

Din sökning på "*" gav 526348 sökträffar

Shaping future communication practises using CCO perspective: A study of pandemic remote work at UNDP

Covid-19 has forced organisations globally to shift from a physical office to a re-mote workspace overnight. One year into the pandemic, research suggests remote work could be the ‘new normal’, highlighting the need for organisations to enhance their knowledge of this practise. By investigating remote workers at the United Na-tions Development Programme (UNDP), this study aims to explore the impli

Neoliberalism and the Swedish welfare state in times of pandemic: A discourse analysis of (health)care, work, and economy as articulated in news publications

Taking the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as the point of departure, this thesis aims to explore the relationship between neoliberalism and the welfare state in Sweden, which has long been regarded a prime example of a successful marriage between capitalism and socialism through the social democratic welfare state. With this in mind, this thesis explores the areas of (health)care, work, and economy

Digitalization of Volvo Group's International Manufacturing Supply Chain

Bakgrund: Avdelningen International Manufacturing (IM) vid Volvo Group Trucks Operations (Volvo) i Göteborg är ansvarig för försörjning och leverans till Volvos internationella produktion. Detta genomförs genom en knock-downprocess, där färdigställda lastbilar skickas i kit för att sedan bli monterade på plats, vid den lokala fabriken. Denna försörjningskedja kräver annan anpassning och hanterar mBackground: The International Manufacturing division (IM) at Volvo Group Trucks Operations (Volvo) in Gothenburg handles the supply of Volvo’s international manufacturing efforts. This is done using knock-down manufacturing where complete trucks are sent in pieces to be assembled at location. IM’s supply chain is nonconforming in both processes and volumes, compared to the central Volvo organizati

Svenska och nordiska erfarenheter om åtgärder mot nedskräpning inom transportområdet

Svenska regeringens syn på nedskräpning och engångsplast är att det är ett stort problem, både på land och i hav med ständigt ökande konsekvenser och miljöutmaningar. I Sverige har det på flera håll genomförts försök att belysa problemet vad det gäller nedskräpning. Naturvårdsverket är en organisation som gav uppdrag för en skräpmätning 2020 till Håll Sverige Rent som gäller 75 kommuners centraloThe Swedish government's view of litter and disposable plastic is that litter is a major problem, both on land and at sea, with ever-increasing consequences and environmental challenges. In Sweden, attempts have been made in several places to shed light on the problem of littering. Naturvårdsverket is an organization that commissioned a waste survey in 2020 for Håll Sverige Rent, which applies

AI-Driven Meal Planning in the FoodTech Industry: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

Måltidsplanering för storkök, så som skolor och äldreboenden, är en mödosam och tidsödande process. Då det finns många olika villkor och restriktioner som måste beaktas i planeringen, dessa kommer i form av en budget, näringsinnehåll, tillgängliga resurser för tillagning och förvaring etc. Detta leder ofta till en slumpartad "prova sig fram"-teknik när en ny matsedel ska skapas. Likväl fTraditional meal planning for large kitchens is a laborious and complex affair with multiple external constraints imposed on the meal plan, such as a healthy nutrition profile and a low environmental impact, which should be fulfilled while being under budget. This is a tough task for humans but by modelling the process with a Markov Decision Process and using Reinforcement Learning an agent can be

”Det är alltid den stora lastbilen på vägen som är miljöboven och i vägen för alla andra” - En kvalitativ studie om små och medelstora åkeriföretags situation i södra Sverige relaterat till minskade växthusgasutsläpp

Titel: ”Det är alltid den stora lastbilen på vägen som är miljöboven och i vägen för alla andra” - En kvalitativ studie om små och medelstora åkeriföretags situation i södra Sverige relaterat till minskade växthusgasutsläpp Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Utbildning: Logistics Service Management Kurs: SMKK65 Service management: Examensarbete

How to create a service-oriented company when going through a technology shift

Technical advancements and changes to the environment imply that industries may experience technology shifts. During those times, mature manufacturing companies are vulnerable, and it is of outmost importance they can respond to the new circumstances. To do so, mature manufacturing companies need to know which consequences they will experience to their offer, business model, resources and capabili

A comparative study on hole quality criteria on CFRP drilling

Drilling is an essential hole-making operation in the modern industrial world. Drilling operation is comparatively challenging in composites when compared to metals. Composites are heterogeneous and possess a high strength-to-weight ratio which makes it a challenge in composite drilling. The hole quality has two major defects affecting the reliability of CFRP composites: Uncut fibers and Delaminat

