetospelarteorin

In this qualitative study the author examines the United Nations security council and its possibilities to reform, with help of George Tsebelis theory regarding veto players. The application of the veto player theory gives the ability to measure the policystability, the extent of ability to change policy, when adding more players to a political institution. The study is based on the United Nations

Rational Choice, Human Capital och det fria skolvalet

Problem/bakgrund: PISA-undersökningen 2012 visade katastrofala siffror för den svenska skolan. Framförallt redan från början svaga grupper (t ex pojkar med utländsk bakgrund) tillhörde dem som tappade mest i kunskap. Syfte: Syftet med den här undersökningen var att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning killar med utländsk bakgrund i årskurs nio handlar i enlighet med teorin om rationella val respek

Investments in rental apartments - The case of Malmoe

The municipality of Malmoe has a housing deficit equal to 14 000 homes. The deficit is most significant for affordable rental apartments in the old stock. Long queues and excess demand makes it difficult for individuals who are not established on the housing market to find a home of their own. To overcome the situation a government inquiry concluded that the rental sector must see more private inv

Att vara i aktivitetsåtgärd -Upplevelser relaterat till socialt stöd

Participation in a return to work intervention – experiences in relation to social support Since the economic recession in Sweden during the 1990´s, there has been a growing demand for welfare-to-work interventions. These interventions aim to increase the work-ability of the participants and hopefully this will result in the participants establishing themselves on the labor market. The aim of thi

A single European Banking Supervisor: an anachronistic move?

Following the European sovereign debt crisis and the detrimental consequences this had for the European financial markets, Europe found itself at a crossroads, with an uncertain future ahead. As the choice was between fragmentation of the Member States or embarking on a journey almost as meaningful as a common currency, the 28 Member States decided on further integration, thereby establishing join

Är digital valuta det nya guldet?

Valutakursrisk har historiskt hanterats med negativt korrelerad eller okorrelerade instrument för att minska den totala risken i en portfölj. Som ett resultat av en integrerad värld har sådana instrument blivit allt mer sällsynta. Råvaror såsom guld har påvisat ett negativt samband och mycket av den bakomliggande teorin i uppsatsen är därför starkt relaterad till guldet. Digitala valutor är ett nyExchange rate risk has historically been dealt with through negatively correlated or uncorrelated instruments in order to reduce the overall risk in a portfolio. As a result of an integrated world, such instruments have become increasingly rare. Commodities such as gold have demonstrated a negative relationship, therefore much of the underlying theory in this thesis is strongly related to gold. Di

Hindcast of the wave climate in Öresund : modelling of wave climate over 50 years using WAM with wind measurements input

Öresund is a very dynamic economic area with numerous projects, there is a great need of a deeper understanding of the wave climate. The wave measurements currently available are scarce and they do not cover the whole area. For this reason, a modeled wave climate would be of interest and the results could be a starting point for different in depth analysis. The objective of this study was to prod

The Relevance of the Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Certeza as a Domestic Water Disinfecatant in Maputo.

The quality of piped drinking water in Maputo is generally poor and it affects many people, in particular the poor living in areas with inadequate or insufficient water distribution systems. In Mozambique, the chemical disinfectant, Certeza (containing diluted sodium hypochlorite), is used to treat domestic water at the consumers’ end. It is well known that chlorine products used for disinfection

Future Skylight

The working environment on top of an 80 - 120 meters high horizontal-axis wind turbine isn’t like an average working environment. The high wind speeds, the slippery rain, the limited mobility and the pure height makes it a very dangerous and difficult place to work at. To make sure the service team can feel safe and at ease while working outside on the top of a wind turbine, all the equipment use

Amerikanska och Brittiska uppköp i Sverige - En kvantitativ studie om den initiala reaktionen på marknaden

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om företagsgrupper från USA, Storbritannien och Sverige lyckas skapa abnorm avkastning samt vilken grupp som lyckas skapa högst abnorm avkastning vid förvärv på den svenska marknaden. Studien är en kvantitativ undersökning där vi använder en eventstudie för att undersöka ett tidsfönster runt ett uppköps tillkännagivande. Teoriavsnittet utgörs av tidiga