

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Giftfri förskola i Hässleholms kommun. Inventering av fyra förskolor – nuläge och åtgärder

Material och produkter som kan innehålla hälsofarliga ämnen förekommer på förskolor i Hässleholms kommun. Bristande kunskap och rutiner bidrar även till barns exponering för dessa ämnen. Det är av vikt att man arbetar långsiktigt för giftfria förskolor. Åtgärder finns, och en hel del kan göras omgående för att minimera problemet. Användningen av kemikalier har ökat markant de senaste decennierna.During the last decades the production and consumption of chemicals has increased dramatically. We know that some chemicals are hazardous for humans and the environment but for most of them our knowledge is limited. Children are very sensitive to hazardous substances compared to adults because of their undeveloped bodies and different behavior. Due to lacking knowledge and regulation of chemicals

Is Less Work Better Work? A shorter working week from a managerial viewpoint

Visionaries around the world are advocating for a shorter working week, and there is a reason behind it. Long working hours have been shown to impede productivity while a reduction in working hours increases work-life balance. Future generations’ economic and environmental sustainability may furthermore benefit from a shorter working week. Through a redistribution of working hours, equality and em

Innovation in composite additive manufacturing

This master thesis contains an overview of existing additive manufacturing methods and considers possible new methods. The purpose being to develop a method for additive manufacturing that can create 3D objects with composite material and/or out of metal. Further this method should work on a low cost additive manufacturing machine. A development process is used in order to select an appropriate me

A geophysical study of a drumlin in the Åsnen area, Småland, south Sweden

The sediment composition of drumlins in the Åsnen area in Småland, south Sweden is poorly studied. Excavations are being planned with intention to study the internal architecture and composition of these drumlins. As a preliminary investigation this thesis was done to determine the sediment depths in the tail of a drumlin at Rörvik gård, situated on Vemboö in Lake Åsnen. To determine the sediment

En kvalitativ studie om svenska damfotbollsspelares överdivet hälsosamma kosthållning ur ett spelarperspektiv

Några av de viktigaste spelarna i det svenska damlandslaget väger för lite för att kunna prestera maximalt under VM. Få studier är gjorda om relationen mellan kvinnliga fotbollsspelare och kroppsuppfattning. Studien ämnar att undersöka spelarnas egen uppfattning och förståelse av den hälsosamma kosthållningen och oviljan att gå upp i vikt. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes för att öka insikten

The warring gods of sustainability : approaches to sustainability within capitalism

There is no answer to the question “Are sustainability challenges solvable within capitalism?” which is not already taking sides in a debate about values, perceptions and motivations. There are several different approaches to sustainability, based on assumed feasibilities and expected agents of change. By disclosing one’s own stand in the debate while being aware and acknowledging other possible a

Determinants of smartphone shopping adoption: Key factors for online shopping of consumer goods through smartphones in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis was to examine key factors for adoption of online shopping of consumer goods through smartphones in Sweden. Previous research on online shopping and m-commerce was reviewed and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al. 2003) was chosen. Interviews were conducted with 11 online shoppers and 5 industry experts to explore current

Regional Migration in Sweden: A study on the determinants of out-migration connected to Swedish municipal disparities.

The thesis studies internal migration patterns in Sweden in respect to regional disparities between urban and rural municipalities. Sweden, with many other developed countries, is struggling with depopulation in rural regions, which in the long run can cause problems maintaining services and fundamental institutions in the municipality. As the main responsibility of municipalities is to maintain t

Undermining environmental justice? : community-company conflicts with La Colosa gold mine in Cajamarca, Colombia

Colombian government pursues an extractive-led development trajectory in which mining is considered as a key factor for reviving the economy. However, while mining has been important in the economic development of some countries, it has also been associated to conflicts, product of its high environmental impact and, in many cases, unequal distribution of benefits. “La Colosa” is a gold open pit mi

Sustainability and Data Collection in the Smart City - A Case Study of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Tracking Project in Copenhagen

Denna studie granskar det urbana hållbarhetsarbetet i Köpenhamn, nämligen deras ”Smart city”- strategi, med fokus på ett specifikt spårningsprojekt som staden startat. Några aspekter som tas upp är integritet, medborgardeltagande och transparens. Som en konsekvens av en ökande urbanisering står städer världen över inför flera urbana utmaningar som kräver att de förändrar hur de planerar och arbeCities around the world are facing a multitude of urban challenges that demand that they change the way they plan and think about their city, with one of the ways of approaching sustainability being the Smart city. A core feature of the Smart city is the idea of collecting large quantities of data on the city, big data, which is then used in various city solutions. In the wake of this, several que

Role of Aid Recipient Countries Need, Human Rights and Governance in Aid Allocation

