

Din sökning på "*" gav 532764 sökträffar

Brottsoffer- och vittnesskydd vid internationella sexualbrottsrättegångar - Individuell rättvisa framför rättssäkerhet?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skyddet som fanns för brottsoffer och vittnen vid International Criminal Tribunal of Yugoslavia och som nu finns i International Criminal Court. Vidare avses att utreda hur dessa skyddsåtgärder påverkar brottsoffers känsla av individuell rättvisa samt rättssäkerheten i internationell straffrätt. Särskild uppmärksamhet riktas mot brottsoffer till sexuellt vThe purpose of this study is to examine the victim- and witness protection that existed in the former International Criminal Tribunal of Yugoslavia and currently exists in International Criminal Court. Furthermore, it is intended to investigate how these protection measures affect victims individual experience of justice and the legal certainty within international criminal law. The study pays spe

Ska vi låta städerna gro? - En studie om stadsodling som planeringsstrategi för hållbarhet i Malmö stad

In search of sustainable cities, the compact green city has become an ideal for urban planners globally and green infrastructure has been reevaluated since raised awareness of the multifunctions of greenery. Consequently, the interest in urban agriculture has been renewed and new forms of projects are currently being established internationally. Being an explicit advantageous sustainable planning

Anställningsskydd och sociala medier - En jämförelse i offentlig och privat sektor

Att sociala mediers framfart har påverkat det moderna samhället skulle de flesta vara överens om. Allt mer indikerar på att även anställningsförhållandet influeras av sociala medier. Arbetets syfte är att undersöka förhållandet mellan sociala medier och anställningsskyddet, vilket särskilt rör yttrandefrihet för arbetstagare i sociala medier. Uppsatsen har även som mål att presentera en jämförelseMost people would agree that social media has influenced modern society. There are indications that the employment relationship is also affected by social media. This essay's purpose is to examine the connection between social media and the employment relationship, which especially concerns employee's freedom of speech in social media. Another objective of the paper is to present a compari

III-V Nanowire MOSFETs for mm-Wave Switch Applications

Dagen samhälle blir allt mer digitaliserat, såväl inom industri som vanliga hushåll. Som en del av detta växer även behovet av snabb och energisnål elektronik som utan fördröjning kan kommunicera med varandra, så kallat Internet of Things (IoT). Detta medför enorma effektiviseringsmöjligheter för industri såväl som hushåll men även för infrastruktur då det leder till självkörande bilar och så vidaRF-switches are key components in many electronic devices as they enable routing of higher frequency signals. Increasing demands on device performance requires new technologies as well as new approaches to designs of circuits. III-V nanowire MOSFETs are a promising device technology well suited for implementation of switches. This work investigates the design trade-off's for III-V nanowire MO

Understanding DNA double-strand breaks and genome fragility across neurodifferentiation

The development of new sequencing methods requires new computational pipelines to handle and analyse raw data. One recently developed method is Breaks Labelling In Situ and Sequencing (BLISS), which localise and quantifies DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). Coupling this technique, with RNA sequencing, the interaction of gene expression and accumulation of DSBs can be studied. The RNA-BLISS data anal

cDC1 deficient mice are protected from reinfection with rotavirus despite a reduced neonatal plasma cell response

Rotavirus and the Neonate: Memories of infections gone by Despite advances made through vaccination, the disease burden of rotavirus in the developing world remains high, largely affecting children below the age of 5 and remaining the leading cause of death from viral gastroenteritis (Fig. 1). Socio-economic factors, as well as poor response to vaccination in the developing world are believed to

The state of media: An analysis of strategic narratives in CNN and RT’s reporting on the Syrian crisis

The Syrian civil war began in 2011 after wide-spread protests were met with violence from the government, and since then both Russia and the U.S. have gotten involved in the conflict. Strategic narratives regarding the conflict and the involved nation’s actions and motives have been told, constructed to benefit the interests of these states. The purpose of this paper is to answer to what extent CN

Chaebol Reform: Politics of Introducing Business Reforms in South Korea

Calls to implement corporate reforms in South Korea reached its apex with the strong public outrage at 2016 Presidential corruption scandal involving the largest business groups within the country. In 2017, the newly elected President Moon Jae In promised to achieve corporate reforms that past administrations struggled to engage with. Considering the lack of progress in regulating unfair corporate

Varför är du vegetarian?

Olika motiv kan influera individen till att vilja bli vegetarian, men däremot kan olika individer motiveras av olika motiv (Rosenfeld & Burrow, 2017a:85). Denna studie undersöker och behandlar följande motiv: trend-, sociala-, konsumtionskultur-, etiska- och hälsomotiv. En kvalitativ metod har tillämpats och empirin samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med vegetarianer i Sverige som

Microwave Radar Implementation in Outdoor Home Alarm Systems

The use of short range microwave radars for motion sensing purposes are on the rise in multiple industries, as they are accurate, small in size and relatively cheap. The automotive industry, in particular, has pushed the development forward. Lately, the home alarm industry has also been glancing at the technology. Radars are well suited for outdoor applications as they are insensitive to precipita

