

Din sökning på "*" gav 526298 sökträffar

Newly Screen-ed: The Interference of the Digital Work Environment on New Young Professionals

The purpose of this thesis is to provide insight into the effects an entirely digital work environment may have on organizational socialization of young professionals, and the interactions they are able to have as well as the networks they are able to form. The thesis draws on the theoretical framework of organizational socialization by Bauer and Erdogan (2011) and combines it with the topics of i

Navigating through the storm: The managerial role and leadership during a crisis

Abstract Title: Navigating through the storm: The managerial role and leadership during a crisis Authors: Julia Sjöström and Malin Wedin Olsson Supervisor: Tony Huzzard, Lund University, Sweden Submission: date May 21st 2021 Purpose: The aim with this study is to gain a deeper understanding of managerial work and its relationship to the nature of leadership in the context of a societal crisis. Res

”Himmelen och solen följer jag och intet lägre” : Tryckeriverksamheten i Västerås under biskop Johannes Rudbeckius, 1621–1646

Denna uppsats analyserar tryckeriverksamheten och utgivningen vid biskop Johannes Rudbeckius och domkapitlets tryckeri i Västerås under perioden 1621–1646. Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga tryckeriverksamheten utifrån parametrarna boktryckare, genre, tryckerimärken, format, papper, typsnitt och språk. Genom en bibliografisk analys av tryckproduktionen undersöks eventuella mönster i utgivningen. I

Fysiska förutsättningar för mångfald - om arbetet mot stadsbyggnadsidealet tät blandstad i Trelleborgs tätort: en kvantitativ utvärdering

In 2014, Trelleborg municipality pointed out tät blandstad (the compact city) to be the main strategy for the city’s future development. This work addresses the common Swedish planning strategy, towards the compact city through densification strategies, with a focus on density and diversity and the relationship between them. This is done with a broad example of literature referring to quality of l

Skyldigheten att offentliggöra insiderinformation - Särskilt en utredning av rekvisitet så snart som möjligt i artikel 17(1) MAR

Marknadsmissbruksförordningen (MAR) trädde i kraft den 3 juli 2016 och ersatte det tidigare marknadsmissbruksdirektivet (MAD). MAR innehåller bland annat skyldigheten att offentliggöra insiderinformation. Enligt artikel 17 (1) MAR ska en emittent så snart som möjligt informera allmänheten om insiderinformation, som direkt berör denne. Emittenten ska vidare se till att insiderinformation offentliggThe Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) came into force on 3 July 2016 and replaced the previous Market Abuse Directive (MAD). Among the obligations regulated by MAR, there is a duty for the issuer to publish inside information. According to article 17 (1) MAR, the issuer is obligated to inform the public concerning inside information directly affecting the issuer as soon as possible. The issuer must al

Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på kommunal friluftsplanering

The Covid-19 virus was first discovered in China in December of 2019 and in February of 2020, the Covid-19 virus began to spread worldwide, which caused the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify the virus as a pandemic. Since then previous studies have shown an increase in interest in outdoor life, which has led to an increase in the number of visitors in popular nature areas. Furthermore, t

Dialogbaserad planering – en väg till ny kunskap? En fallstudie av samråd i Malmö stad med fokus på dialog och platstillhörighet

This thesis examines the planning process in Malmö city, with a focus on citizen participation and the role of place attachment in planning. Its aim is to investigate in which ways deliberative methods are used in the planning process in Malmö city, but also to investigate if place attach-ment could hold as a guiding theory in planning. The study focuses on the consultation part of the planning pr

"Sometime, somewhere, maybe someone has to do something"

In response to sea level rise, municipalities in Sweden are already underway in the process of constructing seawalls to protect infrastructure and communities. However, these adaptive measures are not always well received in the communities they are intended to protect. This thesis examined a case of citizen protests against a proposed seawall on the Falsterbo peninsula in Vellinge, Scania, throug

Delad glädje är dubbel glädje, eller? – Om barnets rätt till privatliv i förhållande till föräldrarnas bestämmanderätt då barnet exponeras på föräldrarnas sociala medier

När föräldrar väljer att dela information om sina barn på sociala medier aktualiseras barnens rätt till privatliv. Att barn har en sådan rätt följer av 6 kap. 1 § FB, som anger att barn har rätt till omvårdnad och trygghet, att de ska behandlas med aktning för sin person och egenart samt att de inte får utsättas för kränkande behandling. Därutöver föreskriver både art. 16 i barnkonventionen och arWhen parents choose to share information about their children on social media, it raises the question of the protection of the children’s right to private life. Children have a right to private life in accordance with Chapter 6 Section 1 of the Children and Parents Code (FB), which states that children have the right to care and security, to be treated with respect regardless of their personality

Provokation som strafflindringsgrund - En analys av provokation som strafflindringsgrund ur ett feministiskt perspektiv utifrån kontexten mäns våld mot kvinnor

Denna uppsats behandlar lagrummet som reglerar provokation som förmildrande omständighet, 29 kap. 3 § 1 st. 1 p. BrB. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur provokation kan tillämpas som strafflindringsgrund och på vilket sätt detta kan vara problematiskt ur perspektivet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Uppsatsen utgår genomgående från ett feministiskt perspektiv. För att uppnå syftet har lagrummet granThis thesis deals with the Swedish criminal law on provocation in relation to domestic violence. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the law on provocation can be applied as a basis for mitigation of punishment and in what way that can be regarded as problematic in relation to domestic violence. The thesis is seen through a feminist perspective, which is why its focus is on domestic vi

