

Din sökning på "*" gav 529590 sökträffar

Norm Formation from the Inside of a Swedish Court

The overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visitoThe overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visito

Gamma-Ray Emitting Radionuclides in People Living in Northern Sub Arctic Regions

År 1960 upptäcktes Cesium-137-aktivitet från atmosfäriska kärnvapenprovvid mätningar på lågaktivitets laboratoriet iLund. Denna händelse initierade mätningar av den svenska samiska befolkningen och iprodukter från ren som betar i de svenska fjällen. En semi-bärbarhelkropps detektor konstruerades med en detektionsgräns för 137Cs som var tillräckligt bra för att mäta människor med högakroppskoncentrIn 1960 Caesium-137 activity from atmospheric nuclear weapons test was dis-covered in measurements at the whole body gamma-ray counting laboratory inLund. This event initiated measurements of the Swedish Sami population, and inproducts from reindeer that bite lichens in the Swedish mountains. A semi-portable whole-body counter designed with a detection limit for 137 Cs at high radiation background

"Babblarna" täljer guld av något som borde vara allmängods

Språkvetaren och specialpedagogen Irene Johansson utvecklade på 1970-talet en modell och ett material för språk- och talutveckling, den så kallade "Karlstadsmodellen", som därefter kommersialiserats genom produktionen av filmer, böcker, leksaker och andra artefakter, med den samlade rubriken "Babblarna". I den här artikeln presenteras några av Karlstadsmodellens grundförutsättningar: att den bygge

Novel influenza A(H1N2) seasonal reassortant identified in a patient sample, Sweden, January 2019

In January 2019, a human seasonal reassortant influenza A(H1N2) virus with a novel 7:1 genetic constellation was identified in a 68-year-old female patient with suspected pneumonia. The virus harboured A(H3N2) neuraminidase and remaining genes from A(H1N1)pdm09. The patient recovered after severe illness. No additional cases have been detected. This is the second identified A(H1N2) seasonal reasso

The irresistible solution: rationale and risks of extending water limits through desalination in the case of Gotland, Sweden

Water resources are under increasing pressure, and there are tensions between increasing demand and the natural limits to potable water supply. Authorities must find solutions that fulfil societal demands without compromising environmental integrity. As one way to counteract water deficits, desalination has evolved as an attractive solution. This technology is contested and associated with a varie

Relapse Risk and Loss of Lifetime After Modern Combined Modality Treatment of Young Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma : A Nordic Lymphoma Epidemiology Group Study

PURPOSE: Estimates of short- and long-term survival for young patients with classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) are of considerable interest. We investigated cHL prognosis in the era of contemporary treatment at different milestones during the follow-up. PATIENTS AND METHODS: On the basis of a Nordic cohort of 2,582 patients diagnosed at ages 18 to 49 years between 2000 and 2013, 5-year relapse risks a

Defect sensitivity of single-crystal nano-sized Cu beams

Molecular dynamics simulations of nano-sized beams with square cross sections of single-crystal Cu, solid as well as holding defects and loaded in displacement controlled tension until rupture have been performed. The defects are either edge crack-like or through-the-thickness voids. Three different cross section sizes and two different crystallographic orientations have been investigated. As expe

Static Stability Analysis of a Planar Object Grasped by Multifingers with Three Joints

This paper discusses static stability of a planar object grasped by multifingers with three joints. Each individual joint (prismatic joint or revolute joint) is modeled as a linear spring stiffness. The object mass and the link masses are also included. We consider not only pure rolling contact but also frictionless sliding contact. The grasp stability is investigated using the potential energy me

Investigating the Potential of an Integrated Coolant Waste Heat Recovery System in an HD Engine Using PPC Operation

With the increasing focus on reducing emissions and making fuel efficient vehicles within the automotive industry over the past few years, new methods are constantly being investigated to improve the efficiency of the powertrain. One such method is recovering waste heat from the exhaust gases as well as the coolant using a thermodynamic cycle such as a Rankine cycle. However, most studies looking With the increasing focus on reducing emissions and making fuel efficient vehicles within the automotive industry over the past few years, new methods are constantly being investigated to improve the efficiency of the powertrain. One such method is recovering waste heat from the exhaust gases as well as the coolant using a thermodynamic cycle such as a Rankine cycle. However, most studies looking

Jet fragmentation transverse momentum measurements from di-hadron correlations in √s=7 TeV pp and √sNN=5.02 TeV p–Pb collisions

The transverse structure of jets was studied via jet fragmentation transverse momentum (j T ) distributions, obtained using two-particle correlations in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions, measured with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The highest transverse momentum particle in each event is used as the trigger particle and the region 3 < p Tt < 15GeV/c is explored in this study. The measur

Pharmacokinetics and retrograde spread of budesonide enemas in patients with distal ulcerative colitis

METHODS: The retrograde spread of two budesonide enema formulations with different viscosities was investigated. The study design was open, randomized and two-period crossover. Three female and two male patients (age range: 35-45 years) with distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis participated. Both enema formulations contained a dose of 2 mg budesonide/100 mL. An unabsorbable radioactive marker (9METHODS: The retrograde spread of two budesonide enema formulations with different viscosities was investigated. The study design was open, randomized and two-period crossover. Three female and two male patients (age range: 35-45 years) with distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis participated. Both enema formulations contained a dose of 2 mg budesonide/100 mL. An unabsorbable radioactive marker (9

Plasma lipoprotein A1 levels and bile secretion during thoracic duct drainage in the rat

A large part of the circulating apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is produced by the intestine. Yet the plasma levels of apoA-I are retained or even increased in rats with thoracic duct drainage (Johansson, B. and Nilsson, A, (1981) FEBS Lett. 130, 305-308 and Franzén, J. et al. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 918, 11-15). In this study we examined the effects of biliary drainage and of combined biliary a

Factors affecting the impaired uptake of chylomicron remnants in the cholestatic rat

We have previously shown that bile duct ligation inhibits the hepatic uptake of chylomicron remnants in rats. In the present study we have investigated different possible causes of this inhibition. Intravenous infusion of bile or sodium taurocholate reduced the hepatic chylomicron remnant uptake. Perfused livers from bile duct-ligated rats metabolized chylomicron remnants at a reduced rate. Rat heWe have previously shown that bile duct ligation inhibits the hepatic uptake of chylomicron remnants in rats. In the present study we have investigated different possible causes of this inhibition. Intravenous infusion of bile or sodium taurocholate reduced the hepatic chylomicron remnant uptake. Perfused livers from bile duct-ligated rats metabolized chylomicron remnants at a reduced rate. Rat he