

Din sökning på "*" gav 532947 sökträffar

Institutions and development: The Italian Chambers of Commerce in the promotion of the regional industrialisation during the 19th century

The research analyses the relationship between the establishment of the Italian Chambers of Commerce and the regional industrial development during the 19th century. By applying an OLS regression model, the work finds a positive, strong, and significant correlation between the Chambers’ functioning years and the industrial value-added of their administrated territory. The study offers supporting e

Färgpåverkan i sociala medier

Examensarbetets titel: Färgpåverkan på sociala medier Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Linda Hussein, Benhur Teclensenbet och Jamal Abu Handledare: Johan Gromark Fem nyckelord: Sociala medier, Varumärkespersonlighet, Köpintention, Färger, Köpbeteende Forskningsfråga: Påverkar användningen av färg på soTitle: Color impact on social media Seminar date: 3rd June 2022 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr) Authors: Linda Hussein, Benhur Teclensenbet and Jamal Abu Advisor/s: Johan Gromark Key words: Social Media, Brand personality, Purchase intentions, Colors, Consumer behavior. Research q

Predicerar relationen till ens ledare och personlighet arbetstillfredsställelse? En empirisk studie.

Människor spenderar en betydande del av sitt liv i arbete. I relation till detta är arbetstillfredsställelse viktigt för anställda och organisationer. Denna studie ämnade undersöka hur personlighet och relationen till ledare predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse. Personlighet mättes utifrån teorin om de fem personlighetsfaktorerna (Big Five), medan relation till ledare mättes genom Leader-member excPeople spend a substantial amount of their life at work. In relation to this job satisfaction is important for employees and organizations. The study’s aim was to examine if employee’s job satisfaction is predicted by personality and relationship to one’s leader. Personality was measured through the theory of five personality factors (Big Five), whilst relationship to one’s leader was measured thr

Semiconducting TiO2 for High Performance Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions

Ferroelektricitet upptäcktes först 1921 av professorn Joseph Valasek i kaliumnatriumtartrat, ett ämne som är mer känt som "Rochelle salt". Valasek beskrev likheten mellan ferroelektricitet och det redan då väl beskrivna ferromagnetismen. Likt ferromagnetiska material och deras permanenta magnetiska poler uppvisar ferroelektiska material en permanent elektrisk polarisation, en separation The ferroelectric tunnel junction FTJ is a rather old concept but has recently been in the spotlight for its promising properties in computer memory technology and neuromorphic computing. The device consists of a ferroelectric insulator sandwiched between two electrodes, and by polarisation switching the resistance along the heterostructure can drastically be adjusted. The optimisation possibili

Push Brake System on a Bike Trailer

In this thesis, an investigation is done about the possibility to integrate electronic push brakes on a bicycle trailer. The bicycle trailer is a multifunctional trailer used when running, bicycling, or skiing. By conducting a concept developing process, this investigation aims to build a full-scale mock-up, that can be used as a proof of concept. The problem is divided into four sub-problems; bra

Comparing characterizations of Carmichael numbers for computation

This paper examines the properties of Carmichael numbers with the aim of constructing an algorithm for computation. This includes a recently published characterization, whose applications in computing are studied. The resulting algorithm is then described and a run time comparison with an older algorithm is presented.

Sowing the Seeds of Growth: Swedish Natural Capital Growth Accounting from 1850 to 2010

Exploring the contributing factors of economic growth is a long-standing research field in economic study. However, natural capital stock has been widely excluded from this investigation. This thesis attempts to include natural capital stock in an augmented Solow growth model utilizing Swedish national accounts from 1850 to 2010. The model found that Swedish natural capital stock played a limited

Growing up with a bowl of white rice: An analysis on multidimensional rural poverty in Vietnam

Deprivations and inequalities caused by poverty have social and economic consequences that prevent the poor from affording the most basic needs and thus, their eradication is crucial for a more equal world. However, existing studies on rural poverty in low-income nations are rare and often focus on the impact of economic indicators. Using the mixed methods of combining quantitative data with docum

Psychological Safety in a Hybrid Work Environment – a new Challenge for Managers

Several studies have shown psychological safety to be one of the leading factors in creating an effective team. Nevertheless, there is very little academic research studying the challenges that appear in a hybrid work environment or which practices in fostering psychological safety may need to be adapted to create an effective team in such a work environment. With the growing trend of the hybrid w