Dynamics of net primary production and food availability in the aftermath of the 2004 and 2007 desert locust outbreaks in Niger and Yemen

Ökengräshoppan är ett väldigt litet djur men de kan skapa stora problem när de ökar i antal och samlas i svärmar. Plågorna från dessa är kända sedan bibliska tider men med ett utbrott så sent som 2020 så är ämnet lika relevant idag. Gräshopporna utgör ett hot mot jordbruk, och i förlängningen tillgång till mat, genom sin stora aptit, varierade kost och förmåga att förflytta sig långa sträckor. DetThe knowledge of desert locust plagues goes back to biblical times but it is just as relevant in 2020 with an ongoing outbreak in East Africa and the Middle East. The locusts pose a threat to agriculture, and by extent food availability, due to their high appetite, diverse diet and ability to migrate long distances in large swarms. More knowledge of the aftermath is required by the international d

Människa eller artificiellt liv som tonsättare

This research paper investigates notions and values that composers have regard to artificial intelligence and composition. The research is based on a survey that was sent to students and teachers of composition at Malmö Academy of Music. A total of 32 emails were sent, of which 15 were answered. 12 of the informants were students and 3 were teachers. Of the 32 individuals surveyed, the number of t

Takeoff: Analysing Pathways for Electric Innovation Facilitation and Regime Destabilisation in the Swedish Aviation Industry

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. Despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG), the emissions contribution from global aviation is set to increase. Electric aviation has emerged as an alternative which could form part of the solution. Sweden, which is on the path to carbon neutrality and has a long history in aviation, could contribute to the global efforts in mitigating clim

Family formation in the CIS-tem - a reproductive justice approach to pregnancy, childbirth and parenting for trans people in sweden

Less than a decade ago, Swedish law demanded that a person who wanted to change their legal gender had to be without any ability to reproduce. This demand led to many trans people being forcibly sterilized. Even though the demand is now removed from law, lingering effects continues to affect trans people in their reproductive journey. This study examines barriers faced by trans people in three sta

Application of Deep Q-learning for Vision Control on Atari Environments

Vi människor, och djur i allmänhet, lär oss enormt mycket från att bara interagera med våra omgivningingar. Vi samlar ständigt in information om hur våra handlingar påverkar omgivningen, och justerar vårat beteende så att vi bättre uppfyller våra mål. En gren inom maskininlärning, som kallas förstärkningsinlärning, är ett grupp metoder som beskriver en agent som kan lära sig att uppnå mål från erThe success of Reinforcement Learning (RL) has mostly been in artificial domains, with only some successful real-world applications. One of the reasons being that most real-world domains fail to satisfy a set of assumptions of RL theory. In the past years, a popular way to gauge the performance of RL agents has been through a suite of Atari 2600 games. This suite has been used to benchmark the pr

(Un)paving the Way to Climate Adaptation

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly visible and will have detrimental impacts on society’s health and safety, ecosystems and the economy, especially at the local scale. As a response, municipalities all over the world are setting up climate adaptation strategies, as is also the case in the Netherlands. However, many of the proposed measures require action not only on public but

Managerial Challenges Due to Diversity in Technical Teams

The positive effects of diversity have been comprehensively highlighted in the academic world. However, less research has been conducted on the challenges that can occur due to diversity. Even less research has been conducted on challenges due to diversity in technical teams. In an effort to augment the positive effects of diversity, this study aims to shed light on some of the challenges due to d

Alkaline Protein Extraction of Oat Bran and Oat Endosperm Flour - the Effect of pH during Extraction and Precipitation

An increased understanding of the negative impacts of animal-based proteins, on both environment and health, has led to a rise in the demand for plant-based proteins. To meet the demands, conventional crops must be efficiently utilized. One possible crop is oat which is a good source of protein, fibre, and fat, but is currently mainly used for animal feed. To better utilize the proteins in oat, th

On the (1/2,1/2) Representation of the Lorentz Group and the Discrete CPT Symmetries

Början av 1900-talet såg en oerhörd utveckling av nya forskningsområden inom fysiken. 1905 lade Einstein grunden för den speciella relativitetsteorin, som revolutionerade hur fysiker ser på själva tiden och rummet genom att föreslå att vi kan behandla de båda på samma sätt. Samtidigt växte kvantfysikens värld fram i jakten på en beskrivning av vår verklighets allra minsta beståndsdelar. KvantfysThis thesis derives the explicit form of the elements of the (1/2,1/2) representation of the Lorentz group, by actually performing a direct product of the chiral (1/2,0)- and (0,1/2)-representations. The Lorentz transformations of fourvectors are thereafter recovered from this direct-product representation, allowing the derivation of a transformation matrix between the fourvector- and direct produ

Personalization in Sports Marketing

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how different types of fans experience personalization in sports marketing and to analyze how each Fan type can be motivated by understanding how their fan experience could be optimized further. Methodology: This study was a qualitative study. The study was carried out using an abductive approach where literature was combined with empi