

Din sökning på "*" gav 528039 sökträffar

The Distributional Implications of Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries - Findings from the Development Policy Evaluation Model (DEVPEM)

This chapter presents the Development Policy Evaluation Model (DEVPEM), a new simulation model which captures four critical aspects of rural economies in developing countries: 1) the role of the household as both a producer and a consumer of food crops; 2) high transaction costs of participating in markets; 3) market linkages among heterogeneous rural producers and consumers; 4) the imperfect conv

Oxidative Degradation of Polyethylene - A Cause of Off-flavour

Polyethylene is the most frequently used polymer material in food packaging today. The polymer is often processed by film extrusion and extrusion coating between 250°C and 325°C. Although polyethylene has high thermal stability some degradation takes place and the degradation products formed will migrate to the packed food, which will give food off-flavour tastes when consumed. With an increase in

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Abstract in Norwegian Hva mener vi når vi sier at noe er rettferdig eller likt fordelt? Statsvitere søker svar på slike store spørsmål – om krig og fred, rett og urett, miljø og global ressursfordeling. Men statsvitere interesserer seg også for det mer lokale og hverdagslige. Hvorfor stemte folk som de gjorde i forrige lokalvalg? Hvorfor er det av og til så vanskelig å gjennomføre politiske beslut

Application of the max-min fairness principle in telecommunication network design

The rapid growth of traffic induced by Internet services makes the simple over-provisioning of resources not economical and hence imposes new requirements on the dimensioning methods. Therefore, the problem of network design with the objective of minimizing the cost and at the same time solving the tradeoff between maximizing the service data flows and providing fair treatment of all demands becom

A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fire Protection Systems Designed to Protect Against Exterior Arson Fires in Schools

Fires in school buildings caused by arson are a major problem in Sweden. The costs of these fires are disproportionately high compared to the costs of fires in buildings in general, and it has been shown that fires that start outside of the building in connection with an exterior wall, so called exterior fires are especially problematic. However, technical systems can be used to mitigate the conse

An emergent means to assurgent ends: Community resilience for safety and sustainability

Societal safety and sustainability are key challenges in our complex and dynamic world, causing growth in interest of applying the concept of resilience in broader societal contexts. This paper presents a concept of Community Resilience that builds on established theory of Resilience Engineering and operationalises the concept by presenting its purpose, required functions and a way to identify and

Nuclear magnetic resonance and microcirculation: The influence of pulsatile brain-tissue motion on measurements of intravoxel incoherent motion and assessment of haemodynamics using exo- and endogenous tracers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling i radiofysik (medicinsk strålningsfysik) behandlar metodutveckling för kvantifiering av intrakraniella rörelser samt för bestämning av blodflöde och blodvolym i olika vävnader. De tekniker som använts är bildgivande respektive spektroskopiska kärnspinnresonansmetoder (NMR-metoder). I klinisk miljö (diagnostisk radiologi) benämns den bildgivande uIn this project, the potential of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy in studies of microcirculation and haemodynamics was evaluated. The spatial and temporal characteristics of human pulsatile brain-tissue movements in healthy individuals, relevant for the understanding of the cerebrospinal-fluid (CSF) circulation and the pathogenesis of hydrocephalus, were thoroughly investigated. A

Synthesis, Structure and Bonding in Polyiodides and Binary Metal Iodide-Iodine Systems

Polyiodides and binary metal iodide-iodine compounds have been prepared and investigated by means of X-ray diffraction, EXAFS, far-IR, Raman, UV-vis and NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. (Et3S)[AuI4].2I2 and (Me3S)[Cd2I6]1/2.3I2 were synthesised through the reaction between the room temperature melt of trialkylsulfonium polyiodides and the corresponding metal iodides. The structu

Att skriva sin stad - och bevaka världen. Runer Jonsson i Nybro Tidning

The purpose of this dissertation is the study of the journalism of Runer Jonsson (born 1916), as sole editor of Nybro Tidning, published by the printing house Johansson & Svenson AB. Although coming directly from industrial work, not quite 20 of age and not at all experienced in newspaper publishing Jonsson started his new career after for two years having showed his ability as a writer of loc

Determination of Low Energy Constants and testing Chiral Perturbation Theory at Next to Next to Leading Order

We present the results of a search for relations between observables that are independent of the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order (NNLO) Low-Energy Constants (LECs). We have found some relations between observables in $\pi\pi$, $\pi K$ scattering and $K_{l4}$ decay which have been evaluated numerically using the old fit (fit 10 in~\cite{Amoros:2001cp}) of the NLO LEC

Förändrade kunskapsformer och förnyade informationskompetenser i gymnasieskolan

En medievärld i förändring och ett ökat individuellt ansvar för sökning, värdering och sammanställning av information i skolan väcker frågor om hur elever, lärare, skolbibliotekarier och deltagare i sociala medier hanterar källkritiska frågor och trovärdighet. I våra studier av klassrumsaktiviteter och av deltagande i Wikipedia framkommer en komplex relation mellan preferenser för förhandsgranskad

A superconducting undulator at the 500 MeV RF-gun driven linac-recirculator at MAX-lab

MAX-lab is replacing its microtron injector with a RF-gun driven 500 MeV recirculator linac (250 MeV linac with one recirculation). The linac will later be equipped with a low emittance laser gun. In this paper, a future installation of a superconducting undulator driven by the recirculator beam is discussed. The undulator is characterised by the emission of spontaneous undulator radiation. The li

Natural radiative lifetimes in the 3 sns 1S0 and 3 snd 1D2 sequences of magnesium

Natural radiative lifetimes have been determined in the determined in the 3 sns 1S0 (n=4-15) and the 3 snd 1D2 (n=3-15) sequences of Mg I employing a pulsed-laser system. The radiative lifetimes in the 1S0 sequence and of the higher members in the 1D2 sequence are unperturbed and scale as (n*)2.6 (where n* is the effective principal quantum number), while the lifetimes of the lower members in the