

Din sökning på "*" gav 529433 sökträffar

Mapping and cloning of FAD2 gene to develop allele-specific PCR for oleic acid in spring turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera)

The previously identified QTL for oleic acid content observed in an Fz population from the Brassica mpn ssp. oleifera cross Jo4002 x Jo4072 (a high-oleic-acid individual) was mapped more precisely by adding markers to the linkage group which harbours the locus. In addition, the fad2 gene, which is known to encode the 18:1 desaturase in Arabidopsis, was mapped in Brassica, too. The results are cons

Free nanoscale sodium clusters studied by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy

Free sodium metal clusters have been studied by probing the Na 2p core level using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). The development of electronic structure with size has been studied and discussed in comparison with the atom, dimer, and solid. Information on cluster metallic properties, size, and temperature has been deduced from the XPS measurements. F

A novel method for online analysis of gas and particle composition: description and evaluation of a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO)

We describe a novel inlet that allows measurement of both gas and particle molecular composition when coupled to mass spectrometric, chromatographic, or optical sensors: the Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO). The design goals for the FIGAERO are to allow unperturbed observation of ambient air while simultaneously analyzing gases and collecting particulate matter on a Teflon® (hereafter

Discontinuous ventilation in the rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis. Direct and indirect calorimetry

Discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGCs) are frequently observed with insects, i.e. oxygen take up and carbon dioxide release occur interrupted by periods of a few minutes up to many hours. The paper presents direct and indirect calorimetric experiments on DGCs of the scarabid rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis. A direct/indirect calorimetric experiment is presented. Total and specific heat prod

Documentation quality in occupational therapy patient records: Focusing on the technical aid prescription process

In order to plan for and implement research on the outcome of the technical aid prescription process, more knowledge about the documentation of the process is imperative. The overarching aim of this study was to survey documentation quality aspects in patient records in community-based OT, with a particular focus on the technical aid prescription process. An additional aim was to compare the quali

Context And Comprehension - A Neurolinguistic And Interactional Approach To The Understanding Of Semantic Pragmatic Disorder

Abstract in French Au cours de la preacutesente eacutetude nous faisons la description systeacutematique, du point de vue neurolinguistique et interactionnel, de deux enfants de sexe feacuteminin souffrant de deacutesordres seacutemantico-pragmatiques, ces derniers formant un sous-groupe au sein du groupe des deacutesordres speacutecifiques les plus aigus du deacuteveloppement du langage. Nous avaIn the present study we provide thorough descriptions of two children with a semantic-pragmatic disorder, a subgroup within the group of specific and severe developmental language disorders, from a neurolinguistic and interactional perspective. We argue that the pragmatic problems, at least in these two girls, are most probably secondary to their semantic'conceptual deficit. If sufficient contextu

Photoinduced electron transfer between a carotenoid and TiO2 nanoparticle

The dynamics of photoinduced electron injection and recombination between all-trans-8'-apo-beta-caroten-8'-oic acid (ACOA) and a TiO2 Colloidal nanoparticle have been studied by means of transient absorption spectroscopy. We observed an ultrafast (similar to360 fs) electron injection from the initially excited S-2 state of ACOA into the TiO2 conduction band with a quantum yield of similar to40%. A

Knee rotation in healthy individuals related to age and gender.

An external device ("the Rottometer") was especially designed to measure passive knee rotation in vivo. The device had earlier been evaluated with respect to it's validity and reliability. In the present study, we evaluated knee rotation in knee-healthy individuals and studied possible age and gender related differences. Measurements of total internal-external rotation were made at 90°, 60°, and 3

Lifelong prophylaxis in a large cohort of adult patients with severe haemophilia: a beneficial effect on orthopaedic outcome and quality of life.

Background: In the 1950s, Sweden initiated prophylaxis as a lifelong treatment for haemophilia. It was the first country to do so. Objective: To describe and evaluate dosing and outcome of prophylactic treatment in a large cohort of adult people with severe haemophilia who have been using prophylaxis most of their lives. Methods: Eighty-one patients born between 1932 and1992 were divided into two

Fennoscandia revisited: a spatially improved tree-ring reconstruction of summer temperatures for the last 900 years

Despite the spatially homogenous summer temperaturepattern in Fennoscandia, there are large spreadsamong the many existing reconstructions, resulting in anuncertainty in the timing and amplitude of past changes.Also, there has been a general bias towards northernmostFennoscandia. In an attempt to provide a more spatiallycoherent view of summer (June–August, JJA) temperaturevariability within the l

Toxicity and Dose Response of Intra-Abdominally Administered Poly-L-alpha-Lysine and Poly-L-Glutamate for Postoperative Adhesion Protection.

Background/Aims: Two differently charged polypeptides, poly-L-lysine (PL) and poly-L-glutamate (PG), have previously been shown to reduce postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions. This study aims to investigate the possible toxic effects and to establish a lowest effective antiadhesive dose. Methods: 152 mice were investigated with a well-known adhesion model and given different concentrations of t

How vitamin A metabolizing dendritic cells are generated in the gut mucosa.

CD103(+) dendritic cells (DCs) represent the major migratory DC population in the intestinal lamina propria and are believed to play an essential role in the initiation and regulation of mucosal adaptive immune responses. Small intestine (SI) CD103(+) DCs have an enhanced capacity to generate the vitamin A metabolite, retinoic acid, a property that underlies their ability to induce the gut homing