This study estimates the responsiveness of Official development assistance (ODA) to aid recipient countries’ needs, human rights, and governance. To attain the objective the author forms a multiple linear regression model where net ODA per capita is the dependent variable and GDP per capita, infant mortality rate, adult literacy rate, civil liberties and government effectiveness are the explanator

Leder djupare frihandelsavtal till handelsomfördelning? - En studie av frihandelsavtalet mellan Sydkorea och EU

I denna uppsats redogör och analyserar vi för den nya generationens mer omfattande frihandelsavtal och dess handelsfrämjande åtgärder. Vi har med inspiration från de pågående förhandlingarna om det transatlantiska frihandels- och investeringsavtalet (TTIP) valt att studera vilka handelseffekter frihandelsavtal kan resultera i. I uppsatsen har vi valt att undersöka om det frihandelsavtal som slöts

Utvärdering av miljöersättning för odlingslandskapets värdefulla träd

Träd i odlingslandskapet är livsviktiga för många djur och växter. I öppna landskap erbjuder träden skydd, skugga och solvärmda stammar till nytta för insekter, mossor, lavar, svampar, fåglar och fladdermöss. Gamla träd med håligheter har extra höga naturvärden. I samband med intensifiering av jordbruket har många träd försvunnit från odlingslandskapet i Sverige och i flera andra länder. Den sveTrees in agricultural landscapes are vital to many threatened animal and plant species. Intensified agricultural methods have led to a decreasing number of trees in agricultural landscapes in Sweden as well as in many other countries. The Swedish government has chosen to invest in environmental support for farmers who contribute to a better environment. Farmers have been able to apply for economic

"Den som tiger samtycker?" Om beslutsoförmögnas samtycke till vård

Frågeställningen i detta arbete rör i vilket omfång det allmännas vård och omsorg av beslutsoförmögna individer kan sägas utföras med grund i lag eller om dessa ingrepp i huvudsak är olagliga. Utgångspunkten tas i regeringsformen 2 kap 6 § 1 (RF) var man, sammanfattningsvis, kan säga att ett ingrepp, i betydelsen ett påtvingat kroppsligt ingrepp, är grundlagsstridigt. För att ett kroppsligt ingrepDaily, doctors, and other health care personal throughout Sweden are, probably unknowingly, faced with, the legally difficult task of caring for mentally incompetent patients. This essay seeks out to analyze, to which legal extent, a provider of public healthcare has the actual legal right to provide medical care for mentally incompetent persons when theese persons are not protesting nor able to g

Informationskvalitets påverkan på beslutstagande

En trend som pågått under de tio senaste åren är att företag går från större centraliserade modelldrivna BIS till mindre användardrivna system. När användare själv driver analysverktygen och skapar sina egna rapporter så är det, jämfört med toppstyrda system, mer fritt att skapa information på olika kriterier. Därför ligger det ett större ansvar att informationsinnehållet och strukturen i BIS håll

Does Hedging Increase Firm Value?

In an uncertain financial world, corporate risk management has become an important element of a firm’s overall business strategy. The ability to manage risk will help companies act more confidently on future business decisions. Their knowledge of the risks they are facing will give them various options on how to deal with potential problems. One of the most popular risk management programs that fi

Market Value Approximation Using Multiples: An Investigation of American Large-, Mid-, and Small-Cap Stocks

The aim of this paper is to provide answers to questions related to valuation accuracy and error determinants by investigating the US market over the last 15 years (2000-2014). The first questions are related to the market efficiency in its weak form, while the rest of the paper is focused on valuation accuracy using the multiples approach and the error determinant variables that can influence the

”Vi har våra rättigheter, men endast på papper. I verkligheten finns dessa inte.” En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors bemötande av polisen i Serbien.

Studiens syfte har varit att studera våldsutsatta kvinnors bemötande av polisen samt vilka behov kvinnan ger uttryck för, under och efter den våldsamma händelsen. De frågeställningar som har berörts är följande: Vilka upplevelser har de våldsutsatta kvinnorna avseende polisens bemötande i Serbien och hur påverkar mötet med polisen den våldsutsatta kvinnans vidare utredning? För att kunna svara på The study's purpose has been to, based on abused women's experiences, examine their experience of the encounter with the police in Serbia and their needs, during and after the the violent incident. The questions for this study were following: What experiences does the abused women have regarding police treatment in Serbia and how does the encounter with the police affect her further invest

Standardization vs. Adaption within Advertising

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to fill the research gap as previous research on the topic of interest lacks a country specific research on how culture effects standardization vs. adaptation by MNCs in emergent markets, in context to a specific advertising strategy. By providing a unique cross-cultural study on five different emergent markets (China, Pakistan, Mexico, Turkey and CWAR) the re