Din sökning på "*" gav 531177 sökträffar
FGF4 and retinoic acid direct differentiation of hESCs into PDX1-expressing foregut endoderm in a time- and concentration-dependent manner.
BACKGROUND: Retinoic acid (RA) and fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4) signaling control endoderm patterning and pancreas induction/expansion. Based on these findings, RA and FGFs, excluding FGF4, have frequently been used in differentiation protocols to direct differentiation of hESCs into endodermal and pancreatic cell types. In vivo, these signaling pathways act in a temporal and concentration-de
Flexible multi electrode brain-machine interface for recording in the cerebellum.
A new type of chip based microelectrode for acute electrophysiological recordings in the CNS has been developed. It's designed to be adaptable to a multitude of specific neuronal environments, in this study the cerebellar cortex of rat and cat. Photolithographically patternened SU-8 is used to yield flexible and biocompatible penetrating shanks with gold leads. Electrodes with an impedance of abou
Normalization of Illumina Infinium whole-genome SNP data improves copy number estimates and allelic intensity ratios.
BACKGROUND: Illumina Infinium whole genome genotyping (WGG) arrays are increasingly being applied in cancer genomics to study gene copy number alterations and allele-specific aberrations such as loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH). Methods developed for normalization of WGG arrays have mostly focused on diploid, normal samples. However, for cancer samples genomic aberrations may confound normalization an
Värmlands skogs-, hag- och krattfibblor (Hieracium sect. Hieracium, sect. Vulgata och sect. Bifida), häfte 2
General Embedded V2: Icelandic A, B, C, etc.
"Eco-", almost a religion
Fluorescence Lidar Monitoring of Vegetation Status
Remote laser-induced fluorescence monitoring can complement passive reflectance measurements on vegetation. Vegetation classification and status assessment is normally performed by air- or spaceborne multi-spectral scanners. An increased research activity in the field of vegetation monitoring is motivated by the abundant stressed forests of Europe. We have used a mobile lidar system for remote stu
Brottmekaniska analysmetoder för betong
Ny struktur på vardagen - en hjälp vid stress-relaterad ohälsa.
Legalizing Love in a Cold Climate: The History, Consequences and Recent Developments of Registered Partnerships in Scandinavia
Why was Scandinavia the first place in the world to introduce national laws allowing registered partnership between same-sex couples? This article is a survey and historical documentation of the registered partnership laws throughout Scandinavia, documenting their origin in Denmark in 1989 and their subsequent adoption by every Nordic country. The origins of the laws are traced to the 1970s
Exposure-response relationships in work-related musculoskeletal disorders in elbows and hands - A synthesis of group-level data on exposure and response obtained using uniform methods of data collection.
There is a serious lack of quantitative data regarding exposure-response relationships between occupational risk factors and musculoskeletal elbow and hand disorders. This paper explores such relationships in group-level data from our earlier cross-sectional studies. Prevalence of complaints (Nordic Questionnaire) and diagnoses (physical examination) were recorded in 19 groups of female workers (1
Retorikens didaktik : Progymnasmata som förening av praktik och teori
Social Insurance, Organization and Hospital Care
Popular Abstract in Swedish Svensk sammanfattning av avhandlingen: “Social Insurance, Organization and Hospital Care”. Denna avhandling handlar om incitament och organisation. Det inledande kapitlet sammanfattar avhandlingen samt diskuterar relaterad litteratur. Kapitel 2 är ett bidrag till den teoretiska litteraturen kring socialförsäkringar, kapitel 3 behandlar den optimala organisationen av triThis thesis consists of four chapters where chapter 1 introduces the topics in the following chapters and discusses some related literature. Chapter 2 moves beyond the disability insurance with two types, able and disabled, in Parsons (1996). This is done in two ways: by introducing a third type, the partially disabled, and by allowing for a continuum of types. It is assumed throughout that the in
Clinical Guidelines: Smokers undergoing scheduled surgery: The Gold Standard Programme.
Höga krav ger höga betyg
Rapport från en konferens: Scandinavian Spaces: Memory – Art – Identity
Studies of chloride binding in concrete exposed in a marine environment
The concentrations of ''free'' chloride and hydroxide ions in extracted pore solution from concrete exposed and submerged in a marine field station were studied by the pore solution expression method. In addition, the corresponding concentrations of total acid soluble chloride in the concrete was analyzed. The relationship between total and free chlorides was analyzed and compared with similar dat
Titanic : fartyget som aldrig går under
Hur Titanics undergång har behandlats under en hundraårsperiod.