

Din sökning på "*" gav 533081 sökträffar

Områdetsutveckling i Kalmar - Ny vision för Kalmarsundsparken

The coastal city of Kalmar is known as an attractive summer destination, both locally and internationally. The coast has long been included as one of the municipality’s priority goals. In its city development vision, the municipality strives to utilize the coast and take it into consideration in urban planning. On the other hand, Kalmar has a historic character, which is visible through its urban

Titanium alloys Mechanical properties and microstructure transformation

Titans struktur Förhållandet mellan materialets struktur och dess egenskaper. När man känner till egenskaperna hos ett material så kan optimala tillverkningsprocesser framställas baserat på denna kunskap. För produkter tillverkade av titan kan detta vara extra viktigt då produkterna ofta används i kritiska tillämpningar i t.ex. rymdraketer eller flygplan. I flygplansmotorer används titanlegeringaAbstract The aim of the project is to determine the mechanical properties and the microstructure with a to b transformation of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The experiments made were tensile tests at temperatures 20, 400 and 800C and SEM images before and after inductive methods. Ti-6Al-4V is one of the most used types of alloy mainly because it has good qualities in strength, corrosion resistance

Licensing Activation Solution

This thesis is developed with collaboration and on behalf of Tetra Pak AB. The assignment was to create an internal system to manage site information and a license server to validate licenses. These systems are uniquely tailored for Tetra Pak’s requirements and the software they want to license. The internal system manages data that the sales division enters and creates text files from that site c

Practical Aspects of Reduced Complexity LDPC Decoding using Forced Convergence

This thesis is an extension to the previous work done at Department of EIT in investigating the complexity reduction of LDPC decoding using the stochastic approximation method to improve the energy efficiency of energy-limited applica- tions, such as in mobile phones. The research carried out in this thesis investigates the complexity and conver- gence results of adaptive performance control algorit

The Benefits from an Accessible Web: a Case Study

En explosiv ökning av interaktiva webbttjänster gör att webb-tillgänglighet är ett hett ämne. Det syftar på att alla, oavsett funktionsnedsättningar, ska komma åt webb-innehåll. Företag med hundratals applikationer kan genom förbättrad till- gänglighet e ektivisera arbetsprocesser, spara resurser och rekrytera er.There is an explosive growth in on-line information and interactive services provided on the Web. Web accessibility refers to designing these websites so that all people, no matter disabilities, can access Web content. Recently in Sweden, laws and regulations have been imposed, requiring private corporations to ensure an accessible digital work environment. Scania is a major Swedish automotive ind

Possibilities and critical aspects of customer value creation through technological innovation in the checkout area of physical retail stores

Purpose: Exploring the possibilities and critical aspects of mobile self-checkout to enhance value creation and customer satisfaction for physical retailer Research question: How can value be (co-)created between a big box retailer and its customers through a mobile self-checkout solution? Theoretical considerations: After the evaluation of the current literature in value (co-)creation, customer

“Ismaʿilis Do Not Look Muslim” : The Ismaʿili Community and Constructions of Islam and Modernity in Germany

This thesis examines Ismaʿili individuals’ “lived religion” through personal views on religious values combined with daily practices in German society. Since a Eurocentric view on Islam often fails to recognize the complexities of Muslim communities while emphasizing the Muslim faith as incompatible with “modernity”, the current study of the Ismaʿili branch serves as an example of Muslim practices


Designing an energy-efficient building with the use of passive design measures is not always possible due to the location, surrounding buildings or site layout. This can result in larger façade areas facing East or West and causes issues with the low sun altitude. The sun can thereby not be blocked constantly, since daylight is needed for the well-being of students and improves their study perform

Kontaktledningsavspänning - En jämförelse mellan fast och rörlig avspänning i spårvägsmiljö

By initiative from Sweco Rail, we have made a comparison between fixed and automatic tensioning devices for tramways to determine when there is an advantage to choosing an automatic device instead of a fixed solution. Main focus has been tramways in city environment, with extra focus on Gothenburg. The report attempts to answer the following questions: • When should the choice be an automatic tens

Initial Underpricing and Long-Run Aftermarket Performance of Private Equity Backed and Non-Sponsored IPOs - An Empirical Study on the Nordic Main Markets

This paper investigates differences in initial underpricing and long-run aftermarket performance between private equity-backed and non-sponsored IPOs on the Nordic main markets between 1998-2012. First-day returns are calculated to measure the initial underpricing, while a BHAR approach is used to investigate the long-run aftermarket performance. Using a sample of 227 IPOs (59 private-equity backe

Mot fjärde generationens fjärrvärme

Att använda råvaror och energi så effektivt som möjligt är en utvecklingsriktning som genomsyrar hela samhället. Ett resultat av detta är att nya regler och ny teknik har lett till att nya byggnader använder värme mer effektivt än tidigare. Då fjärrvärme står för drygt hälften av uppvärmningen i Sverige innebär en förändrad värmeanvändning nya förutsättningar för fjärrvärmens framtida utveckling.