Upplevelser av sexuell dysfunktion hos personer med diabetes typ 2

Bakgrund: Diabetes är en sjukdom som ökar i hela världen. Följdsjukdomar kan förutses till viss del och sjuksköterskor i vården bör ha kunskap om vilka dessa följdsjukdomar är och hur de kan bemötas. Sexuell dysfunktion är en av dem. Personer med diabetes typ 2 har en ökad risk för att utveckla sexuell dysfunktion. Syfte: Systematiskt granska hur den sexuella dysfunktionen upplevs av personer med

Utveckling av mjukvara för styrning av tvåfasstegmotorer

Med moderna mikroprocessorer kan motorstyrning göras i mjukvara. Ett mer konkret exempel är möjligheten att köra tvåfasstegmotorer med strömreglering. Redan med en enkel regulator kan mycket bra resultat uppnås. Stegmotor är en elektrisk motor som har fått sitt namn för att ett varv är uppdelat i ett antal lika stora steg. Antal steg/varv varierar och väljs utifrån motorns användningsområde. En s

The Intersections of Race and Class-Based Social Movements under Fordism: Rediscovering a Neglected Form of Critical Social Analysis

When critical scholars coming from different academic disciplines, such as sociology, gender studies, or Black studies, meet and discuss today, discussions sometimes take the form of whether recognition of particular identities or redistribution of material resources is of most importance. In this thesis, my aim is to explore resources that could contribute to moving beyond this framing of the que

A legal analysis of the SIEC test in practice within mergers of digital platforms in Sweden and the EU

Merger control in Sweden and the EU has done a prominent job in adapting to the special competitive aspects of digital platforms. Merger investigations by the Swedish Competition Authority and the European Commission include an assessment of the significant impediment to effective competition (SIEC test). The test is described in article 4(1) of the Swedish Competition Act and articles 2(2) and 2(

Discount Puzzle of Closed-End Mutual Funds: A Case of Bangladesh

The thesis paper intends to perform a relevant study on the closed-end fund puzzle in the perspective of an emerging market. Quarterly data of 36 closed-end mutual funds traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange are collected over the sample period of 2016 to 2019. Dependent and Independent variables are mapped down by exploring previous research. Number of stocks, weight of top 10 investments, fund size, fu

Immobilization and Heterogenization of Homogeneous Catalysts in Metal-Organic-Frameworks

Denna avhandling beskriver studier av hur metallkomplex som fungerar som katalysatorer i lösning kan absorberas i s k metall-organiska nätverksstrukturer (metal-organic frameworks = MOFs). MOFs är porösa kristallina material som har en bred funktion i såväl laboratorium som industri. Genom sådan absorption kan det lösliga komplexet inkorporeras i håligheter i nätverket; det lösliga komplexet befinThis work constitutes the results from a one year master thesis research project (Sep, 2019 to Aug, 2020). Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have been used for encapsulation of homogeneous catalysts to generate heterogeneous catalysts. This work describes the incorporation of the non-heme iron complex [(Fe(II)N4Py)]2+ and two molybdenum−sulfur clusters (MOS) into the pores of UiO-type MOFs via absor

Characterization of InAs-Al semiconductor-superconductor hybrid devices

Olösliga problem blir lösbara med framtidens kvantdatorer! Under 1900-talet gjordes oerhörda framsteg i vår förståelse av kvantmekaniska fenomen, men för varje besvarad fråga väcks två nya. Många högaktuella frågor, och mål, gäller förverkligandet av kvantdatorn, där en av de främsta frågorna är: vilka kvantmekaniska fenomen ska utgöra grunden för kvantdatorns grundkomponent (en ’qubit’)? AlternatIn this thesis we study charge and spin transport through InAs-Al nanowire superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices. We focus on assessing the quality of the InAs-Al contact interface when using a weak HCl acid to wet-etch the nanowire surface prior to metal evaporation. The contact quality assessment is based on parameters extracted via electrical characterization performed mK temperatures in

The virtual public sphere and social movements on social media

Like many things, social movements have been able to take a new form, and behave differently, thanks to the rise of the internet and social media networks. The purpose of this study is to analyze how long lasting this engagement is from its participants, and how short-run participation in social movements can be understood. This study has been heavily inspired by Zizi Papacharissi, therefore the t

Rätt subjekt? - En undersökning av rättssubjektet och rättssubjektiviteten med utgångspunkt i Visa Kurkis the bundle theory of legal personhood

De senaste decenniernas juridiska utveckling där nya sorters entiteter erkänns status som rättssubjekt har aktualiserat frågan om vad som egentligen definierar ett rättssubjekt och vad rättssubjektivitet, de rättsliga positioner som rättssubjekt typiskt sett kan inneha, egentligen innebär. Uppsatsen använder sig av en av de senaste teorierna i ämnet, Visa Kurkis the bundle theory of legal personThe past decades new kinds of entities have been recognised as legal persons. This global development in law have led to an increased academic interest in the concepts of legal person and legal personhood and what it is that defines these concepts. The thesis explores legal personhood through one of the latest theories on the subject, the bundle theory of legal personhood of Visa Kurki. It does