

Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar

The role of working from home within the context of family-friendly work policies and its relationship to firm performance: Implications for managers

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of working from home within family friendly work policies (FFWPs) and its relationship to firm performance, and whether this is affected by the choice of management practices within an organization. Methodology: A cross-sectional dataset from 2004, including data from 732 firms and four countries, accessed through World Management Sur

Gender-Based Violence: A feminist social work analysis on the processes and perceptions on seeking justice by the Domestic Violence Victim Support Unit at Mampong, Ghana.

Gendered violence against woman and children has been in existence and predominant in various societies for a long period of time with its intensity varying from one factor to the other. Many nations around the world including Ghana in West Africa have measures and directives to mitigate of the persistent social menace and possibly eradicate it towards sustainable welfare and development for indiv

Study on surface integrity in drilling Inconel 718 with uncoated and PVD coated tools

Belonging to the group of Nickel-based superalloys, Inconel 718 has excellent oxidation resistance and high-temperature strength, which is crucial for applications in the aerospace industry, for example, the manufacturing of components for engines. The low machinability of Inconel 718 demands the higher performance of the cutting tool. Drilling is one of the conventional machining operations apply

Governing, Policing and Racialisation through POL-INTEL: An analysis of data-driven policing in Denmark

In this thesis, I critically scrutinize the data-driven policing tool POL-INTEL, which was implemented in the Danish police in 2017. To better understand how we are governed and policed through POL-INTEL I look at the problematisations and forms of subjectifications constituted in the policies to acquire and implement the system in the police and through the technology of POL-INTEL itself. For thi

Hur kan vi förstå redigering? En undersökning av tre redaktörskrivna handböcker om innehållsredigering av fiktion

I uppsatsen undersöks vilka perspektiv på redaktörens yrkesroll och redigeringspraktik som skrivs fram i handböcker om innehållsredigering av fiktion. En komparativ kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomförs av tre amerikanska handböcker som är skrivna av redaktörer: The Fiction Editor, The Novel, And The Novelist av Thomas McCormack, The Story Grid av Shawn Coyne och Self-Editing For Fiction Writers av

Flood Management in the Kamrangirchar Slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh

A study on the Kamrangirchar slum of Dhaka, Bangladesh has been completed by analyzing literature involving qualitative data, as well as quantitative data using a mixed method research design. The quantitative data from the World Bank (2020) and the UNDP (2020) is provided as background for the research. A series of relevant case studies and state documents are analyzed by using a qualitative ‘oni

Exploring pathways for Norwegian green hydrogen A techno-economic evaluation of value chains for Power-to-Hydrogen from the Norwegian North Sea

Möjliga vägar för grön vätgas från Nordsjön Hur kan vi förse framtidens användare med vätgas? Den havsbaserade vindkraften är på frammarsch och vätgas ser ut att kunna bli vindkraftens starkaste allierade. Men hur får vi vätgasen från vindkraftsområdena till där den ska användas? Behöver vi omvandla den till mer effektiva former? Vilket transportsätt är bäst? Nu har vi svaret på dessa frågor föRenewable hydrogen can be transported using different hydrogen carriers and modes of transport. Each carrier and mode is associated with different drawbacks and benefits relating to – among other factors – storage density and losses. The forthcoming expansion of offshore wind is likely to be coupled with hydrogen production in some way and there are many different ways that this can be done. Th

Financialization and Innovation -Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Manufacturing Companies

The thesis empirically studies the relationship between the trend of financialization and innovation in China. Several years ago, due to the slow-down of Chinese real economy, there appeared two tendencies in business environment: the increasing financial asset allocation of Chinese non-financial companies (named as financialization) and the authority’s will of boosting the real industries, especi

Determinants of Female Labor Supply and Female Wage Form

This study investigates the factors that influence female's labour supply and their wage forms. Human capital, demographic, social, and cultural factors were used to explore their impact on female labour supply and female wage form using a multinomial logistic model. The data for this study were employed from the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) conducted in the Gambia in 2013. The result i

Sommarlovets påverkan på flerspråkiga barns svenska muntliga narrativer; en analys på mikro- och makronivå

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att bidra med information om sommarlovets påverkan på den svenska muntliga narrativa förmågan hos flerspråkiga skolbarn. Metod: Inspelningar av 74 flerspråkiga skolbarns muntliga narrativer till MAIN:s sekvensbilder utförda precis före sommarlovet och precis efter sommarlovet transkriberades och bedömdes på mikro- och makronivå. De mikromått som undersöktes var MLU, gramPurpose: The aim of this study was to contribute further information regarding the effect of the summer holiday on narrative ability in bilingual children. Method: Audio recordings of oral narratives from 74 bilingual children of two sequential picture series of MAIN were administered and recorded before and after the summer holidays. The oral narratives in Swedish were transcribed and analysed on

Why employees (don’t) become managers: Employees’ desires and motivations behind succession to managerial positions in retail store environments

