Alla fredagsaftnar samlades man : Salongsliv genom århundradena
Salongsliv 1600-tal 1700-tal 1800-tal salongskultur
Salongsliv 1600-tal 1700-tal 1800-tal salongskultur
This work presents the systematic design and optimization of a compact quad-element MIMO antenna system in a roof cavity for the expected channel behavior at a 700 MHz LTE band. Beginning with a standard low-profile antenna element, the desired radiation pattern is synthesized by structural modification. The configuration for a quad-element design is then optimized. The results show that the propo
Program analysis tools, from simple static semantic analysis by a compiler, to complex dynamic analyses of data flow and security, have become commonplace in modern day programming. Many of the simpler analyses, such as the afore- mentioned compiler checking or linters designed to enforce code style, may even go unnoticed or unconsidered by most users, ubiquitous as they are. Despite this, and des
We integrate dualistic conceptions of the real with Peirce's perspectivesabout reality and abduction, emphasizing the concept of reason underlyingPeirce's thoughts. Peirce's abduction is related to the notions of retrogression and grounding in Hegel, later re-encountered in Hansonian-abduction. Abduction in turn is considered in relation to abstraction acquiring its fullest sense as a stage in the
Adaptive reuse of existing buildings and shared spaces has been highlighted as a key circular economy concept in the built environment, with the former also having been found to increase social sustainability through the preservation of cultural heritage. However, circular economy research has focused on the economic and environmental dimensions, with the social dimension receiving less attention.
Den omedelbara ekologiska krisen vi står inför kräver åtgärder som minskar utsläpp nu, och inte enbart i framtiden. Att bygga mindre nytt, genom att använda befintliga byggnader och att använda byggnader mer effektivt, är två åtgärder som minskar och förhindrar utsläpp redan idag.
The aim of this thesis project has been to develop an architecture for L2 ethernet switches that would be optimized for silicon area, targeting smaller low-end switches. A selection was made of three different switching architectures, which were compared and analyzed to explore the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches. From these, one architecture called Shared Memory Linked-List was sel
Inflationen har stigit kraftigt de senaste åren runt om hela jorden. Stigningen kom oväntat och överraskade både centralbanker och kapitalförvaltare. Detta har lett till kraftiga ränteökningar för att försöka dämpa inflationen till lägre nivåer. Kanske hade det gått att undvika dessa kraftiga ränteökningarna om man hade haft tillgång till estimat av inflation på förhand. Vi undersöker i detta exDifferent models were developed with the aim of nowcasting inflation at a daily basis with high frequency variables, while using real-time data to avoid look ahead bias. Both popular machine learning models such as Random Forest and XGBoost, and more traditional models such as UMIDAS and Almon distributed lag models were used to make the nowcasts. The MIDAS framework was utilized as a way of handl
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa bland unga är ett folkhälsoproblem med konsekvenser som kan följa individen under hela livsloppet. Vanliga följder av psykisk ohälsa bland unga är aktivitets- och delaktighetsinskränkning. Inom skolan finns förebyggande insatser, vilka främst består av psykoedukation, för att främja psykisk hälsa. Forskning är dock oklar kring om dessa insatser även har ett arbetsteraBackground: Mental illness among young people is a public health problem with consequences that can follow the individual throughout their life. Common consequences of mental illness among young people are activity- and participation restrictions. Within schools there are preventive efforts, which mainly consist of psychoeducation, to promote mental health. However, research is unclear whether
This chapter begins by describing how Michael W. Ford founded the Order of Phosphorus (TOPH). Ford’s writings, as well as his organizations, have a pronounced eclectic approach, weaving together several religious tenets, such as Zoroastrian, Sumerian, and Western Judeo/Christian esoteric elements. The Bible of the Adversary (2007) is a key text in Ford’s Luciferian ideology. The chapter then consi
