

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

En studie över Nova Lunds resvanor - Kan andelen hållbara arbetsresor utökas med lånecykelsystemet Lundahoj

Ökade koldioxidutsläpp från köpcentrum utanför city Handelsplatser utanför städers stadskärnor kan, på grund av billigare markytor och lägre hyror, erbjuda konkurrenskraftiga priser jämfört med handel i citylägen. Externa handelsplatser är konkurrenskraftiga i jämförelse med andra handelsplatser, på grund av det stora utbud av varor som erbjuds under ett och samma tak, sena öppettider och tillgåOut-town-shopping leads to an increase in greenhouse gases. The increase in greenhouse gases is generated by the added transportation of fossile fules run vehicles to the location of the shopping malls. The aim of this study is to analyse how employees’ travels to the out-of-town work place, the shopping mall Nova 1, in Lund. The analyse is made to find out whether it is possible to increase the s

Integration och olikhetskapande: en kritisk analys av integrationsdebatten

Integrationspolitiken har under senare år blivit ett allt mer prioriterat område. På grund av ett förändrat klimat runt om i världen med krig och förföljelse är det idag fler människor på flyende fot än under andra världskriget. I takt med ett ökat mottagande i Sverige presenteras nya förslag inom integrationspolitiken. Enligt Ipsos marknadsundersökning är idag integration och invandring den näst In the last few years the interest for integration policy has gotten more and more attention. New policy suggestions from the leading parties have drawn the attention to problem solving in the integration debate. Problem representations that suggests new ways in which the migrants conditions for being integrated in the society relies on that there is a problem that needs to be solved. The main pur

Migration, Remittances and Education: A Review of the Educational Performance of Left-behind Children in Rural China

The massive rural-urban population flow has been proceeding in China for decades ever since the 1980s. Millions of labor migrants move to industrialized cities for a better future for themselves, as well as their families. The increasing amount of migrants has led to the phenomenon of the “left-behind”. Among the left-behind group, left-behind children seem to be at a relatively vulnerable situati

“El río es vida” Afro-Colombian resistance to externally driven mining in the river Yurumanguí

Large-scale mining has been declared to be a central development strategy of Colombia which has caused the emergence of resistance movements of peasant, ethno-territorial and indigenous groups. This study analyses the concept of resistance in the framework of the Afro-Colombian community of the river Yurumanguí. This community has managed to keep its territory free from externally driven mining an

Socialsekreterares arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie sett ur enhetschefernas perspektiv

The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding of how Unit Heads within the Swedish social services view the work environment of social workers in social welfare offices. The study was based on six social services Unit Heads from the southern part of Sweden. Semi structured interviews were used to examine what different factors affect the social workers in social welfare offices work envi

Travelling Football Fans & Hotel Selection

The aim of this study is to investigate the hotel attributes that affect selection by football fans when travelling away from home to participate in a sport event. Attributes that identified in previous researches were segmented into five major sets and the most common and relevant to the purposes of this study were chosen to form the questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed through online c

Why Arab-Muslim Women in War Matters: A Case Study Analysis of Women in the United Arab Emirates' Armed Forces

Knowledge about women’s participation in combat roles, yet alone in national armed forces in the Arab countries is very limited. Although more women are acquiring access to combat roles worldwide, most scholarly investigations have focused on servicewomen in the West. As the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is emerging as a rampant participant in international relations and it contributes forces to glob

The Justice Problem: Individualising Consensus in a Dissenting World of Moral Pluralism

Justice, in the broadest sense of equality and fairness, is a cornerstone aspect of our abilities, as human beings, to lead individual lives in the way we choose according to what we see as the right or the good way to live. A catalyst for any debate over a theory of justice, Immanuel Kant’s work provides a fundamental basis from which we should begin to understand why society, with justice as a k

An Analysis of Volatility Spillover and Contagion Effects to the Frontier Markets

This thesis investigates the volatility spillover and contagion effects to the frontier markets from the developed markets and emerging markets and tries to identify if there exists any potential volatility effect which may have impact on the investment decision of these markets. In view of the growing globalization, financial markets become increasingly interdependent and the chances for the vola

Tackling Violence Against Women through Human Rights Law-Inspired Approaches (With Observations from the Philippines).

