

Din sökning på "*" gav 533460 sökträffar

Foodies: How status is manifested in the kitchen

Purpose: This research explores how status is manifested within the foodie culture. More specifically, we explored how foodies claim status and express inconspicuous meanings through their food consumption practices. Methodology: A hermeneutical epistemology approach was pursued, with the use of Interpretivism to generate insights into the foodie lived experience. A constructionist ontological pe

Unfair Commerical Practise - A comparison between European Directives and Swedish Legislation

In the ongoing work to harmonize legislation throughout the European Union the focus is now set on protecting the weaker party in a contractual agreement. With the increased cross-border trade the consumer’s rights are put to risk due to different national rules throughout the Member States. Consumers that are not familiar with the legislations in other Member States will choose to shop locally so

Grand Unified Theories: SU(5), SO(10) and supersymmetric SU(5)

A brief summary of the Standard Model of particle physics is presented with some of its problems listed. After this some necessary concepts and mathematics are introduced. Then the simplest Grand Unified Theory, the minimal SU(5) will be presented in some depth, with its predictions stated, the reasons it fails to describe reality given and an extension of the Higgs sector making it viable is pres

Säkerhet för vem? En begreppsanalys av begreppet säkerhet i FN's säkerhetsråd; med fokus på begreppets utveckling

Every day people get killed, starve and suffer in the name of security. There can be no politics without the mention of security. In a world where we speed into a higher standard of living, a more advanced technology and more effective weapons, there is a need to develop the concept of security and let go of the state-centered definition and instead concentrate on human security. A definition of t

Att bygga ett varumärke

Legitimitet är en värdefull resurs, särskilt för nystartade organisationer, som gör det möjligt att få tillgång till andra viktiga resurser: finansiering, kompetens och politiskt stöd. Legitimitet är också grundläggande för ett starkt och långsiktigt hållbart varumärke. Att visa goda ekonomiska resultat eller att tillhöra redan legitima nätverk eller branscher är två sätt att erhålla legitimitet pLegitimacy is a precious resource, especially for newly established organizations. Having legitimacy makes it possible to access other important resources: funding, expertise and political support. It is also fundamental to a strong and sustainable brand. Showing good economic performance or belonging to legitimate networks or industries are two ways to obtain legitimacy. Through a qualitative cas

Mänskliga skyldigheter - det bortglömda tomrummet

The purpose of this essay is to emphasize human responsibilities. To begin with, the essay introduces perspectives about the correlation between rights and responsibilities from the philosophers Thomas Pogge and Martha Nussbaum to demonstrate the ongoing discussion. Furthermore, by creating an imaginary world with a declaration of human responsibilities the essay specifically analyzes the responsi

Uppföljning av patienter behandlade för depression inom öppenvårdspsykiatrin i Region Skåne

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sjukdomsförloppet vid depression avseende förekomst av återfall och återinsjuknande ett år efter avslutad depressionsbehandling inom Region Skånes öppenvårdspsykiatri. Studien syftade även till att kartlägga den aktuella symtom- och sjukdomsbilden samt att undersöka potentiella riskfaktorer för återfall och återinsjuknande. En urvalsgrupp bestående The purpose of the following study was to investigate the prevalence of relapse and recurrence in patients treated for depression in the outpatient psychiatry of Region Skåne, Sweden. This was done one year after they had finished treatment. Furthermore, the study also aimed to examine the current incidence of depressive symptoms as well as potential risk factors for relapse and recurrence. A samp

Why people with HIV are let to die - Analysing medical ethics, drug patents and activism

In this essay it will be analysed why people in need of HIV-medicine do not get access to them, which has so far resulted in millions of seemingly unnecessary deaths. It will be discussed what responsibilities scientists have and what people can or should do to claim rights to medicine. It is found that the main reason is the patent system, which allocates power from states to companies. To a high

EU Competence in the Area of Public Health: Complementary or Complete? The Case of Tobacco for Oral Use

