

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Low-level exposure to lead, blood pressure, and hypertension in a population-based cohort

Background: Environmental lead exposure is a possible causative factor for increased blood pressure and hypertension, but large studies at low-level exposure are scarce, and results inconsistent. Objective: We aimed to examine the effects of environmental exposure to lead in a large population-based sample. Methods: We assessed associations between blood lead and systolic/diastolic blood pressure

Determination of thiophanate-methyl and its metabolites at trace level in spiked natural water using the supported liquid membrane extraction and the microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction techniques combined on-line with high-performance liquid chromatography

On-line supported liquid membrane (SLM) extraction and microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction (MMLLE) techniques for sample preparation of natural water samples have been developed for the determination of thiophanate-methyl (TM), carbendazim (MBC) and 2-aminobenzimidazole (2-AB) using reversed-phase HPLC. The combination of SLM extraction and MMLLE offers extraction conditions that makes i

Attitudes towards hepatitis C and treatment willingness in injection drug users: a follow-up interview study.

Many injection drug users are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), yet few are treated. With opiate maintenance treatment, expected life length increases, and the incitement increases to treat HCV in order to avoid long term complications. The aim of the present study was to investigate attitudes towards HCV and HCV treatment willingness among opiate-dependent injection drug users at Malmö needl

Testis-derived Sertoli cells have a trophic effect on dopamine neurons and alleviate hemiparkinsonism in rats

Neural tissue transplantation has become an alternative treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD) and other neurodegenerative disorders. The clinical use of neural grafts as a source of dopamine for Parkinson's disease patients, although beneficial, is associated with logistical and ethical issues. Thus, alternative graft sources have been explored including polymer-encapsulated cells and nonneural c

Size and property bimodality in magnetic nanoparticle dispersions : single domain particles vs. strongly coupled nanoclusters

The widespread use of magnetic nanoparticles in the biotechnical sector puts new demands on fast and quantitative characterization techniques for nanoparticle dispersions. In this work, we report the use of asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) to study the properties of a commercial magnetic nanoparticle dispersion. We demonstrate the effectiveness of bo

On the formation of inclusion complexes at the solid/liquid interface of anchored temperature-responsive PNIPAAM diblock copolymers with γ-cyclodextrin

The thermal responsive behavior of adsorbed layers of diblock copolymers of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) and poly((3-acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammonium chloride) (PAMPTMA(+)) with γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) at the solid/liquid interface has been investigated using three in situ techniques: null ellipsometry, quartz–crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring, and neutron reflectometry. Th

A Patient-Assessed Morbidity to Evaluate Outcome in Surgically Treated Vestibular Schwannomas

OBJECTIVE: Outcome after treatment of vestibular schwannomas can be evaluated by health providers as mortality, recurrence, performance, and morbidity. Because mortality and recurrence are rare events, evaluation has to focus on performance and morbidity. The latter has mostly been reported by health providers. In the present study, we validate 2 new scales for patient-assessed performance and mor

Evaluation of smooth pursuit and voluntary saccades in nitrous oxide-induced narcosis

The effect of inhaling nitrous oxide on pursuit eye movements (PEM) and voluntary saccades was studied in nine healthy subjects. Eye movements were recorded before, during, and 10 min after exposure for 15 min to normoxic mixtures of 14%, 21%, and 28% nitrous oxide. At all concentrations, there was a significant decrease in gain of PEM at a target velocity of 60 degrees/s, the decrease being of co

Adding Defibrillation Therapy to Cardiac Resynchronization on the Basis of the Myocardial Substrate

BACKGROUND: Patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) may be at lower risk for ventricular arrhythmias compared with those with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). In addition, DCM has been identified as a predictor of positive response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of an additional implantable cardioverter-defibr

Evolution in boron-based GEM detectors for diffraction measurements : From planar to 3D converters

The so-called '3He-crisis' has motivated the neutron detector community to undertake an intense R&D programme in order to develop technologies alternative to standard 3He tubes and suitable for neutron detection systems in future spallation sources such as the European spallation source (ESS). Boron-based GEM (gas electron multiplier) detectors are a promising '3He-free' technology for thermal

Pressurized liquids as an alternative process to antioxidant carotenoids' extraction from Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae

In this work, extraction of antioxidant carotenoids from Haematococcus pluvialis microalga, has been studied combining pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), using hexane and ethanol as extracting solvents, and analytical techniques such as thin layer chromatography (TLC) and HPLC with DAD. The effect of the extraction temperature (50, 100, 150 and 200 °C) and the polarity of the solvent have been s

Bovine β-casein has a polydisperse distribution of equilibrium micelles

β-casein, a self-associating protein, has been extensively studied over the years, and it is a molecule that is of academic, industrial, and clinical relevance. Therefore it is of interest to understand the structural and conformational properties of the assemblies, also denoted micelles. Here we show that β-casein possess a polydisperse distribution of equilibrium micelles, which has, to the auth

Effects of the neurological wake-up test on intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure in brain-injured patients

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of the neurological "wake-up test" (NWT), defined as interruption of continuous propofol sedation and evaluation of the patient's level of consciousness, on intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) in patients with severe subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) or traumatic brain injury (TBI).METHODS: A total of 127 NWT procedures in 21 severely br

High Perineal and Overall Frequency of Staphylococcus aureus in People Who Inject Drugs, Compared to Non-Injectors

To investigate the prevalence, distribution, and colonization burden of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and MRSA in different body sites among people who inject drugs (PWID) and compare it to a control group consisting of non-injectors. In this cross-sectional survey, 49 active PWID from the needle exchange program (NEP) in Malmö, Sweden, and 60 non-injecting controls from an emergency psychiatr

Temperamental Influences on Risk-taking during Middle Childhood

Min avhandling handlar om hur barns medfödda temperamentsegenskaper påverkar deras risktagande. Temperamentsegenskaper antas avspegla aktiviteten i biologiskt nedärvda motivationssystem. Aktiviteten i dessa avgör hur snabbt, hur starkt och hur länge vi kommer att reagera i olika situationer. I vår första studie ville vi studera psykometriska egenskaper hos det frågeformulär vi avsåg att använda i This thesis concerns temperamental qualities and their influence on risk-taking behavior during middle childhood (7–11 years of age). Contemporary research generally agrees upon the notion that temperament constitutes two motivational systems, sensitive to punishment and reward respectively, together with a third system that is responsible for regulating the motivational systems. Risk-taking is ge

An open prospective study evaluating efficacy and safety of a new medical device for rectal application of activated carbon in the treatment of chronic, uncomplicated perianal fistulas

Purpose: It has been proposed that biological/chemical substances in the intestine might play a role in the occurrence and deterioration of perianal fistulas. Elimination of such unidentified factors from the lower gastrointestinal tract might offer a new strategy for the management of anal fistulas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical effects on non-Crohn’s disease perianal fistula