

Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar

On the (1/2,1/2) Representation of the Lorentz Group and the Discrete CPT Symmetries

Början av 1900-talet såg en oerhörd utveckling av nya forskningsområden inom fysiken. 1905 lade Einstein grunden för den speciella relativitetsteorin, som revolutionerade hur fysiker ser på själva tiden och rummet genom att föreslå att vi kan behandla de båda på samma sätt. Samtidigt växte kvantfysikens värld fram i jakten på en beskrivning av vår verklighets allra minsta beståndsdelar. KvantfysThis thesis derives the explicit form of the elements of the (1/2,1/2) representation of the Lorentz group, by actually performing a direct product of the chiral (1/2,0)- and (0,1/2)-representations. The Lorentz transformations of fourvectors are thereafter recovered from this direct-product representation, allowing the derivation of a transformation matrix between the fourvector- and direct produ

Personalization in Sports Marketing

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how different types of fans experience personalization in sports marketing and to analyze how each Fan type can be motivated by understanding how their fan experience could be optimized further. Methodology: This study was a qualitative study. The study was carried out using an abductive approach where literature was combined with empi

Evaluation of the stability of immobilized lipases from Rhizomucor miehei and Rhizopus oryzae in high oleic sunflower oil

Lipase is one of the most useful enzymes in food industry, which can catalyze the hydrolysis and the synthesis of esters. However, the high cost due to the poor operation stability of lipase hinders the wide use of it. In present research, the stability of lipases in aqueous systems has been thoroughly studied, while research on lipases in non-aqueous systems is limited. In this work, the secondar

Riskhantering i Byggprojekt - metoder och tillvägagångssätt för att hantera risker

Titel Riskhantering i Byggprojekt – Metoder och tillvägagångsätt för att hantera risker Författare Marc Carlsson & Simon Eriksson Handledare Radhlinah Aulin, Avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds universitet Examinator Anne Landin, Avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds universitet Syfte & mål Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur byggföretag utför riskhanteringsprocessen och hur de sTitle Risk management in construction projects - methods and approaches to manages risk Authors Marc Carlsson & Simon Eriksson Supervisor Radhlinah Aulin, Department of Construction Production, Lunds University Examinator Anne Landin, Department of Construction Production, Lunds University Aim & goal The purpose of the study is to investigate how companies perform risk management proce

Hur innevånare i Hässleholms kommun ser på den egna avfallssorteringen

En viktig sak vi kan göra för att minska avfallets miljöpåverkan är att återvinna. Människorna på denna planet har ett viktigt ansvar, genom att sortera sitt hushållsavfall ökar vi återvinningen. Och genom att göra det kan vi minska utsläppen av växthusgaser, vilket är en stor miljövinst. Därför är det viktigt att människor tar ansvar för sin konsumtion och även sin återvinning av hushållsavfaWhat do people residing in Hässleholm municipality really think about the sorting of their household waste? And do they understand why it`s important to sort their waste? By sorting and recycling our waste, we reduce our environmental impact. And when we do this, greenhouse gas emissions can reduce, which gives us a great environmental benefit. The goal of this study was to analyze the sorting

A Feminist Mixed Methods Analysis of Gender Equality Concepts and Data for Sustainable Development Goal 5 Baseline Indicators in Kenya

Background: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were launched in 2015 to be achieved by 2030. Goal 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls. This study conducts a feminist analysis of gender equality concepts and data with the aim of finding adequate baseline indicators for measuring SDG 5 progress in Kenya. Methods: A convergent mixed methods research de

Exploring intra-granular strain in granular systems under mechanical load using scanning 3DXRD

This dissertation serves to explain the theory behind three-dimensional scanning x-ray diffraction while at the same time connecting the theory to a software package used for processing data obtained from measurements using scanning x-ray diffraction. This software package is then used and built upon to analyse the data obtained from the measurement of a sample of 12 silica grains subject to an un

Failure Factors of M&A - A Literature Survey Between 2010 and 2020

Purpose: The high failure rate of M&As is still one of the main puzzles. The purpose of this research is to identify how concepts of failures changed after the global financial crisis and to see the main causes of such failures according to the research in the set time frame. Theoretical framework: Motives of M&A failure are categorized into synergy motive and self -managerial motives. Ba

Kivik Wildlife Center

The bachelor course Architecture in the Contemporary studies different digital processes and fabrication, to develop structural and spatial typologies. With a focus on the contemporary architectural discourse, opportunities and prospects of digital design is examined. The design task is to create a naturum in Lilla Stenshuvud, Kivik where one Sustainable Development Goal from the Agenda 2030 works

