

Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar

Räcker en låda böcker? Om mindre gymnasieskolors lösningar på den nya skollagens krav på skolbibliotek.

In July 2011 a new education act came into effect in Sweden. The law consists of, among other things, a paragraph stating that all students must have access to school libraries. After the law was put in place a big debate was started based on differences in the interpretation of the law and different opinions about the role of the school library. The debate has also focused on the big differences

"The vinaigrette of standardisation"

The subject of this thesis is the interplay between IPR and competition Law regarding standardisation. In reviewing the legal sources in the field the complexity of the process will be enlightened and the question to answer is what mixture that is to be “perfect” in that sense. Focus lies on the risks of “hold-up “ situations where holders of IPR abuse the system in search for higher amounts of ro

(Inte)gration - en dimensionsanalys av samvarons problematik

This thesis aims to understand and define the core characteristics of the concept integration and thus allow the writer to analyze the Swedish integration policy set at national level. When defining the concept of integration the thesis finds that the principles of equality, equal participation and the political will to curb segregation go hand in hand with the preconditioned democratic principles

Sexfilmsspridning utan samtycke

1 juli 2013 kom en ny reglering angående kränkande fotografering. Problemet med en avsaknad av reglering hade belyst sedan flera år tillbaka i flera rättsfall. Jag hade dock en misstanke om att lagen var påskyndad, mycket på grund av ett svenskt avgörande som tagits vidare till europadomstolen. Jag undersöker bland annat äldre lag, förarbeten och praxis för att se huruvida den nya regleringen är t

Är det advokatens jobb att bekämpa brott? En advokatetisk analys av lagen (2009:62) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism

I kampen mot att bekämpa penningtvätt och organiserad brottslighet har det införts regler av administrativ karaktär. Den svenska penningtvättslagstiftningen bygger på tre EU-rättsliga penningtvättsdirektiv med åtgärder för att bekämpa penningtvätt inom den finansiella sektorn. Den lag som idag är gällande i Sverige är lagen (2009:62) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (PTL)In the fight against money laundering and organized crime, rules of an administrative nature have been introduced. The Swedish money laundering legislation is based on three different directives from EU. The law currently in force in Sweden is called, lagen (2009:62) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (PTL). The law contains of some certain rules that lawyers are required t

Light barrier properties of paperboard, packages and plastic caps in packages

Examensarbetet inleddes den 15:e januari 2013 på Tetra Pak packaging solutions AB i Lund. Mjölk är en produkt, som är särskilt ljuskänslig. För att skydda mjölk från ljus, kan dess förpackning innehålla aluminiumfolie. Det laminerade aluminiumfoliet ger en utmärkt ljusbarriär, men är dyrt och är inte ett förnybart material. För att kunna ta bort eller ersätta aluminiumfoliet och samtidigt inte förThe thesis started 15th January in 2013 at Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions AB in Lund. Milk is a product that is particularly sensitive to light. In order to protect milk from light, its package can have aluminium foil. The laminated aluminium foil provides an excellent light barrier but is expensive and not a renewable material. To be able to remove the aluminium foil and not lose too much of the p

Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Plants Modeled by a System of Nonlinear Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

Wastewater treatment consists of mechanical, chemical and biological purification. This master thesis concerns the biological part of the wastewater treatment called the activated sludge process (ASP). Two different mathematical models, one simplified and one complete, of the ASP are investigated. The models contain systems of nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations. The nonlineariti

Damage Identification in Concrete using Impact Non-linear Reverberation Spectroscopy

Non-linear acoustic methods has shown increasing potential in the identication of damage in brittle materials such as concrete. Commonly, these methods focus on one or several resonance frequencies of the material and on the relative change in resonance frequency and attenuation with strain amplitude which has been shown to allow one to identify the extent of the material damage. However, current

Practice what you preach- A Critical Discourse Analysis on Gender Implementation Issues of the UN

This Bachelor thesis critically studies how women’s identities are constructed in resolutions put together by the United Nations. The thesis focuses on three Resolutions on Democratic Republic of the Congo, (RES/2053(2012))(RES/2098(2013) and (RES/2147(2014) in order to highlight how women are being portrayed in new mandates given to intervention forces. By applying Critical Discourse Analysis, Po