This thesis evaluates the EU-level tobacco products regulation and the regulation of tobacco products for oral use, in particular. The evaluation includes a historical overview of the development of relevant secondary legislation and a more detailed analysis of the current regulatory state. Following the analysis of the Tobacco Products Directive as the main legal instrument in the European tobacc

Surrogatmödraskapet - En analys av det offentliga Sveriges ställningstagande angående surrogatmödraskap

Surrogate motherhood is a growing phenomenon worldwide but so far the procedure is not permitted in Sweden. The legal situation may however be changing regarding this issue. On March 29, 2012 it was decided that the government should appoint a commission to investigate whether this procedure should be legal or not. The theoretical approach shows that there is a tension between liberal and feminist

Funktionshindrades sexuella rättigheter - och statens skyldighet att uppfylla dem

The purpose of this study is to analyze whether an active sexual-life should be considered as a human right and to also analyze what responsibility the state has towards fulfilling this potential right for disabled persons, who are often incapable of creating an active sexual-life on their own, due to physical or mental restrictions. The study is built on an argumentative analysis and is categoriz

I Need A Hero - En diskursanalys på Fox News framställning av Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning is accused of the biggest leak of classified documents in the Unites States history. Some call him a traitor, others a hero. The purpose of this thesis is to examine through discourse analysis how Fox News, as the leading news channel in America, portrays him. I will use theories of heroism presented by Jesse Graham, Jonathan Haidt and Sara E Rimm-Kaufman to see how the image of a

The Impact of Somali Piracy on Seafarers' Rights: A Cross-Disciplinary Assessment

Background: Somali piracy and armed robbery against ships remain to be one of the major global concerns today. Since 2007, over 1,500 piracy and piratical attacks were reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre. These figures were gradually increased over the years, along with the degree of maritime violence. Somali pirates, with the urge of ransom payments, have consequently become more threate

רות וגאלה Rut och hennes befriare: En narrativkritisk analys av Ruts bok: Rut som en bild för JHWH:s folk i mötet med sin befriare

Ruts bok får inte särskilt ofta uppmärksamhet och hamnar lätt i periferin. Trots detta har det kring berättelsen om moabitiskan Rut, som söker skydd hos israeliten Boas, skapats en variation av tolkningar. Dessa tolkningar kan dels vara att berättelsen talar om hur en främling ansluter sig till JHWH:s utvalda folk eller till kyrkan, dels kan berättelsen tala om kärleken mellan två kvinnor. Dessuto

Kompetensbedömningar vid rekrytering

Ett flertal olika faktorer – däribland utbildning, tidigare arbetserfarenheter och personliga egenskaper – avgör tillsammans en arbetssökandes attraktivitet på arbetsmarknaden. I regel står det arbetsgivare fritt att avgöra vilka kriterier som ska vara de mest avgörande på just deras arbetsplats. Vissa inskränkningar finns dock i denna frihet, däribland diskrimineringsförbudet. Inom den statliga There are several different factors – including education, working life experience and personal characteristics – that together determine how attractive a specific job applicant is on the labour market. In general, the employers can freely choose which criteria they value the most when they are recruiting. However, there are some restrictions that the employers need to take into consideration, the

Barns rätt till skydd och upprättelse - Om preskriptionstiden vid barnmisshandel

Sweden is a member state to the Convention on the rights of the child. Therefore it has to have the child’s best as its primary interest while forming regulations regarding children. In this essay I wanted to explore what implications this requirement had on how the Swedish state should form the statute of limitation on sexual abuse against children and other types of child abuse. I’ve looked at

Korruptionsbekämpning i Världsbankens regi - En ideologianalys av Världsbankens strategier för korruptionsbekämpning

Anti-corruption measures have since 2007 been formally incorporated in the World Bank Group’s poverty reduction mandate. The understanding of corruption is a matter of great disagreement, there is a lack of consensus regarding the causes and effects of the phenomenon. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the World Bank’s understanding of corruption is demonstrated in its strategies