Determinants of organically farmed acreage expansion within the European Union

Many consider organic farming to be a solution to agriculture’s potential agricultural crises. Accordingly, the European Union’s Organic Action Plan aims to increase the share of organically farmed acreage drastically over the next decade. Research concerning the drivers of organic farming expansion could prove vital, and a wide range of empirical literature explores the topic. However, previous s

Audio-based Motion Detection

Motion detection is an essential technology and it has numerous use-cases, such as security tracking, automated door opening systems, and IP cameras. Commonly, passive infrared sensors or radio frequency sensors are used for motion detection. However, this thesis focuses on performing motion detection using existing hardware at audio frequencies. Specifically, it aims to implement a motion detecti

Fatty acid composition of different fruits and berries - A comparative study of superfruits and more “common” fruits

Introduction: Superfruits have been promoted as nutrient-rich food that can improve your health, however, many scientists argue that the validation of the term is based on exaggeration of the limited studies that are available. Background: The chemical composition of a food is complex and there are many substances that can affect the human body. One such group of substances are fatty acids (FAs),

A reverse data-driven energy estimation approach for evaluating renewable energy systems implementation in New York City

Urban areas are responsible for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions. Megacities, especially, have cumulative impacts due to different anthropogenic heat sources and urban heat island phenomena. It is therefore vital to replace fossil fuel burning heating sources with renewable sources in the current building stock. Renewable energy sources can be applied through building energy retrofit

Analysis of Myc Aberrations in Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Drug Target Identification

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) with Myc aberrations has previously been shown to be associated with poor survival and worse response to current treatment strategies. This study aims to investigate the association between Myc overexpression and clinical outcome and to identify drugs targeting MCL with Myc alterations. Data from the two patient cohorts BLISS and N-MCL2/3 was analyzed, and the associatio

Narcissism, Love and Consumption

Online dating is growing rapidly within society. In the light of the covid-19 pandemic, the popular online dating app Tinder provides a new social setting for dating and romantic relationships. There is some debate whether online dating apps liquify (devolves) love - as proposed by Zygmunt Bauman - or make dating more accessible and efficient. This thesis aims to understand and create knowledge of

"Det är värt för en person som man älskar" - Unga kvinnliga andragenerationssvenskars syn på anhörigomsorg

Restrictions in the distribution of interventions by the public elderly care have resulted in an increase in care for relatives. Those who have increased their relative care are primarily women, especially women from the working class and women who provide care to a relative who was born outside the Nordic countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate young female second-generation Swede

Machined surfaces as designed cell culture substrates

De flesta levande celler fäster på ytor av olika slag för att kunna växa, men vilka faktorer som bidrar till deras infästning på metallytor är hittills okänt. Man vet att ytans ojämnhet spelar en roll och att vissa material är cytotoxiska. Målet med den här studien är att vidare undersöka effekten som ojämnheten har på cellproliferation, genom att odla celler från cellinjen A549 på olika metallytoMost living cells attach and proliferate on surfaces, but the reasons for attachment are scarcely researched when it comes to attachment on metal surfaces. Surface roughness is known to have an effect, and some materials are known to be toxic to cells. The aim of this study is to further investigate the effects of surface roughness on cell proliferation through the use of the A549 cell line plante

FE Simulations of Mounting of an Anisotropic Work Piece Material to Reduce the Effects of Vibration

Optical cavities should be designed to be insensitive to vibration in all directions. The study of the behavior of the material used to develop an optical cavity is vital for the cavity to be insensitive in all orders. In this project, we are using Abaqus to generate a FE model of an optical cavity and its mountings via support points in order to investigate the effects of vibration in different d

Biogas and modus operandi of sustainable business models in developing and developed markets

The need for adapting business models to sustainable business models is revolutionizing many industries where business as usual stops being an option from a social or environmental perspective. The adoption of sustainable business models occurs in both developed and developing markets however, due to the nature of the two environments being notably different, it is expected that the sustainable bu

"Köp nu, betala senare" : en netnografisk analys av kvinnors inställning till Klarna

Det huvudsakliga syftet med vår studie är att se om utvecklingen av digitala betaltjänster gjort att skuldsättning normaliseras i ett av Sveriges största diskussionsforum. Studien har genomförts via en netnografisk metod där vi studerat kommentarer i en sluten Facebookgrupp och sedan analyserat det insamlade materialet. Studiens resultat visar hur olika medlemmar ur forumet resonerar kring Klarna

Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Impact of Technology Enhanced Learning in Swedish Primary Schools

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) impacts primary schools in Sweden in terms of teaching and learning practices as well as analysing how the school is affected as an organisation and social environment to the technologies. The benefits and challenges following the implementation of TEL in a learning environment is often subject to various theories and factors when it is implemented into practice.