Assessing the Potential of Embedding Vegetation Dynamics into a Fire Behaviour Model : LPJ-GUESS-FARSITE

Disturbances such as wildfires are key players involved in the shape, structure and function of the ecosystems. Fire is rarely included in Dynamic global vegetation models due to their difficulty in implementing its processes and impacts associated. Therefore, it is essential to understand the variables and processes involved in fire, and to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses before going forwa

Anknytningsrepresentationer och upplevelser av social acceptans hos ensamstående kvinnor som planerar eller överväger att få barn, som väntar barn eller som har fått barn genom assisterad befruktning (donatorinsemination) - En pilotstudie

Huvudsyftet med denna pilotstudie var att undersöka anknytningsrepresentationer hos ensamstående kvinnor i Sverige som planerar eller överväger att skaffa barn, som väntar barn eller som har fått barn genom assisterad befruktning (donatorinsemination). Upplevelser av social acceptans relaterat till deras val att frivilligt bli ensamstående mödrar undersöktes också. Som metod användes Adult AttachmThe main aim of this pilot study was to explore inner representations of attachment in single women in Sweden that were planning to have children, that were expecting children or that have had children on their own through assisted reproduction (donor insemination). Experiences of social acceptance regarding their choice to parent alone were also examined. The methods used were The Adult Attachmen

Landskronas södra industriområde - sker ett läckage av markföroreningar via dagvattensystemet?

Landskrona is a distinct industrial city and has since the 1700th century had many major industries, which has contributed to negative effects on the environment and caused pollution in soil and water. When the land wasn’t enough and more space was needed for exploitation, the area started to get filled up with dredged and filling material. Many of the industries are suspected to have dumped waste

Uppförandet av hållbara städer i en neoliberal miljö. En studie rörande Västra hamnen i Malmö och Tianjin Eco-city i Kina.

The future of our society is in need of changes to survive. Our cities are not sustainable the way they are today, nor the way we consume our resources. For those reasons, sustainable development has become fashion today. Eco-cities are being built all over the world to find new solutions to problems we face every day, such as too much traffic and waste. The topic for this master thesis is who ini

Utbyte av geodata : studie av leveransstrukturer enligt Sveriges kommuner och landstings objekttypskatalog

Inspire (2007/2/EG) is a directive initiated by the European Union with the purpose to improve the infrastructure for spatial information. This is thought to contribute to an easier and more convenient way of exchanging the information within the union. The countries of EU have all started their work to include Inspire's guidelines in their legal systems and in the work of their authorities an

Framing Parenthood: An Interpretive Analysis of Fertility in Brazil

Understanding the fertility transition is of extreme importance for planning public policies on national levels and on a global scale. The fertility transition has been the subject of numerous studies for the past four decades, especially in regards to the determinants of fertility. Nonetheless, in the case of Brazil the literature concentrates on quantitative and positivistic determinants, lackin

För hästens felsteg bär ryttaren ansvar

The crisis faced by organizations in today´s society is seen more obvious than as an exception. Even though there’s a lot of effort put on research in the area, additional research is requested because handling and communicating about a crisis has become an increasingly common part of the daily work. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to research in the field by examining the image repair

The Implication of Indonesia's Economic Development for Global Climate Change

Indonesia is a significant global player both in terms of economic performance and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. While its total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and emissions are ranked high in global comparisons, both in terms of per capita measures have a relatively low ranking, suggesting that there is potentially more growth to come. Growth in Indonesia’s total emissions is being driven by econ

What Gaia can reveal about the matter distribution in the Milky Way

Context. With the goal to accurately map about a billion of the Milky Way stars, the astrometric satellite Gaia was launched in December 2013. Its high precision and sensitivity will lead to better understanding of the Galactic structure and evolution. Also, it will be possible to probe the matter distribution in the Galaxy. Aims. To study how well the Galactic matter distribution can be determin

Places of Knowing, Places of Learning: Indigenous Place-Based Education in Canada

This thesis reviews the literature on indigenous place-based environmental education in Canada. The concept of place is considered a starting point to localize, decolonize and integrate indigenous and non-indigenous knowledges (the culturally-situated subjective and intersubjective ways of knowing and meaning-making) in mainstream environmental education. Following a discussion of how a critical p