

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

PVC flooring is related to human uptake of phthalates in infants.

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) flooring material contains phthalates and it has been shown that such materials are important sources for phthalates in indoor dust. Phthalates are suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Consecutive infants between two and six months old and their mothers were invited. A questionnaire about indoor environmental factors and family life style was used. Urinary met

Bone mineral density in the hand as a predictor for mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Objectives. BMD in the hand, as evaluated by digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR), has been suggested to be a predictor for joint damage in RA. A predictor for long-term prognosis might also predict increased mortality in RA. The aim of the present study was to evaluate BMD in the hand as a predictor for all-cause mortality. Methods. In 1978, 152 consecutive patients (78% women, mean disease duratio

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Archaeology, philosophy and rhetoric: A review and faculty opposition of Asgeir Svestads doctoral dissertation “Finn din egen filosof” (“Find your own philosopher”) presented at the University of Tromsø, Norway, February 2004. The dissertation critically examines an article by Lise Nordenborg Myhre and the doctoral dissertations by Johan Hegardt, Håkan Karlsson and Michel Notelid.

The relation between urinary incontinence and steroid hormone levels in perimenopausal women. A report from the Women's Health in the Lund Area (WHILA) study.

OBJECTIVE: To outline possible associations between urinary incontinence (UI) and serum levels of steroid hormones in middle-aged women. DESIGN AND SETTING: Community-based observational study. SAMPLE: All women aged 50-59 living in the Lund area by December 1995 were invited to a screening procedure. Sixty-four percent (n = 6,917) attended the screening that included physical and laboratory exami

Från planering till resultat - om utvärderingsforskning i Sverige

Att en specifik utvärderingsforskning knappast existerade i Sverige före mitten av 1970-talet beror bl a på att socialpolitiska reformer normalt föregåtts av en planerings- och beslutsprocess som inneburit omfattande politisk kontrol och värdering, såväl före som under själva genomförandet. Förändringarna inom offentlig sektor, där det tidligare planeringstänkandet ersatts av en mål- och resultats

Shifting diet, shifting culture? : A bioarchaeological approach to island dietary development on Iron-Age Öland, Baltic Sea

ObjectivesThe diet and subsistence in Iron-Age Öland is debated as earlier studies and different archaeological sources seemingly provide conflicting interpretations. The objectives of this study are therefore to: (i) add new insights on diet and (ii) investigate the chronological variation in detail. It is common in studies of diet to investigate differences between datasets defined by archaeolog

Large colonial organisms with coordinated growth in oxygenated environments 2.1 Gyr ago

The evidence for macroscopic life during the Palaeoproterozoic era (2.5-1.6 Gyr ago) is controversial. Except for the nearly 2-Gyr-old coil-shaped fossil Grypania spiralis, which may have been eukaryotic, evidence for morphological and taxonomic biodiversification of macroorganisms only occurs towards the beginning of the Mesoproterozoic era (1.6-1.0 Gyr). Here we report the discovery of centimetr

Sufficient oxygen for animal respiration 1,400 million years ago

The Mesoproterozoic Eon [1,600-1,000 million years ago (Ma)] is emerging as a key interval in Earth history, with a unique geochemical history that might have influenced the course of biological evolution on Earth. Indeed, although this time interval is rather poorly understood, recent chromium isotope results suggest that atmospheric oxygen levels were 4% of present-day levels. Therefore, in cont

Effectiveness and Usability of a Web-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Families Living with Mental Illness

Families living with mental illness express needs of support and experiences of burden that may affect their own health detrimentally and hence also their ability to support the patient. Mindfulness-based interventions have shown beneficial health effects in both clinical and healthy populations. The aim of the current study was to explore the effectiveness and usability of a web-based mindfulness

Ravens remember the nature of a single reciprocal interaction sequence over 2 days and even after a month

To explain reciprocity, direct or indirect, several proximate mechanisms have been proposed, yet little attention has been given to the specific underlying cognitive mechanisms. Regardless of what proximate rules underlie reciprocity, some kind of memory would be paramount. Corvids in general, and ravens, Corvus corax, specifically, have been shown to possess an array of sophisticated cognitive me