

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

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The buoyancy of fruits (nutlets in utricles) of the marsh-inhabiting True Fox Sedge (Carex vulpina) was tested experimentally in stagnant water. Only 16 % of the seeds had sunk when the experiment was terminated after 284 days. Seeds did not germinate while floating, but remained fully viable (average 76 % germination for both floating and sunken seeds). For comparison, fruits of the grassland spe

The construction of organizational identity: Comparative case studies of consulting firms

This paper explores how organizational identity is constructed in four very different management consulting firms. The study suggests four broad dimensions that organizational members refer to in constructing their organizational identity: Knowledge Work, Management and Membership, Personal Orientation, and External Interface. We identify multiple themes within these broad dimensions of identity c

Definitions, Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation and Prognosis

The concept of chronic critical limb ischaemia (CLI) emerged late in the history of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). The historical background and changing definitions of CLI over the last decades are important to know in order to understand why epidemiologic data are so difficult to compare between articles and over time. The prevalence of CLI is probably very high and largely undere

Opportunities for Collective Model and Chirality Studies at Triumf

First predictions for specific case of the particle-hole-core coupling model which takes advantage of symmetries of a triaxial rotor with gamma = 90 degrees are reviewed. Results of the model calculations point towards existence of stable chiral geometry in specific configurations involving high-j orbitals. Next, experimental information on doublet bands built on unique parity, pi(h)11/2(Vh)11/2 i

Introduction to special issue on learning, innovation systems and policy in honour of Bengt-Ake Lundvall

This special issue celebrates the work of Bengt-Ake Lundvall on his 70th birthday. In the 1980s and 1990s he was a key player among a small group of academics in the USA and Europe that developed a new, systemic approach to the study of the interactions between science, innovation, and policy. He contributed to the popularity of the approach in the policy community in several ways, among other thi

Aluminium for the future: Modelling the global production, market supply, demand, price and long term development of the global reserves

The reserves, production from mines, supply of aluminium to society and mass fluxes of aluminium in society was assessed using an integrated systems dynamics model (ALUMINIUM) in order to reconstruct the past and investigate potential future scenarios. The investigations for input data show that the mine- able aluminium reserves are large, but finite. We get an average value for the ultimately rec

Protein GB1 Folding and Assembly from Structural Elements.

Folding of the Protein G B1 domain (PGB1) shifts with increasing salt concentration from a cooperative assembly of inherently unstructured subdomains to an assembly of partly pre-folded structures. The salt-dependence of pre-folding contributes to the stability minimum observed at physiological salt conditions. Our conclusions are based on a study in which the reconstitution of PGB1 from two fragm

Laminar burning velocity of lean H-2-CO mixtures at elevated pressure using the heat flux method

Laminar burning velocity measurements of 50:50 and 85:15% (by volume) H-2-CO mixtures with O-2-N-2 and O-2-He oxidizers were performed at lean conditions (equivalence ratio from 0.5 to 1) and elevated pressures (1 atm-9 atm). The heat flux method (HFM) is employed for determining the laminar burning velocity of the fuel-oxidizer mixtures. HFM creates a one-dimensional adiabatic stretchless flame w

Fabrication of a novel electrochemiluminescence glucose biosensor using Au nanoparticles decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes

Au nanoparticles (nanoAu) with an average diameter of 60 nm were decorated on the surface of multiwalled carbon nanotubes to prepare MWCNTs-nanoAu nano-hybrids. The MWCNTs-nanoAu nano-hybrids were cast on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and were then further modified with a layer comprising glucose oxidase and chitosan to fabricate a novel electrochemiluminescence (ECL) glucose biosensor.

High-speed structured planar laser illumination for contrast improvement of two-phase flow images

A high-speed method to remove blurring effects caused by multiple scattering in planar laser images of two-phase flows is demonstrated. The technique is based on structured illumination and is for the first time to our knowledge applied on a dynamic medium. As structured illumination requires three successive images to be recorded and to freeze the flow motion in time, a high-speed laser and imagi

Impact of maternal characteristics on fetal growth in the third trimester: a population-based study

Objectives. To investigate the association between maternal characteristics and fetal growth during the third trimester of pregnancy. Methods. Using a population-based perinatal register, 48,809 term singleton pregnancies were identified for which a routine ultrasound examination in the third trimester was performed between 1995 and 2009. Fetal and infant weight, respectively, were expressed as ge

Industrial Cool : om postindustriella fabriker

Vad är en fabrik? Med industrisamhällets avveckling följer en ny ruinromantik. Över hela Västvärlden blir slitna tegelfasader och rostbruna maskinhallar till nya utflyktsmål, gallerier, caféer eller trendiga arbetsplatser. Samtidigt skapas nya industrilokaler, där besökarnas intryck är lika viktiga som den tillrättalagda produktionen. Är det bilar eller upplevelser som tillverkas här? Industrial

The Mild Boredom of Order : A Study in the History of the Manuscript Collection of Queen Christina of Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Titelns första del är ett Walter Benjamin-citat som bildar utgångspunkt och förklaras i avhandlingens första kapitel. Tidigare forskning, samlat till fyra tematiska områden, presenteras: drottning Kristina själv och hennes lärdom, bibliotekarierna och de andra lärda, det kungliga biblioteket i Stockholm och samlingen i Rom. Bibliotekets tidiga historia, hur det kommer tThis study examines how the Latin manuscript collection of Queen Christina of Sweden was formed, what function it served for the queen and for others, and how various attempts to impose order on it reflect different epistemological traditions. A recurring theme of the study is the creation of order and the title, The Mild Boredom of Order, a quotation taken from an essay on book collecting by Walt

A Home-Based Weight Lifting Program for Patients with Arm Lymphedema Following Breast Cancer Treatment: A Pilot and Feasibility Study

It is well documented that resistance exercise can be performed by patients with breast cancer-related arm lymphedema. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a 12-week self-administered weight lifting program for arm and shoulder, and its influence on arm lymphedema status, upper extremity muscle strength, and disability. Twenty-three patients with breast cancer-


Antimicrobial peptides represent a heterogeneous group that displays multiple modes of action such as bacteriostatic, microbicidal and cytolytic properties that are sequence and concentration dependent. Life threatening infectious disease is now a worldwide crisis and treating them effectively is becoming difficult day by day, due to the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains at alarming rates.

The Impact of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV; Types 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 Virus-Like Particle Vaccine on Infection and Disease Due to Oncogenic Nonvaccine HPV Types in Generally HPV-Naive Women Aged 16-26 Years

Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-6/11/16/18 vaccine reduces the risk of HPV-6/11/16/18-related cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1-3 or adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). Here, its impact on CIN1-3/AIS associated with nonvaccine oncogenic HPV types was evaluated. Methods. We enrolled 17,622 women aged 16-26 years. All underwent cervicovaginal sampling and Pap testing at regular intervals f