

Din sökning på "*" gav 532077 sökträffar

Stability of KAlSi3O8 hollandite-type structure in the earth's lower mantle conditions

The stability of KAISi3O8 hollandite-type structure is investigated in a series of synthesis experiments between 20 and 95 GPa at 650(±50) °C and between 1200 to 2300 °C, using electrically- and laser-heated diamond anvil cells, respectively. Potassium feldspar transformed to a hollandite-type structure in the experimental pressure range from 20 to 95 GPa at temperatures between 1200 to 2300 °C, w

Ion exchange chromatography of glucosamine and galactosamine in microgram amounts with quantitative determination and specific radioactivity assay

A rapid method for the separation and quantitative determination, including radioassay, of glucosamine and galactosamine in microgram amounts is described. It is based upon the use of a column of Aminex A-5 ion exchange resin eluted with a phosphate buffer at pH 7.00 and 60 °C. From each fraction half the volume is used for a scaled down Elson-Morgan procedure and other half for liquid scintillati

Influence of colchicine and vinblastine on the Golgi complex and matrix deposition in chondrocyte aggregates. An ultrastructural study

Fetal guinea-pig epiphyseal chondrocytes were isolated enzymatically, aggregated, and the aggregates maintained in organ culture. As revealed by light and electron microscopy, the cultures produced a typical cartilaginous matrix, but no calcification occurred. Exposure of aggregating cells, or preformed aggregates, to colchicine or vinblastihe at 10-5 M concentration led to disappearance of the mi

Optimalt val av värmemätares flödesgivare

Rapporten beskriver en experimentell/teoretisk undersökning av prestanda hos flödesmätare som används vid debitering av värmeförbrukning i fjärrvärmecentraler. Undersökningen belyser hur förbrukningsmönster av fjärrvärmevatten i olika stora fjärrvärmecentraler i samverkan med flödesmätarens varierande noggrannhet beroende på dess typ, storlek, arbetsområde och driftläge, inverkar på noggrannheten

Pricing Capability and Its Strategic Dimensions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Iden att prissättning är något mycket viktigt för företag stöds av en lång rad publikationer som ger råd kring hur företag bör sätta pris för att maximera sin långsiktiga lönsamhet. Detta indikerar att prissättning, eller företags prissättningsförmåga, borde utgöra ett viktigt område inom strategiforskning som har som sin primära målsättning att utveckla vetenskapliga fThe notion of pricing as being of vital importance to firms is supported by a long line of publications that outline recommendations on how price should be managed in order to maximize long-term profits. This implies that pricing, or firm level pricing capability, should constitute an important area of research in the field of strategic management, a field which has as its prime objective to devel

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Old bodies – new technologies The biomedical development means a better quality of life for many people. The medical possibilities are, however, not unproblematic. There are ethical and cultural matter to consider, e.g. biomedicine calls for existential questions about the right of human beings to intervene in nature. Further, the possibilities to correct the human body means that new demands ari

When Enemies are Friends - Warfare relations in DRC Congo.

This paper explores wartime relationships and the culture of armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Without exceptions, the crises in the Congo must be framed in local-global correlations, i.e. in terms of criminal network activities and its linkages to mining businesses and exploitation of natural resources. In the eastern DRC the boundaries between the different armed groups and

Bodies, Desires, Identities. The Photography of Jan Saudek

Jan Saudek is an internationally renowned, yet academically unexplored photographer who makes staged, black and white (but often hand-coloured) photographs: obviously arranged, and erotically charged, images of the naked, semi-naked or dramatically costumed body. In this paper I present the work of Saudek, especially his performative self-portraits, and discuss the question of desire and subjectiv