

Din sökning på "*" gav 535565 sökträffar

Development and application of photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence for visualization of hydrogen peroxides

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utveckling och tillämpning av laserfragmentationsteknik för visualisering av väteperoxider Laserinducerad fluorescens är en etablerad optisk mätmetod för kemiskt specifik detektion och avbildning med tillämpning inom fysik, kemi och biologi. Tekniken bygger på att molekyler ska absorbera laserljus och sedan spontant sända ut ljus som kan detekteras. Det finns dock mångaThe work presented in this thesis is mainly motivated by the need for an optical diagnostic technique which can be used to visualize hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in its gas phase. Due to the lack of bound electronic states, H2O2 cannot be detected using laser-induced fluorescence based on electronic excitation. Absorption in the ultraviolet leads to photodissociation. Thus a technique called photofrag

A numerical model of coastal overwash

Overwash, the flow of water and sediment over the crest of a beach, contributes to flooding and the deposition of sand landward of the beach crest. Washover, the sand deposited by overwash, contributes to the sediment budget and migration of barrier islands. The ability to predict the occurrence, location, and thickness of overwash deposits is important for coastal residents, coastal town planners

Long term survival in women with borderline ovarian tumors: a population-based survey of borderline ovarian tumors in Sweden 1960-2007.

Evaluation of incidence and survival of patients with borderline ovarian tumors in Sweden MATERIAL AND METHODS: All women diagnosed with borderline ovarian tumor in the Swedish Cancer Register 1960-2007 (n=6,252) combined with follow-up in the Swedish Death Registry to 1 July 2009 were included. Estimation of age-standardized relative survival rate according to time periods for diagnosis RESULTS:

Bit selective erasure of photon-echo data using Ti : S and dye laser systems: a comparative analysis

It is investigated how the erasure efficiency for a single bit of data, stored using photon echoes, depends on the data writing time and data storage time. A comparative analysis of the erasure efficiency using a Ti:S laser system and a ring dye laser system is performed. The results clearly establish that the Ti:S laser system, which has a narrower line width than the dye laser system, could be u

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In the light of a new registration of all apsidal churches in Scandinavia (1,222 in all), the author discusses the occurrence and frequency of apses, and puts forward the hypothesis that the apse symbolizes the seat of the bishop.

Det ordningsskapande våldet och rädslan för massan

Dagligen möter vi det brutala fysiska våldet. På tv-skärmar och löpsedlar. Våldet sysselsätter vår fantasi. Fascinerar, underhåller, skrämmer och säljs som mediavaror. Produkter vars konsumtion får oss att uppleva vår värld som en mer otrygg och skrämmande plats. De skapar rädsla, som i sin tur låter sig exploateras av politiskt konservativa krafter. Det medialiserade våldet och rädsleproduktionen

Cardiovascular risk factors in Assyrians/Syrians and native Swedes with type 2 diabetes: a population-based epidemiological study.

BACKGROUND: A large number of people throughout the world have diabetes and the prevalence is increasing. Persons with diabetes have a twice higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without diabetes. There is a lack of studies focusing on cardiovascular risk factors in Assyrians/Syrians with type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of some cardiovascular risk fa

Aslian linguistic prehistory: a case study in computational phylogenetics

This paper analyzes newly collected lexical data from 26 languages of the Aslian subgroup of the Austroasiatic language family using computational phylogenetic methods. We show the most likely topology of the Aslian family tree, discuss rooting and external relationships to other Austroasiatic languages, and investigate differences in the rates of diversification of different branches. Evidence is