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Kvalitetsanalys vid tillverkning av sammansatta tunnplåtskomponenter.
Reinforcing Corporate Social Responsibility through Collective Bargaining in China: A new wave of Social Change
Ever since corporate social responsibility (CSR) became a prominent school of thought, this subject has constantly upgraded itself to keep pace with the fast-changing world. However, given that CSR is largely a market-driven, top-down response, it has entered into a bottleneck where downstream stakeholders are out of the picture. Speaking of improving labour standards via CSR, when business and no
Improve and Secure the Supplier Capacity Process
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to implement the One Supplier Capacity Process, a standardized method of working with capacities within IKEA. In order to do this the current way of working with capacities is investigated prior to the actual implementation of the process. The key contribution of the authors is the development of a template to support the implementation process and ensure acc
Mathematical Modeling of Inventory Control Systems with Lateral Transshipments
This master thesis is about the mathematical modeling of an inventory control system. The system is a single-echelon two-location system with one type of item. The locations replenish from a supplier that is assumed to have an ample stock. The demand is modeled as customers arriving according to a Poisson process with a known intensity and each customer only demands one item. In addition to replen
Förstärkt skydd, för vem? En rättssociologisk studie om lagen om kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte
In July of 2009 punitive measures were taken by the Swedish government in order to deal with the somewhat new phenomenon known as grooming. The law, called “contact with children for sexual purposes” requires that the adult perpetrator contacts a child, with the purpose of committing sexual offences at a future meeting with the child. Although the law was received with gratitude from many parts of
Business Case for Indirect Sales - How a business case can work as a tool for generating support for a change project
Background and the Situation at Company X To remain competitive, it is essential for companies to take advantage of new business opportunities. However, seizing new opportunities often imply changes within the organization, and projects associated with change are bound to encounter resistance. To efficiently manage change and thereby avoid resistance and engage in measures that generate support fo
"Genuint svenska episka monument" - Om hur Astrid Lindgren och Vilhelm Moberg konstrueras som nationella representanter i svensk mediediskurs 1992-2012
Öppen Stadsutveckling - En komparativ studie om öppen innovation och hållbar stadsutveckling
I denna uppsats har jag studerat och analyserat hur Region Skåne och SLL arbetar med hållbar stadsutveckling, hur de förhåller sig till öppen innovation i arbetsprocessen samt hur nya hållbara lösningar och innovationer implementeras inom området. Jag har valt ett mer generellt perspektiv där jag jämför dessa platser och arbetssätt med varandra, istället för att analysera specifika stadsdelar elle
Vems latte? En analys av Malmö stads kaféboom
The story of Malmö - from industrial city to knowledge city - Will be followed by a new one. The coffee shop explosion in Malmö is examined here from a qualitative approach. Through interviews, observations and discourse analysis. The essay examines the relationship between the coffee shop boom and the City of Malmö's development during the 2000s and analyzes the physical and cultural implicat
Purification of Violaxanthin De-epoxidase expressed in E.Coli and identification of disulfide bonds using MS
Plants need light to convert earbon dioxide to organic compounds, but when exposed to too much light the photosynthetic machinery takes damage. This is prevented by conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, which participate in a process that converts the excess light into heat. The conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin is done by the enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase. VDE from spinach have bee
Utveckling av monteringsenhet för kylarsystem
Optimering av flödet vid bearbetning av bromshävarmar
Ethnic and Gender Discrimination in labor markets: The Bolivian Case
The aim of this paper is to identify wage gaps attributable to discrimination in labor markets as consequence of discrimination in endowments such as education. For this purpose, the paper analyzes supply and demand-side of labor market, in order to establish a base line for the econometric analysis. Some indexes and descriptive data were provided in order to give more support to the econometric
Systematisk analys av kassationsorsaker vid ytbeläggning av plastdetaljer
Evaluation and development of normal year correction methodologies for icing climatology in wind farm applications
Wind power developments in cold and icing conditions pose new challenges to the wind power industry. Icing of wind turbines cause safety hazards, production losses and increased loads. This means that there is a need to develop a technique to quantify the icing climatology and corresponding eects on wind turbines to enable large scale wind power developments in the windy, sparesly populated areas
Förförståelsens betydelse för ett lyckat resultat - En undersökning av elevers resultat i läsförståelsedelen i nationella provet i svenska 1 och svenska som andraspråk 1
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att belysa förkunskapens betydelse genom att titta på hur resultatet ser ut på sista frågan på nationella provets läsförståelsedel i svenska 1 och svenska som andraspråk 1. Vidare kommer ett ordkunskapstest i två delar utföras för att titta på elevernas ordkunskap. Syftet är att jämföra resultatet mellan eleverna som har svenska som förstaspråk och de som har s
Fokus Dalby - Medborgardeltagande i planeringsprocessen
The municipality is planning for the citizens and therefore the citizens should be one of the primary tools to use during the planning process. In this thesis were going to analyze a project, Fokus Dalby. It´s a project that helps the citizens of Dalby to take part in the planning process of their own community. The views of the citizens should be a critical factor in the planning process since th
Approaching determination of H+-ATPase H+/ATP stoichiometry
The plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase was activated by the binding of a 14-3-3 protein. This complex can be stabilized by the fungal toxin - fusicoccin. During this activation H+/ATP stoichiometry changed (1). This work presents approaching to find the new stoichiometry. The main part presents looking for the best preparation of plasma membrane vesicles for measurements. A new pH indicator – Glu3 –
SBA-15; an investigation into the synthesis solution's effect on formation dynamics and material properties
The aim of this thesis project was to study the reaction solution’s effect on the formation dynamics and material properties of the mesoporous silica SBA-15. The common synthesis procedure of SBA-15 was applied at 60°C, with 2.5 wt% Pluronic P104 dissolved in 1.6 M hydrochlorid acid. Simple sodium salts (NaCl, NaBr, NaI) or short to medium length alcohols (MeOH, EtOH, 1-PrOH, 2-PrOH, 1-BuOH, 2-BuO