

Din sökning på "*" gav 531451 sökträffar

Determinants of satisfaction with community-based psychiatric services: A cross-sectional study among schizophrenia outpatients

This was a cross-sectional study investigating factors related to satisfaction with care among long-term mentally ill patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, selected from an outpatient register. Demographic factors, personality variables, and health-related factors were related to their satisfaction with care. Satisfaction with care showed no relationships to demographic factors such as age, livin

Hormone replacement therapy before breast cancer diagnosis significantly reduces the overall death rate compared with never-use among 984 breast cancer patients

Nine hundred and eighty-four breast cancer patients were interviewed regarding exogenous hormonal use. This represents a random sample of breast cancer patients in Southern Sweden referred to the Department of Oncology at Lund for treatment between 1978 and 1997 (excluding 1980 and 1981) with a 100% follow-up. Ever-use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prior to diagnosis was significantly assoc

Market orientation processes in retailing: a cross-national study

Purpose - The main purpose is to provide an in-depth understanding of market orientation in retailing and to identify the specific activities that have to be understood and managed in order for a retail firm to become market oriented. Design/methodology/approach - Qualitative studies of six firms in Sweden, Italy and the UK were carried out, including in-depth interviews with retail managers and m

Outcome parameters for trials in atrial fibrillation - Recommendations from a consensus conference organized by the German atrial fibrillation competence NETwork and the European Heart Rhythm Association

Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common atria[ arrhythmia, has a complex aetiology and causes relevant morbidity and mortality due to different mechanisms, including but not limited to stroke, heart failure, and tachy- or bradyarrhythmia. Current therapeutic options (rate control, rhythm control, antithrombotic therapy, 'upstream therapy') only prevent a part of this burden of disease. New treat

Physical health a cluster randomized controlled lifestyle intervention among persons with a psychiatric disability and their staff

The objective was to explore the impact on physical health of a lifestyle programme among persons with psychiatric disabilities, and their caregivers. Their satisfaction with the intervention was also assessed. Somatic comorbidity and an increased mortality related to the lifestyle among persons with psychiatric disabilities are well known. Few randomized controlled trials have been aimed specific

Arguments Surrounding Organic and Genetically Modified Food Labelling: A Few Comparisons

This paper compares reasoning surrounding organic food labelling with arguments concerning mandatory GM labelling. Focus is placed on argumentative cross-overs, defined as cases where actors or organizations use a certain type of argumentation for one issue (for example, modes of food production), and shift into using their opponent's type of argumentation for a closely related issue (for example,

Computer-supported detection of M-components and evaluation of immunoglobulins after capillary electrophoresis

BACKGROUND: Electrophoresis of serum samples allows detection of monoclonal gammopathies indicative of multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, and amyloidosis. Present methods of high-resolution agarose gel electrophoresis (HRAGE) and immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) are manual and labor-intensive. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE

Successful treatment of a child with t(15;19)-positive tumor.

A subset of poorly differentiated carcinomas is characterized by the translocation t(15;19)(q13;p13), resulting in a BRD4/NUT fusion gene. Typically, this tumor affects children or young adults, with a predilection for midline head and neck or thoracic structures. The clinical course is invariably fatal, in spite of intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We here present the successful treatment

BCL11B functionally associates with the NuRD complex in T lymphocytes to repress targeted promoter

BCL11 genes play crucial roles in lymphopoiesis and have been associated with hematopoietic malignancies. Specifically, disruption of the BCL11B (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma 11B) locus is linked to T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and the loss of heterozygosity in mice results in T-cell lymphoma. BCL11 proteins are related C2H2 zinc-finger transcription factors that act as tra

Deletion Rate Evolution and Its Effect on Genome Size and Coding Density

Deletion rates are thought to be important factors in determining the genome size of organisms in nature. Although it is indisputable that deletions, and thus deletion rates, affect genome size, it is unclear how, or indeed if, genome size is regulated via the deletion rate. Here, we employ a mathematical model to determine the evolutionary fate of deletion rate mutants. Simulations are employed t

Fungal growth and effects of different wood decomposing fungi on the indigenous bacterial community of polluted and unpolluted soils

Thirty-two different basidiomycete isolates were inoculated separately into contaminated soil and the soil colonization ability was assessed visually. Large differences in the colonization ability and growth patterns were found between the different fungi. Phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were extracted from the soils of the seven isolates with the best colonizing ability. All PLFAs that were not

Long-term exposure to enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation in the sub-arctic does not cause oxidative stress in Vaccinium myrtillus

The aim of this work was to assess whether or not oxidative stress had developed in a dwarf shrub bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) under long-term exposure to enhanced levels of ultraviolet-B (u.v.-B) radiation. The bilberry plants were exposed to increased u.v.-B representing a 15 stratospheric ozone depletion for seven full growing seasons (19911997) at Abisko, Swedish Lapland (68N). The oxidat

Searches for New Physics with the ALICE Experiment in pp Collisions

The performance of the ALICE detector in searches for new heavy stable charged particles in pp collisions is discussed in this paper Gluino R-hadron was chosen as an example of a candidate, and cross sections and kinematic properties were obtained from PYTHIA simulations for various gluino masses (100 - 500 GeV/c(2)) Detector response simulations for R-hadrons in the TPC acceptance (vertical bar e

Mixtures of Bose Gases Confined in a Ring Potential

The rotational properties of a mixture of two distinguishable Bose gases that are confined in a ring potential provide novel physical effects that we demonstrate in this study. Persistent currents are shown to be stable for a range of the population imbalance between the two components at low angular momentum. At higher values of the angular momentum, even small admixtures of a second species of a

Vitamin supplementation normalizes total plasma homocysteine concentration but not plasma homocysteine redox status in patients with acute coronary syndromes and hyperhomocysteinemia.

Despite the growing evidence that elevated total homocysteine (tHcy) in plasma is a cardiovascular risk factor, the mechanism underlying the vascular injury is still unknown. Studies are difficult due to the fact that little is known about the formation of different homocysteine species in vivo. In the present study we have investigated the different fractions of tHcy in 21 patients with acute cor

Prophylactic treatment for severe haemophilia: comparison of an intermediate-dose to a high-dose regimen

A multicentre study was performed in Sweden and the Netherlands, comparing effects of two prophylactic regimens in 128 patients with severe haemophilia, born 1970-90. 42 Swedish patients (high-dose prophylaxis), were compared with 86 Dutch patients (intermediate-dose prophylaxis). Patients were evaluated at the date of their last radiological score according to Pettersson. Annual clotting factor c

Mortality among 723 948 foreign- and native-born Swedes 1970-1999

Background: Mortality in a population is regarded as an accurate and valid measure of the population's health. There are a few international studies, predominantly cross- sectional, of mortality among all foreign- born compared with an indigenous population, and the results have varied. No Swedish longitudinal study describing and analysing mortality data was found in a literature review. Methods:

Primal-dual tests for safety and reachability

A methodology for safety verification using barrier certificates has been proposed recently, Conditions that must be satisfied by a barrier certificate can be formulated as a convex program, and the feasibility of the program implies system safety, in the sense that there is no trajectory starting from a given set of initial states that reaches a given unsafe region. The dual of this problem, i.e.