

Din sökning på "*" gav 529401 sökträffar

Matching the electroweak penguins Q(7) and Q(8)

We report on recent advances on the computation of the matrix elements of the electroweak penguins Q(7) and Q(8) which are relevant for the DeltaI = 3/2 contribution to epsilon'(K) in the chiral limit. The matching of scale and scheme dependences between Wilson coefficients and these matrix elements is done analytically at NLO in alpha(S).

Nondestructive detection of decay in living trees

We used a four-point resistivity method to detect wood decay in living trees. A low-frequency alternating current was applied to the stem and the induced voltage measured between two points along the stem. The effective resistivity of the stem was estimated based on stem cross-sectional area. A comparison within a group of trees showed that trees with butt rot had an effective resistivity that was

Subluxation of the upper thoracic spine in rheumatoid arthritis

Only single cases with rheumatoid arthritis of the thoracic spine with vertebral subluxation have been reported to date. In a review of 100 patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis who had undergone occipitocervical fusion, arthritis of the upper thoracic spine with subluxation was discovered on conventional radiographs in four patients. Two additional patients were found elsewhere. Magnetic reso

Sinonasal T-cell lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of lethal midline granuloma using in situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus RNA

"Lethal midline granuloma" of the upper airways generally encompasses T-cell lymphoma and Wegener's granulomatosis in Western populations. Treatment and outcome for each is different, but their pathological distinction may not always be possible on routine biopsy specimens. Within a defined population between 1947 and 1994, we found 12 cases of primary sinonasal T-cell lymphoma, all with a CD20-,

Inhibitory effects of PG-H/aggrecan and PG-M/versican on avian neural crest cell migration

Aggrecans and PG-M/versicans represent two newly defined families of hyaluronan-binding proteoglycans for which the function is still poorly understood. Using the avian neural crest as a model system, we have examined the molecular mechanisms entailed in the cell-proteoglycan interaction during embryonic cell motility. Both the primary cartilage aggrecan of the avian embryo (PG-H/aggrecan) and the

Experimental oscillator strengths in Th II

We have measured radiative lifetimes of ten Th II levels by using thelaser-induced fluorescence technique and branching fractions withFourier transform spectroscopy. By combining the new branching fractionswith a total of 23 lifetimes, from the present work and frommeasurements by Simonsen et al. (cite{Simonsen}), absolute oscillatorstrengths for 180 lines have been derived. Some of these new f-va

What inner ear diseases cause benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) originating from the posterior semicircular canal (pSCC) is a common vestibular disorder that is easy to diagnose and usually easy to treat. The majority of patients with BPPV have no known inner ear disease; they have "primary" or "idiopathic" BPPV. However, a minority does have objective evidence of an inner ear disease on the same side as the BPPV and

Kafékultur, kommunikation och gränser

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kaféet är en mötesplats. Alla möten vilar på gränser - på gränser mellan de som möts, som umgänget frambringar. ”Kafékultur, kommunikation och gränser” är en studie av det sociala livet på kaféer, som utvecklar den socialpsykologiska innebörden av gränsen. Den kan ses som ett bidrag till förståelsen av vår tids informella och elementära sociala liv – intressant inte minThe café is a social meeting place. An as yet un-moulded aspect of social life is boundaries – how meetings rest on boundaries between participants that their intercourse brings forth. The aim of this dissertation is to study the café as a sociological and social–psychological phenomenon and at the same time contribute to forming the social–psychological aspect of boundaries. The study also contri

The lowest-lying doublet electronic states of CoC - A theoretical study

Multiconfigurational SCF and second-order perturbation theory have been employed to study seven low-lying electronic states of the CoC molecule (X-2 Sigma(+), A(2)Delta, B(2)Phi, C(2)Phi, D(2)Pi, E(2)Pi, and F(2)Sigma(+)). Three doublet electronic states have been described for the first time: B 2 (D C(2)Phi (R-0 = 1.617 angstrom, To = 10455 cm(-1). and a), = 1159 cm(-1)), and D(2)Pi (R-0 = 1.632

The influence of confining wall profile on quantum interference effects in etched Ga0.25In0.75As/InP billiards

We present measurements of the potential profile of etched GaInAs/InP billiards and show that their energy gradients are an order of magnitude steeper than those of surface-gated GaAs/AlGaAs billiards. Previously observed in GaAs/AlGaAs billiards, fractal conductance fluctuations are predicted to be critically sensitive to the billiard profile. Here we show that, despite the increase in energy gra

Investigation of the effect of different glassy carbon materials on the performance of Prussian blue based sensors for hydrogen peroxide

Three different kinds of glassy carbon (GC-R, GC-K, GC-G) were equally pretreated, further modified with electrochemically deposited Prussian Blue and used as sensors for hydrogen peroxide at an applied potential of -50 mV (vs. Ag|AgCl). Their performance was evaluated with respect to the following parameters: the coverage and electrochemistry of the electrodeposited Prussian Blue, the sensitivity

Effects of halothane on mucociliary activity in vivo

The effect of halothane on mucociliary activity in the rabbit maxillary sinus in vivo was recorded photoelectrically. Administration of halothane (1%, 2% or 4%) into the maxillary sinus induced a temporary acceleration of mucociliary activity. The peak increase (39.1% +/- 9.1%, p < 0.05, n = 5) was seen after the 4% concentration. Long-term exposure (60 minutes) of the maxillary sinus to halothane

Ta plats eller få plats? : Studier av marginaliserade människors förändrade vardagsliv

Syftet är att studera och analysera processer vars mål är att förändra vardagen för två marginaliserade grupper, så att de i större utsträckning blir delaktiga i samhället. De två undersökta grupperna är manliga unga narkomaner och äldre utvecklingsstörda. Avhandlingen består av tre geografiska perspektiv: 1) det tidsgeografiska synsättet, 2) känslan för platsen och 3) socialgeografiska teorier omThe aim is to study and analyse processes intended to change the daily lives of two marginalised groups and enable them to participate to a greater extent in the community. The two marginalised groups are young male drug addicts and older intellectually disabled. The thesis is permeated by three geographic perspectives: 1) the time-geographic approach, 2) sense of place and 3) social-geographic th