

Din sökning på "*" gav 532847 sökträffar


Dosan challenges the current norms and preconceptions of light switches in a home environment by creating impactful and joyful moments into an otherwise repetitive action. Technological advancements have led to an increased lack of physical interaction and tactile feedback, therefore it is important to consider what is replaced and what gets lost when new innovative technology is introduced. Dosan

Investigating Acceptance of Technology Case: The Autonomous truck

The autonomous truck is gradually making its way onto our roads, and the elimination of the truck driver implies a substantial social-technical transition for logistics companies. Specifically, transport managers who work closely with the drivers on a daily basis, will potentially see a significant change at work. The implementation of the autonomous trucks in logistical companies could cause fric

Utveckling av digitaliserat låssystem

Detta examensarbete utfördes på företaget Devex Mekatronik i Lund som under arbetets gång köptes upp av företaget Etteplan. Målet med det här examensarbetet var att vidareutveckla och förbättra ett låssystem till ett medicinskåp med tillhörande databas. Devex Mekatronik hade påbörjat en egen lösning på problemet men ville utveckla ett fullständigt system som fungerade på det sätt de hade tänkt sig

Familjehemsplacerade barns rätt till kontinuitet. En studie över förutsättningarna för vårdnadsöverflyttning genom 6 kap. 8 § föräldrabalken

Vårdnadsöverflyttning enligt 6 kap. 8 § föräldrabalken, syftar till att skydda barn som under en längre tid levt i familjehem från att ryckas upp från sin trygghet och nya familjemiljö. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förutsättningarna för vårdandsöverflyttning av vårdnaden om barn till familjehemmet de blivit placerade i efter beslutande om vård enligt 2 § LVU. Sedan analyseras vårdnadsCustody transfer according to 6:8 Parental code (föräldrabalken) aims to protect children who have lived in a custody home for a long period of time from being taken from their new home. This assignment aims to examine under what circumstances a custody transfer can be made from the child’s biological parents to the custody parents after the child have been placed in a custody family in accordance

Detention – The Silent Consequence of the EU’s Pact on Migration and Asylum -An Examination of the Impact of the Proposed Pact on Migration and Asylum on the Use of Pre-Entry Detention of Asylum Seekers

Den 23 september 2020 lanserade EU-kommissionen den nya asyl- och migrationspakten, där fem nya lagförslag presenteras, som bland annat syftar till att förhindra att asylsökande utan tydliga asylskäl får resa in i Europeiska unionen (EU). För att uppnå det här målet föreslår EU- kommissionen att inrätta en fas före inresa, som kommer att bestå av en fem-dagar lång screening av alla tredjelandsmedbOn the 23 September 2020 the European Commission launched the Pact on Migration and Asylum, introducing five legislative proposals, which inter alia aim at ensuring that only people with clear protection needs enter the European Union (EU). To reach this objective, the European Commission introduced a so-called pre-entry phase, consisting of firstly, the proposed screening procedure, a five-day pr

A qualitative study of hallway furniture design

Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med AFRY och deras kund Homezan som specialiserar sig på design av möbler producerade i naturmaterial. Bakgrunden till arbetet myntades genom företagets önskan att utöka deras produktsortiment med hallmöbler. Därmed har detta examensarbete fokuserat på att utveckla ett hallmöbelkoncept med fokus på att identifiera företagets målgrupps förvaringsbehov. UtThis Master Thesis project was performed in collaboration with AFRY and their client Homezan, who specializes in home furniture design produced in natural materials. The project scope emerged from the company’s request to expand their product assortment to hall furniture. To solve this request, this Master Thesis project a hall furniture concept have been developed with focus on identifying custom

Multiscale mechanical modeling of paperboard

This thesis considers an investigation into the possibilities of creating a reasonably accurate multiscale material model for paperboard, with geometry based on X-ray scans of small paperboard samples. The modeling takes place in the software Multiscale Designer by Altair Engineering Inc. A representative volume element (RVE) is used to capture the X-ray geometry and represent macroscopic mechanic

Competition between toxic and non-toxic strains within the genus Microcystis under nitrogen limitation

Microcystis blooms are implicated in toxic algal blooms worldwide due to the production of toxins microcystins. Blooms have caused poisoning of humans and other animals, and annually contribute to economic loss. The biological role of microcystin synthesis by the genus Microcystis remains an unanswered question. Consequently, the factors that select for microcystin producing (toxic) phenotypes ove

