

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Christian Europe : Borders and Boundaries of a Mythological Conception

The article investigates the notion of 'Christian Europe' by tracing some of its ideological roots. In particular, it engages with the Romantic era of German philosophy. If the idea of Europe from its very earliest stage was closely linked to Christianity, this gesture also became an important element in the attempts of a number of Romantic poets and philosophers to seek the foundations for a new

Characteristics of fresh and aged carbonaceous aerosol from anthropogenic combustion sources

Popular Abstract in Swedish Luftburna partiklar från transportsektorn och energiproduktion kan ge upphov till negativa hälsoeffekter hos människor och påverka det globala klimatet. Partiklarnas kemiska och fysikaliska egenskaper förändras när de åldras i atmosfären och ny partikelmassa kan bildas från ämnen som tidigare var i gasfas. Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen är att öka kunsEmissions from anthropogenic combustion sources, such as light duty vehicles and small scale biomass combustion, contribute significantly to ambient aerosol particle concentrations both on local and global scales. These emissions have controlling impacts on public health and global climate. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate how atmospheric transformation and combustion conditions a

Uppsatsskrivande som forskningsbaserat lärande och kursen som skrivargrupp.

Artikeln diskuterar problematiken kring att få studenter med olika nivå av förförståelse att ta till sig och implementera teori och metod i de egna masteruppsatserna. Som en möjlig lösning för att möta studentgruppens skiftande behov föreslås en kursdesign med stort inslag av så kallat forskningsbaserat lärande (IBL).

Insulin Polymorphism Crystallographic Characterization of Insulin Microcrystals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus) eller sockersjuka som den också kallas, är en sjukdom som beror på att kroppens celler inte kan ta upp socker från blodet, vilket leder till hög blodsockerkoncentration. Socker utsöndras även i urinen vilket kroppen försöker kompensera för genom att också öka utsöndringen av vatten. Detta leder till att stora mängder urin bildas samt att manInsulin is a protein needed for the uptake of glucose from the circulating blood. In absence of sufficiently high insulin levels in the body or when the cells have a reduced sensitivity for insulin a disease state referred to as diabetes occurs. Treatment of diabetes generally requires daily injections of exogenous insulin. Many of the pharmaceutical formulations consist of insulin in a crystallin

Minimal Conditions on Intrinsic Parameters for Euclidean Reconstruction

We investigate the constraints on the intrinsic parameters that are needed in order to reconstruct an unknown scene from a number of its projective images. Two such minimal cases are studied in detail. Firstly, it is shown that it is sufficient to know the skew parameter, even if all other parameters are unknown and varying, to obtain an Euclidean reconstruction. Secondly, the same thing can be do

The importance of the second hairpin loop of cystatin C for proteinase binding. Characterization of the interaction of Trp-106 variants of the inhibitor with cysteine proteinases

The single Trp of human cystatin C, Trp-106, is located in the second hairpin loop of the proteinase binding surface. Substitution of this residue by Gly markedly altered the spectroscopic changes accompanying papain binding and reduced the affinity for papain, actinidin, and cathepsins B and H by 300-900-fold. The decrease in affinity indicated that the side chain of Trp-106 contributes a similar


Economies in Transition (EiTs) exemplified by countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova etc. face many socio-economic and environmental challenges – energy security, high unemployment, poor transportation and municipal service infrastructure, and rural depopulation are common themes. Agricultural biofuel production offers a number of socio-economic co-benefits that can contribute to the