

Din sökning på "*" gav 528913 sökträffar

Resistivity Modelling of Fracture Zones and Horizontal Layers in Bedrock

2D resistivity modelling was done in order to examine the imaging resolution of 4 different configurations for mapping of fracture zones in bedrock. The studied arrays include Dipole-dipole, Gradient, Pole-dipole and Wenner. A variety of geological models were tested and the imaging possibilities and limitations of the different arrays were analysed. Apart from imaging fracture zones with various

Attosecond control of electron-ion recollision in high harmonic generation

We show that high harmonic generation driven by an intense near-infrared (IR) laser can be temporally controlled when an attosecond pulse train (APT) is used to ionize the generation medium, thereby replacing tunnel ionization as the first step in the well-known three-step model. New harmonics are formed when the ionization occurs at a well-defined time within the optical cycle of the IR field. Th

Evaluation of hand bone loss by digital X-ray radiogrammetry as a complement to clinical and radiographic assessment in early rheumatoid arthritis: results from the SWEFOT trial

Background: To investigate hand bone loss (HBL) measured by digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving different treatment regimens, and to evaluate if DXR change rates during the first 12 months correlate with radiological damage after 24 months. Methods: From the total SWEFOT trial population, 159 patients had hand radiographs correctly timed an

Using EMG for Real-time Prediction of Joint Angles to Control a Prosthetic Hand Equipped with a Sensory Feedback System

All commercially available upper limb prosthesis controllers only allow the hand to be commanded in an open and close fashion without any sensory feedback to the user. Here the evaluation of a multi-degree of freedom hand controlled using a real-time EMG pattern recognition algorithm and incorporating a sensory feedback system is reported. The hand prosthesis, called SmartHand, was controlled in r

Editorial: Film Workshops in Europe

Abstract in Undetermined The editorial introduces the special issue on film workshops, situating the workshops as minor cinemas, and discussing the revised historiography of film.

Reduced Receivers for Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling and General Linear Channels

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens samhälle är allt mer beroende av elektroniska hjälpmedel så som smarta telefoner, läsplattor, datorer osv. Prestandakraven ökar i en allt högre takt och därför måste även den bakomliggande teknologin följa samma trend. De flesta av oss vill att den nya mobiltelefonen ska ha så hög kameraupplösning som möjligt men få av oss tänker på att detta medför en större mäFast and reliable data transmission together with high bandwidth efficiency are important design aspects in a modern digital communication system. Many different approaches exist but in this thesis bandwidth efficiency is obtained by increasing the data transmission rate with the faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) framework while keeping a fixed power spectral density (PSD). In FTN consecutive information

Magnetic and Magneto-Transport Characterization of (Ga,Mn)(Bi,As) Epitaxial Layers

High-quality layers of the (Ga,Mn)(Bi,As) quaternary compound semiconductor have been grown by the low-temperature molecular-beam epitaxy technique. An effect of Si incorporation into the (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductor and the post-growth annealing treatment of the layers have been investigated through examination of their magnetic and magneto-transport properties. Significant enhancement o

The construction and controlling effect of a moral brand

This paper explores the control effect of a moral brand through its brand culture. The moral brand culture distinguishes itself from other brand cultures by drawing on external claims for legitimacy. In this case, the brand drew upon a strong brand community, moral narratives in society, and the participative engagement with its values by many employees. As a consequence of these multiple and ofte

Relationship Between Ljungan Virus Antibodies, HLA-DQ8, and Insulin Autoantibodies in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Children

Environmental factors, including viral infections, may explain an increasing and fluctuating incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes (T1D). Ljungan virus (LV) isolated from bank voles have been implicated, but it is unclear whether LV contributes to islet autoimmunity, progression to clinical onset, or both, of T1D. The aim was to test whether LV antibodies (LVAb) were related to HLA-DQ and islet a

The interconnected KIT receptor and Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor axis in melanoma

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den farligaste formen av hudcancer, melanom, uppkommer genom okontrollerad tillväxt av melanocyter som är celler specialiserade i pigmentproduktion. Dessa celler skyddar oss från den farliga UV-strålingen med hjälp av pigment som omvandlar ljusvågor till värme. I Sverige drabbas drygt 2000 personer per år av sjukdomen. Cirka 80-85 % av dessa botas genom kirurgi men hos Melanoma is an aggressive disease that arises from deregulated signaling events in melanocytes. The KIT receptor tyrosine kinase and the Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) are two essential components that are required for the normal physiology of melanocyte development and function. Consequently, aberrant activities of these factors are involved in the development of melanoma.

Accounting for one-channel depletion improves missing value imputation in 2-dye microarray data

Abstract in UndeterminedBackground: For 2-dye microarray platforms, some missing values may arise from an un-measurably low RNA expression in one channel only. Information of such "one-channel depletion" is so far not included in algorithms for imputation of missing values.Results: Calculating the mean deviation between imputed values and duplicate controls in five datasets, we show that KNN-based

The ratio of interstitial to substitutional site occupation by Mn atoms in GaAs estimated by EXAFS

The location of Mn atoms in the MBE-grown layers of Ga1-xMnxAs is correlated with all important physical properties of the final material, therefore, it is the subject of many studies. It is known that in the as-grown MBE samples the Mn atoms occupy substitutional and interstitial positions but the proportion between these sites is not easy to find. A powerful tool for this kind of study is XAS as

Kiselalgernas egendomliga evolutionshistoria

Kiselalger finns över nästan hela jorden och står för en stor del av jordens samlade fotosyntes. Deras kloroplaster härstammar från rödalger, men resten av deras celler kommer från andra håll. Kiselalgerna har många gener vilkas närmaste släktingar återfinns hos djur, svampar, grönalger eller olika bakterier.

Body weight and risk of atrial fibrillation in 7,169 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes; an observational study

Background: Obesity, type 2 diabetes and atrial fibrillation (AF) are closely associated, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We aimed to explore associations between body mass index (BMI) or weight change with risk of AF in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A total of 7,169 participations with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were stratified according to baseline BMI, and

Gentrification—Gentle or Traumatic? Urban Renewal Policies and Socioeconomic Transformations in Copenhagen

This article contrasts the intentions and outcomes of the publicly instigated and supported urban renewal of Copenhagen’s Inner Vesterbro district. Apart from physically upgrading the decaying buildings, the municipality’s aim was to include the inhabitants in the urban renewal process and, seemingly, to prevent the dislocation of people from the neighbourhood. However, due to ambiguous policies,

Electrophysiological Assessment of Retinal Function During 6 Months of Bevacizumab Treatment in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the alteration of retinal function by multifocal electroretinography and full-field electroretinography in patients with age-related macular degeneration treated with bevacizumab. Methods: We performed a prospective pilot study of 26 eyes of 26 previously treatment-naive patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration receiving intravitre