Violence against women (“VAW”) is a global matter; and human rights law-inspired approaches, also universal in nature (it is argued), can be the missing link in tackling a global problem. In underlining the universal applicability of human rights standards, principles and norms; it is suggested that drawing inspiration from human rights-based approaches would contribute to implementation of holist

Evaluation of Örtofta Power plant

During the fall of 2014 Kraftringen who is the company that owns the Örtofta Power plant made a decision to perform a group of tests on their plant to establish the performance of the turbine. The Örtofta power plant is a biomass-fuelled plant and is because of this classified as a zero-admission power plant. The goal of these test were to establish the performance of the turbine. The tests were

Influence of Parents’ Involvement on Children’s Education: A Study of Tertiary Education in European Countries

This Master Thesis analyzes how beneficial parental involvement is for third level education of an individual. Effects derived from parental behavior are measured based on new data on a larger scale compared to previous research, and by exploiting so far unused involvement variables. For the measurement a logit regression is applied to European Value Study data, for a selection of thirteen countri

Coordinated urban and rural development in China - A Comparative Study of Shanghai and Chengdu

China is generally regarded as a country that has successfully achieved rapid economic development and rapid urbanization over the last three decades. But, in the course of this process, spatial inequalities in the country and the rural-urban divide within the city increase. That has led to the consolidation of the country’s dual economic structure. In 2003, the Chinese government implemented the

Refugees Don’t Drink Wine, But Gay Men Should : Exploring the Intersections of Refugeehood, Sexuality and Nationality among Gay Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

This thesis explores the experiences of self-identified gay Syrian men in Lebanon, all of whom have either registered or have expressed a desire to register with the UNHCR. The empirical data, which was collected through semi-structured interviews with five men during the autumn of 2014 in Beirut, questions what it means to be simultaneously gay, Syrian, and a refugee in Lebanon in the current cli

Learning to change the rules of the game : institutional capacity for social learning in Helsingborg's climate change adaptation process

Adapting to climate change impacts is crucial as changes due to climate change are already locked in and will occur independently of reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies in climate change adaptation literature have cited that social learning is beneficial for increasing adaptive capacity. The capacity for social learning is governed by the degree of flexibility of the institution

The impact of credit rating progression on U.S. M&A payment methods – Pre & Post Global Financial Crisis: A comparative perspective

The aim of this study is to investigate impact of 2008 Global Financial Crisis on the choice of M&A payment methods, more specifically, how M&A payment methods are influenced by credit rating progression pre and post crisis. The methods used are Ordinary Least Squares and Multinomial probit regressions. The dependent variables for the OLS model is fraction of cash with credit rating level

Borrningsteknikens påverkan vid provtagning inför dimensionering av formationsfilter

Rapporten undersöker betydelsen för val av borrmetod när en formationsfilterbrunn ska dimens-ioneras. Dimensionering av filtrets slitsvidd görs med utgångspunkt från kornstorleksanalyser genom provtagning av borrkax. Ett formationsfilter byggs upp genom att tvätta bort en stor del av det finkorniga materialet i ett sedi-ment och låta de grövre partiklarna fungera som ett naturligt grusfilter runt This report examines the significance for the choice of drilling methods when dimensioning a formation well screen. Dimensioning the slot openings of the well screen is done by studying sediment samples by sieve anal-ysis. The sieve analysis shows the abundance of the particle size distribution in the aquifer, and the particles sam-pled should therefore give an adequate description of the real con

Behavioural field experiments assessing the habitat and host preference of D. sechellia in the wild

The extensive studies on D. sechellia have made it a familiar example of chemosen-sory evolution and speciation. This specialist drosphilid species is well-known for its ability to tolerate and actively seek out its toxic host Morinda citrifolia (noni). It was originally thought that this toxic fruit was the exclusive host of D. sechellia because most drosophilids cannot tolerate and are deterred

Föreställningen om mjölk – en kritisk diskursanalys av kommunikationen på mjolk.se

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en organisation kan upprätthålla en viss föreställning genom strategisk kommunikation. Detta uppnås genom det empiriska exemplet mjölk, ett livsmedel som under lång tid framställts som objektivt, naturligt och vetenskapligt, vilket lett till en etablerad föreställning om att mjölk är nödvändig i vår dagliga kost. Syftet uppfylls genom en foucauldiansk kriThis thesis aims to investigate how an organization can maintain a certain conception through strategic communication. This is achieved by the empirical example of milk, a food that is looked upon as something objective, natural and scientific, which has led to an established conception that milk is essential in our daily diet. The purpose of the thesis is met by a foucauldian critical discourse a

The Impact of Personal Experience on the Thematisation of Issues Related to Data Protection

This study explores the plausibility of the thesis that the thematisation of issues re-lated to data protection is affected by the degree to which an issue can be experi-enced personally. In drawing a line from issues management theory to agenda-setting and the theory of news value, this study demonstrates that knowledge about thematisation struc-tures is central to issues management and that pre