Din sökning på "*" gav 529357 sökträffar
Damping Structure in Power Systems
Soil heterogeneity effects on water and solute transport, Methodological comparison in different climates
Popular Abstract in Swedish Effekter av jordheterogeneitet på transport av markvatten och material, en metodologisk jämförelse i olika klimat.Spatial variability of soil heterogeneity is important to consider for soil water and solute transport. The results of the present work indicated that spatial heterogeneity affects all investigated soils (soils in Japan, Sweden, Tunisia, and China). Experimental data indicated a high degree of bypass or preferential flow within small plots and non-sigmoid breakthrough curves suggesting tailing phe
Etnicitet och övervikt: implicita arbetsrelaterade fördomar i Sverige
Särbehandling i anställningsprocessen av specifika grupper, såsom personer med en bakgrund i Mellanöstern och överviktiga, har traditionellt ansetts bero på ett medvetet val från arbetsgivarens sida. Forskning inom social kognition tyder dock på att denna särbehandling skulle kunna ske omedvetet, påverkat av arbetsgivarens omedvetna (implicita) fördomar. I den här studien har studenter och arbetsg
Selachian faunas from the lowermost Cretaceous Purbeck Group of Dorset, southern England
Abundant selachian remains have been recovered from a number of horizons through the Purbeck Group at Durlston Bay, Lulworth Cove and Stair Hole in southern England. The remains, primarily teeth, but additionally fin spines and dermal denticles, belong to selachians from two major groups, Hybodontoidea and Rhinobatoidei. The assemblage of hybodont sharks is quite diverse, comprising six species fr
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of beta-phosphoglucomutase from Lactococcus lactus
beta-Phosphoglucomutase (beta-PGM), a 28 kDa monomer, catalyzes the reversible conversion of beta-D-glucose-1-phosphate to beta-D-glucose-6-phosphate in maltose metabolism in a variety of organisms. Sequence analysis of beta-PGM indicates that it is a member of the haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) enzyme superfamily, which evolved to cleave C-Cl, C-P and C-OP bonds in a variety of substrates. beta-PGM
Separation of amino acids, peptides and proteins on molecularly imprinted stationary phases.
Stationary phases, to be used in high-performance liquid chromatography, were tailor-made for the separation of amino acids, peptides and proteins. The stationary phases were prepared by molecular imprinting, applying two different approaches. Low-molecular-mass compounds were imprinted in bulk polymers by copolymerization of functional monomers and cross-linkers in the presence of the compound of
Atrial fibrillatory rate in the clinical context: natural course and prediction of intervention outcome.
Shortening of atrial refractory period during atrial fibrillation has been considered a hallmark of atrial electrical remodelling. The atrial fibrillatory cycle length, which is intimately related to the atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR), is generally accepted as a surrogate marker for local refractoriness. The value of using AFR to monitor the progress of atrial ablation therapy has been demonstrate
Optical properties of doped antiferromagnets
We investigate the consequences of an incommensurate magnetic order in doped La2-xSrxCuO4 using dynamical mean-field theory for the effective single-band model. The high-energy optical transitions are due to high-energy excitations across large Mott-Hubbard 'gap,' while low-energy excitations involve a pseudogap induced by the local spin order. The latter lead to a strong drop in the scattering ra
Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Dynamics
The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustionconcept lacks direct ignition timing control, instead the autoignition depends on the operating condition. Since auto ignition of ahomogeneous mixture is very sensitive to operating conditions, a fastcombustion timing control is necessary for reliable operation. Hence,feedback is needed and the crank angle of 50% burnt (CA50) has provedt
Metalloantibiotic Mn(II)-bacitracin complex mimicking manganese superoxide dismutase
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of various metallobacitracin complexes were evaluated using the riboflavin-methionine-nitro blue tetrazolium assay. The radical scavenging activity of various metallobacitracin complexes was shown to be higher than those of the negative controls, e.g., free transition metal ions and metal-free bacitracin. The SOD activity of the complex was found to be in the
Räkna med riskfaktorer vid handläggning av hjärnskakning. Antikoagulantiabehandling skäl för datortomografi även på opåverkad patient
Beräkning av bidraget till brandmotståndet från skivmaterial och träpaneler
I allt fler länder börjar en brandteknisk klassificering av byggnadsdelar tillåtas som bygger på en analytisk behandling i stället för på resultat ac ugnsprovningar enligt ISO 834. I Sverige godtas sedan lång tid en analytisk branteknisk dimensionering av bärande och avskiljande konstruktioner som ett alternativ till standardiserad termisk påverkan enligt ISO 834. En väsentlig förutsättning för en
Single uptake measurement for absorbed dose planning for radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Challenge-induced plasma exudation and mucinous secretion in human airways
Secretion of mucins and exudation of plasma are distinct processes of importance to innate immunity and inflammatory disease. Yet, little is known about their relation in human airways. The objective of the present study was to use the human nasal airway to determine mucinous secretion and plasma exudation in response to common challenge agents and mediators. Ten healthy volunteers were subjected
Accountability and psychiatric disorders: How do forensic psychiatric professionals think?
Swedish penal law does not exculpate on the grounds of diminished accountability; persons judged to suffer from severe mental disorder are sentenced to forensic psychiatric care instead of prison. Re-introduction of accountability as a condition for legal responsibility has been advocated, not least by forensic psychiatric professionals. To investigate how professionals in forensic psychiatry woul
Current use of by-passing agents in Europe in the management of acute bleeds in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors.
The ultimate goal of treatment for patients with inhibitory antibodies should be to permanently eradicate the inhibitor by immune tolerance induction therapy (ITI). However, ITI procedures fail in a substantial number of patients and in many countries ITI is not even offered owing to its high cost. How patients with inhibitors are managed in different European countries is evaluated with a special
Comparative studies of the S0 and S2 multiline electron paramagnetic resonance signals from the manganese cluster in Photosystem II
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is one of the major techniques used to analyse the structure and function of the water oxidising complex (WOC) in Photosystem II. The discovery of an EPR signal from the S0 state has opened the way for new experiments, aiming to characterise the S0 state and elucidate the differences between the different S states. We present a review of the bioch
Indications of improved cognitive development at one year of age among infants born very prematurely who received care based on the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP)
Background and Objective: Care based on the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) has been reported to exert a positive impact on the development of prematurely born infants. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the effect of such care on the 1-year development of infants born with a gestational age of less than 32 weeks. Methods: All surviving