

Din sökning på "*" gav 534571 sökträffar

Investigation of Machine Learning Applicability on Mobile Device Diagnostics for Quality Prediction

Sony Mobile Communications (SoMC) perpetually collect large amounts of prototype device data into their database which is used for analysing their devices. Different areas are analysed individually using this data but no general model exists which encapsulates the overall performance. A desired model would include information from the different key performance areas and utilise machine learning wi

”Everyone seems to be white…” En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet expatriate i en postkolonial kontext

Expatriate är en gränsöverskridande identitet i dagens globala samhälle som förknippas med en tillfällig arbetsposition utomlands. Den kritik som riktats mot begreppet, att det är ett begrepp reserverat för Vita västerlänningar, går i linje med en postkolonial teoretisk strävan att problematisera de begrepp och språkliga gränsdragningar som används i den globala diskursen. Uppsatsens syfte är att

Black-Litterman Portfolio Allocation Stability and Financial Performance with MGARCH-M Derived Views

2 Abstract This paper deploys methodology typically utilized in financial econometrics, namely univariate and multivariate GARCH-M forecasting techniques, as inputs into the Black-Litterman asset allocation process. While previous works have examined the usefulness in deploying select GARCH specifications as a source for the required Black-Litterman views vector, to the best of our knowledge, this

Physiology of Caulobacter crescentus grown on different carbon sources

Freshwater, obligate aerobic, Gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus strain CB2 is able to metabolise various types of carbon sources. In this degree project, growth characterization of C.crescentus was made on different substrates including glucose, xylose, and mannose using shake-flask cultivations and bioreactor experiments. Special emphasis was put on the xylose degradation pathway, th

Att överföra innehåll i ett nytt format – Strukturella skillnader vid översättning av en populärvetenskaplig text om Spirited Away

Denna magisteruppsats är baserad på översättningen av ett utdrag från boken Spirited Away(2008) som är skriven av den brittiska journalisten Andrew Osmond och handlar om den japanska animerade filmen med samma namn. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys som tar avstamp i den analysmodell som presenteras av Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledin i Vägar genom texten – Handbok i brukstextanalys (1997). Te

The Process of Making Change Stick for Corporate Sustainability

Nowadays companies need to consider sustainability issues if they wish to operate in harmony with society and the environment and to leverage their resources efficiently in the long run. Sustainability issues often become the drivers for organizational change due to external pressures and demands. As it takes time for sustainability efforts to bear fruit, companies need to remain committed to the

Quantification of total antioxidant potential and its penetration through skin regarding cosmetic relevant formulation: An electrochemical assay

Människans hud består av flera olika hudlager som tillsammans bygger upp ett viktigt skydd mot den yttre miljön. Ett populärt sätt för att få aktiva substanser att gå igenom huden är genom att använda sig av så kallade ”cosmeceuticals”, ett mellanting mellan hudvårdsprodukter och läkemedel. Kosmetikaindustrin hävdar att dessa ska ha effekt, dock saknas många studier för att styrka dessa påstående.The skin is the outermost barrier that protects our body by performing several functions that is crucial for our survival. It prevents hazardous microorganisms in the outer environment from entering the body as well as preserving the inside by regulating heat and water loss from the body. Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products which contains active ingredients that induces drug-like effects. For t

Applying FARSITE and Prometheus on the Västmanland Fire, Sweden (2014) : fire growth simulation as a measure against forest fire spread : a model suitability study

År 2014 drabbades Västmanland län i Sverige av en allvarlig skogsbrand som växte till att täcka drygt 13 000 ha. På grund av vädersituationen klarade räddningstjänsten inte av att hantera branden, vilken resulterade i att bli den största branden i Sverige sedan mitten av 1900-talet. Året efter branden rapporterade Myndigheten för Sam- hällskydd och Beredskap ett behov av ökad beredskap för allvarlIn 2014, the Västmanland County in Sweden suffered from a severe forest fire that grew to a size of roughly 13000ha. Recent and prevailing weather conditions made the fire overpower the extinguishing ability of the Swedish emergency services, and it ran out of control to become the largest forest fire in Sweden since the middle of the 20th century. The year after the fire, a need to increase the e

Organic farming’s role in adaptation to and mitigation of climate change : an overview of ecological resilience and a model case study

Jordbruk är avgörande för människans överlevnad och idag står det inför många problem relaterade till både klimatförändringar och en ökande befolkning. Medan ökande totalskördar under 1900-talet har skapat förutsättningar både för global ekonomisk tillväxt och för befolkningstillväxt, har de jordbruksmetoder som används ofta fört med sig negativa konsekvenser både för ekosystem och människor. JordAgriculture is essential for human survival and today it faces many problems related to both climate change and an increasing population. While increased total yields during the 20th century have created the conditions for both global economic and population growth, the agricultural practices utilized have often had detrimental consequences both for ecosystems and people. The agricultural sector i

