

Din sökning på "*" gav 528327 sökträffar

Predictive Control of HCCI Engines Using Physical Models

Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising internal combustion engine concept. It holds promise of combining low emission levels with high efficiency. However, as ignition timing in HCCI operation lacks direct actuation and is highly sensitive to operating conditions and disturbances, robust closed-loop control is necessary. To facilitate control design and allow for porting of

Extremum-Seeking Control of Industrial-Scale Fermentation Processes

The work presented here is based on two papers, both pertaining to perturbation-based control strategies in industrial fed-batch fermentation processes. The first paper describes a new control strategy for avoiding overflow metabolism in the exponential growth phase of a fermentation, based on analysis of the frequency spectrum of the dissolved oxygen measurement following a periodic perturbation

Genetic factors in childhood cancer. Associations between tumors in childhood and adulthood, and prevalence of germline TP53 mutations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år insjuknar omkring 300 barn i cancer. Förbättrade behandlingsmetoder under de senaste decennierna har lett till att mer än tre av fyra barn idag faktiskt botas från sin sjukdom. Tyvärr drabbas en stor andel av de som överlever sin cancer av så kallade sena komplikationer till följd av den tuffa behandling de har utsatts för. Bland annat har man sett en livslång The etiology of childhood cancer is largely unknown. Approximately 1-10% of all childhood tumors are associated with known cancer predisposition syndromes. However, the contribution may be underestimated due to the failure to detect patients with genetic susceptibility for cancer when relying on known family pattern and anomalies. Growing evidence indicates that patients with genetic susceptibilit

Early changes in myocardial repolarization and coronary perfusion after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery for ASD repair in children

Background: In adults, impaired myocardial repolarization and increased risk of arrhythmia are known consequences of open heart surgery. Little is known, however, about post-operative consequences of cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in children. The aim of this study was to assess ventricular repolarization and coronary perfusion after bypass surgery for atrial septal defect (ASD) repair in children

Religion och etnicitet

Religionssociologi är ett brett ämnesområde som belyser de sociala funktionerna av religion i dåtid likväl som i nutid. En av de nutida viktiga aspekterna av religionens sociala natur är dess förhållande till etnicitet. Etnicitet har under den senare delen av 1900-talet varit ett framträdande sätt att kategorisera grupper. Samtidigt har det framförts tankar om att denna form av social kategoriseri

Anti-TNF treatment of chronic arthritis in clinical practice. New assessment method and predictors of efficacy and tolerability.

Abstract Treatment of chronic inflammatory arthritis has undergone major changes over the past years following introduction of targeted biological therapies. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) blocking therapy has been the most important biological treatment of chronic arthritis to date. The overall objective of this thesis was to develop a new assessment method of efficacy of biological therapy in clin


Foreword to the publication.

Recognition, Responsibility and Reconciliation: The Trinity of the Armenian Genocide

The 24th of April 2015 will mark the centennial commemoration of the Armenian genocide and is expected to be a worldwide ceremony. Hundred years will have passed since the start of the state orchestrated massacres and deportations in 1915 which emptied the majority of historical Armenia from its native population. A century has passed, but ironically, the Armenian genocide seems to become more top

The complex use of religion in decisions on organ transplantation.

Because of its existential character, organ transplantation is strongly connected to a person's view of life. This article describes how participants in a focus group use religious elements in decision-making on transplantation medicine in four European countries. Further these findings are related to two influential theologians: James Gustafson and Paul Ramsey, and their thinking on the role of r

Experimental and theoretical investigation of non-isothermal transfer in hygroscopic building materials

In this paper a modified two-dimensional Luikov model for evaluating the non-isothermal moisture migration in porous building materials was proposed. The coupled heat and moisture transfer problem was modeled. Vapor content and temperature were chosen as the principal driving potentials. The coupled equations were solved by a numerical method, which consists of a finite difference technique with a

A novel method for downstream characterization of breast cancer circulating tumor cells following CellSearch isolation.

Enumeration of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) obtained from minimally invasive blood samples has been well established as a valuable monitoring tool in metastatic and early breast cancer, as well as in several other cancer types. The gold standard technology for detecting CTCs in blood against a backdrop of millions of leukocytes is the FDA-approved CellSearch system (Janssen Diagnostics), which r

Application of Control Theory to a Commercial Mobile Service Support System

The Mobile Service Support system (MSS), which Ericsson AB develops, handles the setup of new subscribers and services into a mobile network. Experience from deployed systems show that traffic monitoring and control of the system will be crucial for handling overload situations that may occur at sudden traffic surges. In this paper we identify and explore some important control challenges for this

Contact allergy to textile dyes. Clinical and experimental studies on disperse azo dyes

Disperse dyes are the most common allergens among textile dyes. It is not known whether the purified dyes, impurities in the commercial dyes, or metabolites are the actual sensitisers. Moreover, it is not known whether those disperse dyes that are now present in test series are actually used in textile dyeing today. The aim of this thesis was A) to evaluate the significance of the impurities foun

A high-throughput pathology approach for further insight into the role of RBM3 as a biomarker of prognosis and chemotherapy response in human cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt fler människor drabbas av cancer, som idag är den ledande dödsorsaken globalt. De vanligaste cancerformerna i världen är lungcancer, bröstcancer och tjocktarmscancer och det är störst risk att dö i lungcancer, levercancer och magcancer. Även i Sverige ökar antalet cancerfall, till stor del på grund av att vi lever allt längre och cancer är idag en av våra stora folCancer incidence is increasing and it is the number one cause of death worldwide. Cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease and there is a great need for new early diagnostic, prognostic and treatment predictive biomarkers in order to improve patient outcomes. The RNA-binding motif protein 3, RBM3, is an emerging candidate biomarker of favourable prognosis and treatment response in several types of

Removal of APIs and bacteria from hospital wastewater by MBR plus O-3, O-3 + H2O2, PAC or ClO2

The objective of this study has been to develop technologies that can reduce the content of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and bacteria from hospital wastewater. The results from the laboratory-and pilot-scale testings showed that efficient removal of the vast majority of APIs could be achieved by a membrane bioreactor (MBR) followed by ozone, ozone + hydrogen peroxide or powdered activa

Brevican distinctively assembles extracellular components at the large diameter nodes of Ranvier in the CNS

Brevican is known to be an abundant extracellular matrix component in the adult brain and a structural constituent of perineuronal nets. We herein show that brevican, tenascin-R (TN-R) and phosphacan are present at the nodes of Ranvier on myelinated axons with a particularly large diameter in the central nervous system. A brevican deficiency resulted in a reorganization of the nodal matrices, whic