

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Multiple Parton Interactions in Deep Inelastic ep-scattering at HERA

The production of jets with low transverse momenta (mini-jets) in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering is studied. The analyses uses data taken with the H1 detector at HERA during the years 1999 to 2000. The events are required to contain either at least one leading jet of Pt > 5 GeV (the inclusive 1-jet sample) or at least two hard jets where one of them has to be at an angle larger than 140

Looking beyond the mountain: dispersal barriers in a changing world.

Dispersal barriers have demographic, evolutionary and ecosystem-wide consequences. With ongoing changes in the environment, it is likely that some dispersal barriers will disappear while others will appear, and it is crucial to understand these dynamics to forecast species distributions and adaptive potential. Here we review recent literature on the ecological and evolutionary aspects of dispersal

Born Near the Limit of Viability : Developmental Outcomes 2.5 Years Later

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Neonatal intensivvård är under ständig utveckling, vilket medfört att allt mindre barn överlever efter att ha fötts prematurt. Ett tydligt mått på detta är att gränsen för livsduglighet (den gestationsålder då individen beräknas ha 50% chans att överleva) har skjutits bakåt till att under de senaste två decennierna ligga runt graviditetsvecka 24. Barn som föds Although advances in neonatal care have resulted in increased survival rates among extremely preterm infants (born < 28 gestational weeks), they still face substantial morbidity risks during the neonatal period. The question of possible later outcomes is a key issue faced by health care professionals working with these infants. Objectives The objective of the present thesis was to explore develo

Experimental test-bench development using force control with industrial robots for the analysis of the mechanical response in car seats

Modern safe and high-quality products not only need to have desired properties in terms of geometry, material, features, etc. from a position-interaction point of view. Also compliance, deflection, impact and safety features depending on force-interacting properties are of (increasing) importance. As a key such example, the mechanical response of car seats has been studied, including the contact f

Active Damping of a Flexible Beam

This paper describes the active damping of a flexible beamconnected to the end-effector of a robot manipulator. An observer-basedfeedback controller is developed and experimental results arepresented. Iterative feedback tuning (IFT) is applied to shape the step response.