Gröna tak

Den här studiens syfte var att skapa en bättre förståelse för varför man ska bygga mer med gröna tak samt att göra en jämförelse mellan gröna tak och bjälklag med växtlighet. Vi undersökte även gröna takets nytta som en ekosystemtjänst samt hur nyttan kan ökas. I Sverige har man blivit inspirerad av arkitekten Le Corbusier som utgick från att man kan kompensera minskning av grönt område i stadsmiThe purpose of this study was to create a better understanding of why you should build more with green roofs and to make a comparison between green roofs and floors with vegetation. We also investigated the benefits of green roofs as an ecosystem service and how the benefits can be increased. In Sweden, they have been inspired by the architect Le Corbusier, who assumed that they could compensate

Multiplicity and Classification of Final State Particles in Herwig7

In this work we investigate the hard and soft interactions in the multiple parton interactions (MPI) simulation in Herwig7. The investigation covers how the number of soft and hard interactions in an event is linked to the multiplicity of final state particles. We also present a labeling system for particles produced by different interactions, which we then use to classify the final state particle

Resource Abundance and Material Wellbeing in Africa — an investigation of the Resource Curse

Natural resources and their impact on growth has received significant academic attention through the theory of the resource curse. Most literature has studied the relationship between natural resource abundance and economic growth. However, the resource curse argues that development, in general, is negatively affected by resource abundance and that it can be avoided through quality institutions an

The EU Taxonomy and Swedish Funds

A new regulation regarding sustainability is currently being implemented by the EU. The EU Taxonomy Regulation, TR, is a classification system that defines sustainable economic activities and standardizes the reporting of sustainability factors for both non-financial companies and financial market participants. The purpose of the regulation is to facilitate sustainable investments and limit the ri

En jämförelse mellan stolpverkshus och regelverkshus

Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra byggmetoderna stolpverk och regelverk ur aspekterna tid, kostnad, materialåtgång, byggnadsmetoder, kompetens och design. Frågorna man ställde var: Frågeställning: Hur skiljer sig ett hus byggt med stolpverks metoden kontra ett likvärdigt hus byggt med regelverks metoden? Vilka för- och nackdelar finns det med stolpverkshus jämfört med regelverkshus? MeAim: The purpose of the work is to compare construction methods of timber framing and stud framing from the aspects of time, cost, material consumption, construction methods, competence and design. The questions asked were: Research questions: How does a house built with the timber frame method differ from an equivalent house built with the stud framing method? What are the advantages and disad

Global Dichotomies on a Local Scale: A Grounded Theory Approach to Turkish Hip-Hop Culture

The concepts of ‘Old School’ and ‘New School’, peculiar to hip-hop's lexicon, have long been framed by theories of subculture heavily drawing on a binary scale of authenticity and inauthenticity. This dichotomy is widely used to characterize a discursive conflict between the authentic aspects of hip-hop music and its excessively commercialized versions undermining hip-hop’s counter-hegemonic p

Föräldranormen, professionaliteten och socialsekreteraren - En kvalitativ analys av socialsekreterares resonemang kring föräldraskapet

The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of social workers' notions about good parenthood and how they reason about the effect of different sources of knowledge in assessments. This study applied a qualitative method by using semi-structured digital interviews with six social workers working with child protection or family law in five different municipalities in Sweden. In the analys

"[...] mer än ett blått öga" - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på socialt och ekonomiskt våld i en hederskontext

The aim of this study was to research social secretaries' views on and experiences working with social and economic violence in honor-based context. The method chosen for this study was qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven different social secretaries, all active in various units and with different experiences. The study concludes how economic and social violence can take form in

Musselpulvers funktionalitet och potentiella tillämpningar i livsmedel

Musslor bidrar till en god havsmiljö genom att äta havsplankton och på så sätt minska algblomningen. Idag konsumeras finare musslor av människor i olika rätter, däremot går andrasorteringen ofta till djurfoder eller till gödning. Genom att hitta fler tillämpningar för de proteinrika musslorna skapas en högre efterfrågan på musslor som i sin tur gör att mer musslor odlas och på så sätt ger oss frisMussels contribute to a good marine environment by eating sea plankton and thus reducing the eutrophication. Today, high quality mussels are consumed by humans in different dishes, however, the second quality is often used as animal feed or as fertilizers in agriculture. By finding more applications for the protein rich mussels, a higher demand for mussels is created which in turn means that more

Challenges Faced by Mandatory-Working From-Home Start-up Teams

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has created a novel and unique situation forcing start-up teams to mandatory-work-from-home (MWFH). With everyday life coming to a halt, start-up teams suddenly adjust their ways of working and transform to virtual means of teamwork performed from home environments. Given the novelty and uniqueness of the situation, MWFH has yet to be academically explored within the