A Framework for Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management

Title A Framework for Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management Background Since the Bitcoin currency prices received huge increments, researchers and industries started to ask what makes this currency so unique, and how can we harness the technology behind it. This research is about exploring Blockchain Technology applications in the Supply Chain Management field. Different ca

Drilling for time: ice cores and the synchronization of temporalities in glaciology, 1935-1978

Since their emergence in the 1950’s, ice cores have ventured from being scientific objects of concern to a limited number of glaciologists to becoming one of the most iconic representations of anthropogenic climate change. This thesis aims to historicize the way in which ice cores became enrolled into climate discourse, particularly emphasizing the production and representation of temporalities of

Vår väg mot de andra -En dokumentanalys av Nordiska motståndsrörelsens skapande av en högerextrem identitet genom manifestet Vår väg

Studien tar utgångspunkt i våldsbejakande extrema miljöer och hur dessa skapar och förmedlar en bild av sig själva som starka utifrån svagare samhällsgrupper. Den organisation som har analyserats är Nordiska motståndsrörelsen (hädanefter förkortat NMR) och deras manifest Vår väg, i vilket de uttrycker sin ideologiska övertygelse. I det empiriska materialet har två retoriska teman uppmärksammats oc

En fallstudie i Landskrona gällande möjlighet att inrätta miljöriskområde för förorenad mark

Giftig mark i Landskrona. Avfall har dumpats under lång tid. Det finns giftiga ämnen i marken i Landskronas östra industriområde. Detta har konstaterats i ett examensarbete i miljövetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Markprover visar att jorden innehåller de giftiga ämnena arsenik och bly i höga nivåer. Sanering eller förbud mot grävning måste införas för att människor inte ska påverkas. Många fastiIn the city of Landskrona, in the southwest of Sweden, the eastern industrial area is partially filled with householdjavascript:changeTab('additionalInformation') waste, resulting in contamination throughout the area. Since it is not considered reasonable to carry out full remediation in the area, the environmental department in Landskrona is interested in establishing an environmental ris

The Role of Teacher Gender on Students’ Academic Performance

A prominent class of explanations for the gender gap in student performance focuses on the gender based interactions between students and teachers. This has led to a rise in discussions in education talks centred on controversial claims that teachers consistently privilege boys over girls. In this study, I examine whether assignment to a same sex teacher influences student performance. The empiric

The heterogeneous pervasiveness of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO)

Research Question Does EO manifest in heterogeneous manners along the vertical dimension of an organisation, and if so why? Purpose To gain a deeper understanding of how EO is manifested within organisations and why the pervasiveness of EO could be manifested in an heterogeneous manner throughout an organisation. Theoretical Perspectives Corporate entrepreneurship, EO, entrepreneurial spirals and

Design of an Optimal Analogue Microphone System for Best Possible Capture of Incoming Acoustic Signals

This project examines how to achieve the best possible capture of incoming acoustic signals in a surveillance camera without overspending. This will be done by designing a complete analogue microphone system to be integrated into a surveillance camera and identify the critical stages in terms of performance. The project will cover the complete analogue signal chain from incoming acoustic signals t

Kuratorns interprofessionella möten: En kvalitativ analys av sjukhuskuratorers erfarenheter av interprofessionellt samarbete

In hospitals, several professions need to collaborate to be able to offer patients the best care possible. The aim of this study was therefore to examine and analyse counselors experiences of interprofessional collaboration on hospital clinics within Skånes University Hospital (SUS). The study consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews of four hospital social workers. The interviewees were

Hatbrott: en undersökning av hatbrottsoffrens attityder till polisen och deras anmälningsbenägenhet

The aim of this essay is to investigate how victims’ tendencies to report a hate crime to the police is influenced by their level of trust towards the Police. The method used was based on a qualitative data-collection, consisting of eleven interviews. The interviews were carried out with people who considered themselves to have been exposed to hate crimes, but also with police employees specialise

Embracing the Tides of Organizational Change - Explorations of the fixed-flexible continuum in attitudes towards organizational change

Purpose: The purpose of our research is to explore how employees who claim to embrace change consider the impact of personality and other factors as a reason for this attitude. Research questions: (1) How do individual employees who claim to embrace change talk about the impact of personality on their attitude towards change? (2) How do individual employees who claim to embrace change talk about