Inga kommentarer - En kommentar om den tilltalades tystnad i bevishänseende

En grundläggande princip inom straffrätten är in dubio pro reo. Principen innebär att åklagaren bär bevisbördan i brottmål och att domaren i tveksamma fall ska döma till den tilltalades fördel. Denna princip ligger till grund för oskyldighetspresumtionen som innebär att en tilltalad ska presumeras vara oskyldig till motsatsen bevisas. Oskyldighetspresumtionen har indirekt tillämpats i svensk rätt A fundamental principle in criminal law is in dubio pro reo. The principle imply that the prosecutor bears the burden of proof in criminal cases and that the judge, when in doubt, must rule in favor of the accused. This principle is the basis for the presumption of innocence, which means that a defendant must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. The presumtion of innocence has been indirectly

Effect of TGFβ Treatment on Fibroblast Phenotype and Deposition of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Three Dimensional Polycaprolactone Fibre Networks

Effects of TGFβ on the extra cellular matrix and its architects the fibroblasts Fibroblasts are the main architects of the extra cellular matrix (ECM), the non-cellular structure, surrounding the cells throughout the body. The ECM and fibroblasts are constantly communicating with neighboring cells, and an imbalanced ECM state can have detrimental impacts in the organism. In diseases like cancer,

Low Power Pre-Distorter Design For 5G Radio Using Machine Learning

A Power Amplifier (PA) is an essential electronic component in all microwave and millimeter-wave applications and, more specifically, in any transmitting system where the level of input power signal needs amplification to the desired level.Linearity and high efficiency are of utmost importance in PAs. However, high-efficiency PAs tend to be non-linear, and PAs working in the linear region might ha

Konkurrens och digitalisering - En kritisk granskning av EU:s konkurrensrättspolicy i den digitala eran

Digitaliseringen har revolutionerat våra samhällen. Hur vi kommunicerar och interagerar med varandra och hur vi handlar produkter och tjänster har över de senaste åren varit föremål för drastiska förändringar. Bakom dessa förändringar står ett fåtal digitala jättar. Trots att förändringarna har ökat konsumentvälfärden och i regel varit positiva, har farhågor lyfts. Detta har inte minst uppmärksammDigitalization has revolutionized our societies. How we communicate and interact with one another and how we purchase goods and services has changed drastically. A select few technological giants are the driving force behind these changes. Despite the increase in consumer welfare and the overall heightened standard of living, concerns have been raised, especially within the discourse of competitio

Investigation of endoplasmic reticulum stress in response to hypoxia in lung fibroblasts

Lack of oxygen delivery to the cells results in excessive production of oxygen free radicals in the cells leading to a pathological condition postulated as hypoxia. One of the most crucial transcription factors that can adapt to the fluctuating levels of hypoxia is Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α (HIF-1α). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is amongst the common lung diseases majorly caused

Dwarf Galaxies in the Galactic Potential as probes of its internal structure

Mörk materia, som det ofta kallas, utgör den största delen av materian i Universum. Då den inte interagerar med synligt ljus, är det omöjligt att observera dess närvaro direkt. Istället får man tillta indirekta metoder, där man kollar på hur objekt som är synliga påverkas av den mörka materiens närvaro. Ett exempel på en sådan metod är att studera egenskaper hos så kallade stellar streams, eller `Satellite galaxies on bound orbits around the Milky Way (MW) are constantly subject to tidal forces from the MW. If the tidal forces are large enough, they may strip the outermost stars of the satellite, that in turn distribute themselves in long elongated stellar streams. These stellar streams are good probes of the Galactic potential due to the constraints they place on the structure of the pote

Prokrastinering bland studenter: en explorativ studie

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan prokrastinering och flera psykologiska variabler; stress, coping, akademisk motivation, self-efficacy och känsla av samhörighet. Syftet var även att undersöka skillnader mellan universitetsstudenter som läser olika program och fristående kurser i en svensk population. Slutligen ämnades predicering av prokrastinering utifrån ovan nämThe aim of the present study was to examine the correlations between procrastination and several psychological variables; stress, coping, academic motivation, self-efficacy and sense of coherence. Furthermore, the purpose was to examine differences between university students who are studying different educational programs and independent courses in a swedish population. Lastly the aim was to exam

Business in transit: Entrepreneurship and integration of Syrian refugees in Jordan and Turkey. A qualitative comparative study

The Syrian crisis has forced around five million Syrian refugees to flee their homes and cross the borders to seek asylum in other countries. Most of those refugees live in neighbouring countries, and their only viable option is local integration and full participation in the economic and social life in the host countries. This thesis is a comparative study between Amman and Istanbul to examine ho