

Din sökning på "*" gav 536917 sökträffar

National Developments in the Intersection of IPR and Competition Law From Maglite to Pirate Bay

The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies is happy to announce the third volume in this series of annual publications which acts as a forum for the publication of studies on European law by Swedish scholars. The annual this year focuses on competition aspects of Intellectual property law, and contains peer-reviewed articles aimed at spreading Swedish legal research on European law to a wide i

Modelling Beach Topography Evolution Due to Waves and Currents in the Vicinity of Coastal Structures

A numerical model of beach topography evolution due to waves and currents in the vicinity of coastal structures was developed. The model consists of five sub-models for nearshore random wave transformation, surface roller development, wave-induced currents, sediment transport, and morphological evolution. It was validated based on high-quality data sets from the Large-scale Sediment Transport Faci

The patient with unilateral trans-tibial amputation for vascular disease : functional assessments, prognostic factors and cost of prostheses

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienten med underbensamputation på grund av kärlsjukdom Långt före Kristi födelse var amputation av benet en känd operation. Anledningen till amputationen kunde vara kärlsjukdom, olycksfall, tumör eller medfödda missbildningar. I västvärlden idag utförs 90 % av amputationerna på grund av kärlsjukdom. Dessa patienter är äldre och sjukare än övriga benamputerade och meThe patient with unilateral trans-tribal amputation for vascular disease. Functional assessments, prognostic factors and cost of prostheses. The aims of the study were to focus on the functional ability of the dysvascular patient with unilateral trans-tibial amputation and the early rehabilitation period, defined here as the period between the amputation and the prosthetic fitting. Results revea

Gestures and second language acquisition

Gestures, the symbolic movements speakers perform while they speak, are systematically related to speech and language at multiple levels, and reflect cognitive and linguistic activities in non-trivial ways. This chapter presents an overview of what gestures can tell us about the processes of second language acquisition. It focuses on two key aspects, (a) gestures and the developing language system

Means to Optimize the Nutritional Properties of Starch in Potato Products - Impact on glycaemia, satiety and resistant starch content

Popular Abstract in Swedish Potatis har varit, och är fortfarande ett viktigt baslivsmedel i svensk kosthållning. Det finns många sorter med olika egenskaper vilket bidrar till dess variationsrikedom. Potatisen är en rik källa till stärkelse, kostfibrer samt vitaminer och mineraler, t ex C-vitamin och järn. En invändning mot potatis ur nutritionell synvinkel är att stärkelsen lätt bryts ned av enzDespite decreased consumption potatoes still constitute an important staple in the Swedish diet. An objection to potatoes and potato products from a nutritional point of view is the ease by which the starch is digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. This results in unfavourably high glycaemic and insulinaemic responses (glycaemic index, GI and insulinaemic index, II, respectively). Su

Shock structure for electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic, nonlinear materials

Shock waves are discontinous solutions to quasi-linear partial differential equations, and can be studied through a singular perturbation known as the vanishing viscosity technique. The vanishing viscosity method is a means of smoothing the shock, and we study the case of electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic materials. We derive the conditions arising from this smoothing procedure for a traveling

The Importance of Taste for Food Demand and the Experienced Taste Effect of Healthy Labels - An experiment on potato chips and bread

This paper quantitatively analyzes the importance of taste versus health in food demand, as well as the effect on consumers’ experienced taste of the non-intrinsic value of healthy labels. Our analysis is based on taste experiments and Vickrey second price auctions on potato chips and bread. Our findings imply a large positive effect on demand for potato chips from higher taste scores: when consum

Place and cultural identity in the segregated city

A great deal of attention is currently being paid in urban sociology to the relationship between place and identity. The background to the growing interest in the identity development of individuals can be found in the radical changes the city is presently undergoing. These changes have often been described in terms of the dissolving city, a concept that not only refers to the continuing physical/