

Din sökning på "*" gav 533860 sökträffar

Atomic spectroscopy with violet laser diodes

Laser spectroscopy with laser diodes can now also be performed in the violet/blue spectral region. a 5 mW commercially available CW laser diode operating at 404 nm was used to perform spectroscopy on potassium atoms with signal detection in absorption as well as fluorescence when operating on a potassium vapor cell and with optogalvanic detection on a potassium hollow cathode lamp. The 4s(2)S(1/2)

Recording Density Limit of Photon-echo Optical Storage With High-speed Writing and Reading

The first analysis to our knowledge of the optical data storage density of photon-echo storage is presented. Mainly considering signal-to-noise ratio performance, we calculate the obtainable storage density for data storage and processing using photon echoes to be approximately 100 times the theoretical limit for conventional optical data storage. This limit is similar to that theoretically calcul

Phosphorus fertilisation causes durable enhancement of phosphorus concentrations in forest soil

The duration of P fertiliser in acid forest soil was investigated in a Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) forest in southcentral Sweden. The fertilisation of the soil started in 1967, but no P has been applied since 1988. The N fertilisation is still continuing. Totally, 300 kg P per hectare, as superphosphate, and/or 1090 kg N per hectare, as ammonium nitrate, was applied. Concentrations of both

Cystatins - Extra- and Intracellular Cysteine Protease Inhibitors: High-level Secretion and Uptake of Cystatin C in Human Neuroblastoma Cells.

Cystatins are present in mammals, birds, fish, insects, plants, fungi and protozoa and constitute a large protein family, with most members sharing a cysteine protease inhibitory function. In humans 12 functional cystatins exist, forming three groups based on molecular organisation and distribution in the organism. The type 1 cystatins (A and B) are known as intracellular, type 2 cystatins (C, D,

Low-Level Cadmium Exposure Is Associated with Decreased Bone Mineral Density and Increased Risk of Incident Fractures in Elderly Men: The MrOS Sweden Study.

One risk factor for osteoporosis which has attracted increasing attention in recent years is exposure to cadmium. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between low-level cadmium exposure, from diet and smoking, and BMD and incident fractures in elderly men. The study population consisted of 936 men from the Swedish cohort of the MrOS study, aged 70-81 years at inclusion (year 2002-

The FERRUM project: radiative lifetimes of the 3d(5)(S-6)4s4p(P-3)y P-6 degrees states of FeII measured with time-resolved vacuum ultra-violet laser spectroscopy

We report on lifetime measurements of the 3d(5)(S-6)4s4p(P-3)y P-6 degrees states of Fe II using time-resolved vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser spectroscopy. A laser-produced plasma has been used as the source of free Fe+ ions. The tunable VUV radiation was obtained employing resonantly enhanced sum-difference four-wave-mixing of short laser pulses. We obtained tau((6)P(3/2)degrees) = 3.90(20) ns, t

”Med coleurt omslag” : färgade, dekorerade och tryckta omslag på svensk bokmarknad 1787-1846. En bokhistoria.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nuförtiden är det tryckta bokomslaget en självklar del av boken som produkt och konsumentvara. I avhandlingen studeras etableringen av bokomslaget och dess betydelse för omstruktureringen av bokmarknaden i Sverige decennierna kring 1800. Från mitten av 1700-talet blev den färdigbundna boken en betydelsefull del av bokhandelns utbud. Förlag och bokhandel började sälja deThe aim of the dissertation is to examine the significance of the paperbound book on the book market as part of the history of consumption. It is an examination of the materiality of the book, in which the form and function, economics and distribution of the binding during the last century of the hand-press era are studied. The intention has been to show that the ready-bound book was a means for t

Can tissue microarray-based analysis of protein expression predict recurrence of stage Ta bladder cancer?

Abstract Objective. Being able to predict the recurrence or progression of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer would facilitate effective planning of treatments and follow-up. Biomarkers are needed that can supply prognostic information beyond that provided by clinical and pathological parameters. Tissue microarray (TMA)-based analysis of Ta bladder tumours was used to investigate the prognostic va