

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Treatment of esophageal perforation in octogenarians : a multicenter study

Esophageal perforation is associated with significant mortality, and this may markedly increase with advanced age. This multicenter study investigates this issue in patients older than 80 years. Data on 33 patients >80 years old who underwent conservative (10 patients), endoclip (one patient), stent grafting (11 patients), or surgical treatment (11 patients) for esophageal perforation were collect

Early Complications After Percutaneous Closure of Atrial Septal Defect in Infants with Procedural Weight Less than 15 kg

Atrial septal defect (ASD) is the most common congenital cardiac lesion accounting for 10-15% of all cardiac malformations. In the majority of cases, the secundum type of the ASD is closed percutaneously in the catheterization laboratory. Although transcatheter closure of ASD is considered safe and effective in pediatric patients, there are limited data regarding the efficacy and safety of device

Getting Tough on Unemployment : Essays on the politics of unemployment benefit reform in affluent democracies

The advanced democracies of Europe, North America, and Australasia have gotten tough on unemployment. Since the mid- to late-1970s, they started to put greater pressure on the unemployed by reducing the time for which unemployment benefits were paid, by imposing stricter job-search requirements, by extending the range of jobs considered suitable for claimants, and by tightening the penalties for n

Effect of marriage on risk for onset of alcohol use disorder : A longitudinal and co-relative analysis in a swedish national sample

Objective: The authors sought to clarify the relationship between marriage and risk for alcohol use disorder. Method: The association between marital status and risk for first registration for alcohol use disorder in medical, criminal, and pharmacy registries was assessed in a population-based Swedish cohort (N=3,220,628) using longitudinal timedependent survival and co-relative designs. Results:

microRNA and Neurodegenerative Diseases

During the past decade it has become evident that microRNAs regulate gene expressions and control many developmental and cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms. Recent studies suggest that microRNAs play an important role in toxicogenomics and are likely to play an important role in a range of human diseases including cancer. microRNAs in Toxicology and Medicine is a comprehensive and authorit

Remissvar: Psykiatrin och lagen – tvångsvård, straffansvar och samhällsskydd (SOU 2012:17)

Psykiatrilagsutredningens betänkande behandlar grundläggande frågor om vård, tvång, och straffrättslig ansvarsförmåga. Det handlar bl.a. om vem som kan samtycka till vård och behandling, när samhället kan tillgripa tvång för att förhindra någon från att skada sig själv eller annan. Det handlar också om vem som ska anses har förmåga att bära straffrättsligt ansvar för sina handlingar och de rättsli

Functional recovery of the parathyroid glands after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism

BACKGROUND: The immediate postoperative function of the parathyroid glands after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) has not been established. We therefore examined the influences of hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia on serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in the immediate postoperative period in patients with pHPT.METHODS: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was infused in patients on the f

Fluorescence detection and assessment on tryptophan content of naked oat varieties in China

The experiment aims to assess the tryptophan content of main cultivars of naked oat in China, and analyze the correlation between contents of tryptophan and protein. Oat flour was hydrolysed with papain, the fluorescence intensity of hydrolysate was detected at excitation wavelength of 288 nm and emission wavelength of 352 nm, and finally the tryptophan content was quantitated according to standar

Blasts from the Past: War and Fracture in the International System

This article is a brief inquiry into the changing meaning of war in Western political thought, with special reference to its role in fracturing the contemporary international system. I argue that contemporary debates about the changing nature of war have failed to note what I take to be the most important change in our understanding of war in recent decades—the return of the long-suppressed view t

Socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer incidence and mortality in Europe - A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background: Breast cancer is the leading cause of female cancer in Europe and is estimated to affect more than one in 10 women. Higher socioeconomic status has been linked to higher incidence but lower case fatality, while the impact on mortality is ambiguous. Methods: We performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on studies on association between socioeconomic status and breast ca

Informality currencies: a tale of Misha, his brigada and informal practices among Uzbek labour migrants in Russia

This article explores the role of informality among Uzbek construction workers in Russia. We start from a relationship that is based on economic reward and common interests and go on to explore the non-economic components of this relationship. Economically, the workers entrust their supervisor and agree to work for him for a given amount of money. However, this decision is also embedded in a non-e

Optimal office lighting use : A Swedish case study

Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal office lighting use with different types of lighting controls to achieve energy savings and provide visual comfort for individuals.Design/methodology/approach– A case study and field measurements were carried out in 18 single-occupancy offices in Sweden where six different lighting controls were investigated. Occupancy and daylight hou

A high-quality catalog of the Drosophila melanogaster proteome

Understanding how proteins and their complex interaction networks convert the genomic information into a dynamic living organism is a fundamental challenge in biological sciences. As an important step towards understanding the systems biology of a complex eukaryote, we cataloged 63% of the predicted Drosophila melanogaster proteome by detecting 9,124 proteins from 498,000 redundant and 72,281 dist

Assessment of regional biomass as co-substrate in the anaerobic digestion of chicken manure: Impact of co-digestion with chicken processing waste, seagrass and Miscanthus

The biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays were used as a tool to investigate methane potential of chicken manure (CM) and three co-substrates (chicken processing waste, Miscanthus and seagrass) in mono-digestion and co-digestion studies for selecting regional biomass in a bid to support the expansion of a full-scale biogas plant. Two types of kinetic models (first order and modified Gompertz