Multiplayer entertainment on short-haul flights

As technology advances and traditional ways of entertainment now can be found in the palm of one’s hand, the consumer expectations are higher than ever. This has created a greater demand by airline passengers for varied entertainment options on their flights. To keep up with the current demands, the development process aims to create an enticing multiplayer experience for passengers on short-haul

Schaktad matjord, avfall eller resurs? En rätts- och hållbarhetsanalys av återvinning och deponering av avfallsklassad matjord

Världen står inför stora utmaningar när det gäller miljö- och klimatförändringar. För att bemöta detta finns svensk och internationell miljölagstiftning och hållbarhetsmål. I detta ingår regleringar och förslag till åtgärder gällande avfallshantering och hantering av naturresurser. Byggbranschen är den sektor som genererar störst mängd avfall i Sverige, en stor del av detta består av schaktmassor.The world is facing challenges when it comes to environmental and climate changes. To address this Swedish and international environmental legislation and sustainability goals have been developed. In these measures management of waste and natural resources are included. The construction industry is the sector that generates the largest amount of waste in Sweden. When excavating there is usually ex

Computation models for audiovisual attention decoding

When being in a noisy environment, a normal hearing person can manage to sort out background noise and focus on the attended source. This is something that a person with impaired hearing will struggle with, even when wearing a hearing aid. Research for developing intelligent hearing aids has not yet come up with a solution for solving this problem and more research is needed. This thesis uses data

Hur hjälper vi de unga männen? Behandlares upplevelse av att underlätta behandling och hjälpsökande för unga män med psykisk ohälsa

Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares subjektiva upplevelse av hur behandling och hjälpsökande kan underlättas för unga män med psykisk ohälsa. Data genererades genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med elva deltagare. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom en kritisk-realistisk och reflexiv tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades. Det första temat “Har unga män särskiThe aim of this study was to examine counselors’ subjective experience of how to facilitate psychological treatment and help seeking among young men with mental illness. Data was generated through semi-structured interviews with eleven participants. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a critical-realist and reflective thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified. The first t

Olycksfall-, Incident- och riskobservationsrapport för en säkrare byggbransch.

Sammanfattningsvis har studieförfattaren kommit fram till att vad gäller rapportering förhållandet inom de intervjuade företagen, använder de sig av ett digital rapporteringssystem där alla medarbetare har en skyldighet att rapportera Detta gör att olyckor, incidenter samt riskobservationer utreds för att identifiera fel och genom det åtgärda förekommande fel. Det visar även sig i studie resultateIn summary, the study author has concluded that in terms of the reporting relationship within the interviewed companies, they use a digital reporting system where all employees have an obligation to report. This means that accidents, incidents and risk observations are investigated to identify errors and through action wrong. It also shows in the study results that both companies have shortcomings

Energieffektivisering av miljonprogramshus - vid renovering när fasaden ska bevaras

Klimatfrågan är en av de mest aktuella frågorna i dagens samhälle som upptar stort fokus inom många områden. Ett sätt att minska utsläpp och klimatpåverkan är att reducera samhällets energianvändning. Byggnader står idag för en betydande del av energianvändningen i samhället och är därför ett viktigt område för att nå uppsatta klimatmål. Vid nyproduktion av byggnader läggs stor fokus på att upprätIn 2019 buildings and services stood for 39 % of Sweden's total energy use. In new construction of buildings there is a great focus placed at establishing environmentally friendly buildings with good energy performance. But a large part of Sweden's property portfolio consists of older buildings where energy performance and comfort are low. Many of these older buildings also have a cultural

Employee perceptions post-M&A and why it is important

Purpose: This study aims to examine changes in the acquired company’s MCS post-M&A and how the employees perceive this change. Further, the purpose is to investigate how employees' perceptions affect the employees’ motivation and identity. Methodology: This study follows a qualitative research approach by analyzing an acquired company in the logistic industry. Data was collected through s

The Effect of Anticholinergic Medications on People living with Dementia: A Systematic Literature Review.

Abstract: Background: Dementia is a global public health concern as it causes high dependency of the patients with Dementia (PwD) on their families and the community. Dementia is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder for the elderly often associated with many comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney diseases, etc. which require different medications for treatment. The use of A