This thesis thesis explores what desires and motivations lay behind employees’ succession to managerial positions in a store environment. Previous research focuses on how to develop good leaders, rather than how to make people want to become leaders, which is why this is an important topic. The method used is a qualitative case study at IKEA in Sweden, where a combination of qualitative questionna

Pushing Authenticity. Challenging Narratives and Performances on Women’s Subcultural Participation

This thesis examines women’s subcultural participation based on ethnographic fieldwork and 73 interviews with women within the skateboarding and rave cultures. The study explores and develops how we view female participation. From a theoretical perspective, subcultural scholars have a tradition of assuming subcultures as masculine, viewing masculinity as the norm for authenticity. These assumption

Gribov ambiguities in non-Abelian gauge theories

This thesis investigates the quantization of field theories using the functional integral formalism. Gauge invariance necessitates a gauge-fixing procedure that chooses a unique field configuration from each gauge orbit. Faddeev and Popov suggested an adjustment to the action that implements gauge fixing in this framework, however it has been found that this procedure fails to uniquely fix the gau

BIM jämfört med traditionell projektering

Detta examensarbete handlar om Building Information Modelling, även förkortat BIM, i järnvägsbranschen. BIM är ett relativt nytt arbetssätt som börjar implementeras allt mer men samtidigt används traditionell projektering. Med bakgrund av detta ämnar detta examensarbete undersöka i vilka uppdrag som det är mest lönsamt att implementera BIM. Frågeställningarna som togs fram var: ● Vilken ekonomisk This thesis deals with the subject Building Information Modelling (BIM), in the railway industry. BIM is a relatively new way of working that is beginning to be implemented more and more at the same time as traditional design is used. This study aims to investigate in which projects it is most profitable to implement BIM. The aim of this thesis to study is the following questions: ● What are the f

Spelberoende och spelrelaterade stödföreningar under Covid-19-pandemin: En kvalitativ studie om uppfattningar av spelberoende och arbetet inom spelrelaterade stödföreningar under Covid-19-pandemin

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of resources/employees concerning gambling addiction and the work within the support organizations targeting gambling addiction during the outbreak of the Covid-19-pandemic. To examine the phenomenon, we conducted seven qualitative semistructured digital interviews with individuals active in Swedish support organizations for gambling addiction w

Förintelsens röster : en kvalitativ fallstudie om behandlingen av polska koncentrationslägerfångar enligt vittnesmålen från det världsunika Polska källinstitutet

Vittnesmålen i Polska källinstitutet i Lund utgör idag en unik intervjuskatt som saknar motstycke! Föreliggande komparativa fallstudie analyserar hur förintelseöverlevande behandlades i koncentrationslägren och hur detta skildras i de polska vittnesutsagorna om Förintelsen från 1945 – 1946. I undersökningen tillämpas flera olika metoder bl.a. kvalitativ textanalys i kombination med en kvantitativ The witness testimonies at the Polish Research Institute archive in Lund constitute today a unique and unparalleled interview gem! The subsequent comparative case study analyses how Holocaust survivors were treated in the concentration camps and how this is described in the Polish witness testimonies about the Holocaust from 1945 - 1946. Several different methods are applied in the study including

Lokal e-handel - stadskärnans räddning? En kvalitativ studie om butiksägarnas, Citysamverkans och plattformsägaren Zipadoos perspektiv på lokal e-handel

Studiens syfte är att analysera fenomenet lokal e-handel och skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vilken funktion fenomenet fyller för lokala detaljister i stadskärnan i en större svensk stad, och undersöka om det kan vara stadskärnans räddning. För en nyanserad förståelse för om lokal e-handel kan rädda stadskärnan inkluderas även Citysamverkans- och Zipadoos syn på forskningsfenomenet i studien. Ge

Swedish and international foreign aid’s impact on democratization processes: A qualitative study on Botswana and Uganda

Democracy promotion has received increased attention within development cooperation during the 21st century. The purpose of this study is to investigate foreign aid’s impact on democratization processes. Previous similar studies have mostly conducted quantitative methods or qualitative methods investigating foreign aid’s impact on economic outcomes. This study conducts a qualitative method and inv

Barnböckerna som alla älskar : studier i hur vi minns Elsa Beskow och hennes författarskap

När jag var liten läste mamma sagor för mig varje kväll. Favoriterna var bilderböckerna. Den jag tyckte bäst om hette Hattstugan som Elsa Beskow hade skrivit. Inte visste jag då att mamma också hade lyssnat på samma saga när hon var liten när mormor läste för henne. Likadant när mormor var liten på 1940-talet och fick höra den av sin mamma. Att en författarinna född 1874 skulle läses och uppskatt

Changes in Gray cast iron over the last century-An initial study

This thesis report summarizes the research on the cold aging of gray cast iron samples dating back 100 years, and how researchers looked at the phase history and amount of impurities and trace metals generated by recycling. Initially, the topic of the thesis is introduced, with an explanation and general information on gray cast iron. The chemistry and structure of gray cast iron are both discusse