På gående fot färdas man hastigt mellan kontinenterna. Venedigbiennalen är en plats där länder kan se världen och samtidigt synas för världen. Sedan 1895 har Biennalen samlat världens främsta konstnärer och arkitekter. Sverige delar en paviljong med Norge och Finland, vilket innebär konstnärliga kompromisser och att Sveriges enbart deltar var tredje biennal. Examensarbetet föreslår en svensk natiTraveling by foot, one swiftly moves between continents. The Venice Biennale is a place where countries can see the world and, at the same time, be seen by the world. Since 1895, the Biennale has brought together the world’s leading artists and architects. Sweden shares a pavilion with Norway and Finland, which means artistic compromises and Sweden’s participation only every third Biennale. The t
Kraft lignin, a by-product from the production of pulp, is currently incinerated in the recovery boiler during the chemical recovery cycle, generating valuable bioenergy and recycling inorganic chemicals to the pulping process operation. Removing lignin from the black liquor or its gasification lowers the recovery boiler load enabling increased pulp production. During the past ten years, lignin se
This thesis is concerned with the finite element analysis of the small-amplitude coupled vibration problem of an acoustic fluid enclosed in a flexible and/or rigid container structure. The governing equations for linear elastic solids and inviscid acoustic fluids are derived by a continuum mechanics approach. Modified equations for an acoustic fluid interpenetrating a rigid incompressible porous m
In 2015, following a series of sub-regional consultations, 109 states endorsed an Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change. Although active in supporting the consultative process and notwithstanding their endorsement of this ‘Protection Agenda’, the European Union and its Member States promote ‘effective practices’ in the global SouIn 2015, following a series of sub-regional consultations, 109 states endorsed an Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change. Although active in supporting the consultative process and notwithstanding their endorsement of this ‘Protection Agenda’, the European Union and its Member States promote ‘effective practices’ in the global Sou
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka prestationen hos private equity ägda företag efter försäljning i förhållande till innehavsperioden. Vidare avser arbetet att förklara och utforska variabler som påverkar utfallet. Teorierna som arbetet syftar till att använda är principal-agent teorin samt teorin om earnings management. Utöver det fungerar tidigare forskning inom ämnet som ett ramverk för arbeteThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the post exit performance of private equity owned firms relative to the holding period. Furthermore, variables that could influence the results are subject to analysis. The theoretical framework consists of the principal-agent theory and the theory of earnings management. In addition, previous research within the subject is also contributing to the thes
By applying the ILO’s inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem model, this report outlines key developments and challenges in the ecosystem for women and young entrepreneurs in Banja Luka. Numerous challenges identified under each pillar of the entrepreneurship ecosystem influence the pathways for decent work of women and young entrepreneurs who are part of the ecosystem, but many challenges can also
A constitutive model for concrete is formulated. Tensile fracture is described using a smeared crack approach where the fracrure energy is considered and the shear stiffneess in the cracked region is gradually reduced as crackling develops. Environmentally induced strain due to variation of moisture and temperature is taken into account and may be made dependent on the stress state. Creep is model
I entreprenadformen totalentreprenad upphandlar entreprenören konsulten och har därmed ansvar för både projektering och utförande. För att öka produktiviteten och innovationsgraden i järnvägsprojekt ökade Trafikverket antal projekt upphandlade som totalentreprenader mellan år 2012 och 2018. Det skapade en stor ovana för aktörerna i sättet att arbeta. Idag har företagen i järnvägsbranschen vant sigIn design-build contracts the contractor purchase the consultant and is therefore responsible for both design and execution. To increase productivity and innovation in railway projects Trafikverket, Swedish Transport Administration, increased the number of design-build contracts between 2012 to 2018. This created large unfamiliarity in the way of working for the actors. Today the companies in the
Denna uppsats utgår från att behandla varsel om uppsägning som en organisationsförändring och undersöker hur medarbetares meningsskapande påverkas av ledningens kommunikationsstrategi. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur förändringskommunikation från företagsledningen i samband med varsel om uppsägning upplevs av medarbetare. En kvalitativ metod har använts för att studera ett case med ett företag