Din sökning på "*" gav 535040 sökträffar
Revolt of the ‘Left Behinds’? Regional Manufacturing Employment and the Vote Share of European Social Democratic and Radical Right Parties.
In recent years radical right parties have gained electoral strength across Europe,while the vote share of social democratic parties has declined. Using regional data and two fixed effect models this study investigates the impact of manufacturing employment and a range of other economic and demographic variables on the vote share of these parties in both national and European parliament elections
Armenia, mon amour : Ten Europeans Speak
Clearing a way through the CRISPR patent jungle
The revocation of Broad Institute’s patent EP2771468, marks the latest major development in a series of patent battles over the revolutionary and highly lucrative CRISPR- Cas 9 technology (and other gene editing technologies) in the US and Europe. While this is the first EPO decision in an opposition procedure concerning the Broad patent portfolio, the outcome may have implications for other relat
Den amerikanska historien är inte vad den har varit
Artikel om den amerikanska historiens betydelse som politisk kraft.
Rhyming the National Spirit : A Comparative Inquiry into the Works and Activities of Taras Shevchenko and Ilia Chavchavadze
The article is a comparative inquiry into the roles of Ilia Chavchavadze (1837-1907) and Taras Shevchenko (1818-1861) as national poets and anti-tsarist intellectuals within the context of their respective national traditions (in Georgia and Ukraine). During the period of their activity (19th and the beginning of 20th century), both Ukraine and Georgia were under tsarist imperial rule (albeit the
CNFgen : A generator of crafted benchmarks
We present CNFgen, a generator of combinatorial benchmarks in DIMACS and OPB format. The proof complexity literature is a rich source not only of hard instances but also of instances that are theoretically easy but “extremal” in different ways, and therefore of potential interest in the context of SAT solving. Since most of these formulas appear not to be very well known in the SAT community, howe
Svist4get : A simple visualization tool for genomic tracks from sequencing experiments
Background: High-throughput sequencing often provides a foundation for experimental analyses in the life sciences. For many such methods, an intermediate layer of bioinformatics data analysis is the genomic signal track constructed by short read mapping to a particular genome assembly. There are many software tools to visualize genomic tracks in a web browser or with a stand-alone graphical user i
Distributed online extraction of a fluid model for microservice applications using local tracing data
Dynamic resource management is a difficult problem in modern microservice applications. Many proposed methods rely on the availability of an analytical performance model, often based on queueing theory. Such models can always be hand-crafted, but this takes time and requires expert knowledge. Various methods have been proposed that can automatically extract models from logs or tracing data. Howeve
A treatment contract with evaluation is a positive way to help alcohol abusers
Recension av Sandberg, Malin: Från beslut till broschyr. Intertextualitet, äldre och kultur i texter inom en statlig satsning.
True collision renal tumour of oncocytoma and papillary Renal cell carcinoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature
The clear cell, chromophobe and papillary carcinoma as well as oncocytoma are the most common renal tumours. While cases of hybrid renal tumours are well known, the true collision renal tumour of oncocytoma and Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (PRCC) is still rare. Herein, we present a case of a true collision renal tumour of an oncocytoma and a PRCC as well as a review of the literature.
Synthetic biology and intellectual property rights: Six recommendations
Pulverpionjärerna : Den explosiva historien om torkad mjölk
Mjölkpulvrets historia. Tycker du att det låter torrt? Då känner du nog inte till att historien om det till synes menlösa mjölkpulvret kantas av allt från giftmord till miljonbedrägerier, nazistanklagelser – och världens allra första brevbomb.I Pulverpionjärerna presenterar livsmedelsteknikern Andreas Håkansson den oväntat rafflande berättelsen om mjölkpulvrets teknik- och kulturhistoria, från des
The role of sugar sensing and pathway selection on D-xylose utilization by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biorefineries have the potential to partially or entirely replace petrochemistry for the production of our daily bulk and fine chemicals. However, this replacement can only be sustainable and cost-effective if the raw material used is cheap, renewable and does not compete with the food and feed industry. One raw material meeting these criteria is lignocellulose from agricultural and forestry waste
Insekternas mirakler
Recension av Martin Hårdstedt : Finska kriget 1808-1809
Presentation and formatting of laboratory results : a narrative review on behalf of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group "postanalytical phase" (WG-POST)
In laboratory medicine, much effort has been put into analytical quality in the past decades, making this medical profession one of the most standardized with the lowest rates of error. However, even the best analytical quality cannot compensate for errors or low quality in the pre or postanalytical phase of the total testing process. Guidelines for data reporting focus solely on defined data elem
Silencing of STE20-type kinase STK25 in human aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cells is atheroprotective
Recent studies highlight the importance of lipotoxic damage in aortic cells as the major pathogenetic contributor to atherosclerotic disease. Since the STE20-type kinase STK25 has been shown to exacerbate ectopic lipid storage and associated cell injury in several metabolic organs, we here investigate its role in the main cell types of vasculature. We depleted STK25 by small interfering RNA in hum
Om Kändisjournalistik
Avhandlingen närmar sig frågan om hur journalistiska praktiker underlättar konstruktionen av kändisstatus. Teoretiskt uppfattas kändisskap som en särskilt flytande form av social status baserat på medierad uppmärksamhet och engagemang. Journalistik studeras som en invitation att dela upplevelser, organiserade utifrån narrativa strukturer. De empiriska fallen som studeras i avhandlingen är två mångThe thesis approaches the research question of how journalistic practices facilitate the construction of celebrity status. Theoretically, celebrity is conceptualised as a particularly fluid form of social status based on mediatized attention and engagement. Journalism is studied as an invitation to shareexperiences, organised through media logics and narrative structures. The empirical cases studi