Exploring the spatial relationship between NDVI and rainfall in the semi-arid Sahel with geographically weighted regression

The Normalized Vegetation Difference Index (NDVI) is frequently used as a surrogate for vegetation properties and is often correlated with climatic variables such as rainfall. However, studies have shown that conventional regression models used to study the spatial relationship between NDVI and rainfall are often plagued by non-stationarity and are scale dependent. This thesis employed a spatial d

Deltagande och Inre Motivation lika med Sant?

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om deltagarorienterat managementsynsätt och inre motivation har ett positivt samband. Metod: Studien utgick från en deduktiv ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign. Data samlades in via en webbaserad enkät som skickades ut via Sveriges Kommunikatörers nyhetsbrev. Enkäten bestod av två delar där Del I mäter huruvida kommunikatören motiveras av olika påståenden och däPurpose: The report aims to examine whether an involvement-oriented management philosophy is positively correlated with the intrinsic motivation of working individuals. Methodology: The report adopted a deductive method combined with cross-sectional design. Data was collected using a web survey which was distributed by the Swedish Association of Communication Professionals. The survey consisted o

Energieffektivisering i kemisk tillverkningsindustri

I Skåne står industrisektorn för omkring 26% av energianvändningen, och producerar samtidigt betydande mängder spillvärme. Det pågår kontinuerligt ett utvecklingsarbete och det finns redan många lyckade exempel på återvinning av industriell restvärme, men det finns fortfarande potential till förbättring. Som fallstudie har en medelstor kemisk tillverkningsindustri, som huvudsakligen producerar vat

Kollektivtrafik och autonoma fordon. A match made in heaven?

In an attempt to at the same time introduce new technology into the existing public transport network, investigate the impact of this technology on street space in cities and present a solution to the problem with congestion in dense city centers a model is introduced. This model demonstrates one way to implement autonomous vehicles in the public transport network in dense city centers. The result

Female Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Entrepreneurial Marketing Experiences in Helsinki Metropolitan Area

The purpose of this study is to understand and gain insights into the entrepreneurial marketing experiences of female immigrant women in the Helsinki metropolitan area. There is limited literature on immigrant entrepreneurs in Finland and even less regarding female immigrant entrepreneurs, thus it is important to investigate this subject matter. A qualitative research method is adopted, through t

Wheelsail- en landseglare på hjul

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att ta fram en landseglare i samarbete med konsultföretaget Semcon. Företaget vill kunna använda produkten på mässor och events, därför ska produkten ska utstråla Semcons värdeord, vilka är ”Responsibility, Credibility, Excellence”. Målet med arbetet är att skapa en landseglare som är mera portabel och enklare att montera jämfört med befintliga på marknaden, menThis report describes the development of a land sailer together with the consulting company Semcon. The company wants to use the product at fairs and internal events, therefore shall the product reflect Semcons core values, which are “Responsibility, Credibility, Excellence”. The aim with the development is to create a land sailer which is more portable and easier to assemble compared to existing

Psykisk hälsa och familjefunktion i familjer där en förälder lider av psykisk sjukdom: En klinisk pilotstudie av baslinjedata inför preventiva familjeinterventioner

En klinisk pilotstudie med kvantitativ ansats har undersökt data från patienter diagnostiserade med depression, dystymi, ångeststörning eller bipolär sjukdom och deras barn och närstående utifrån skattad psykisk hälsa och familjefunktion. Data på baslinjenivå inhämtades från deltagare rekryterade i en pågående utvärderingsstudie av Axberg, Priebe och Grip (2013) som syftar till att utvärdera de prA clinical pilot study with a quantitative approach has examined data from patients diagnosed with depression, dysthymia, anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder, and their children and partners based on self-reported mental health and family functioning. Baseline data was collected from participants enrolled in an ongoing evaluation study by Axberg, Priebe and Grip (2013), which aims to evaluate the