

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Monolithic single-mode SU-8 waveguides for integrated optics

We present the fabrication and characterization of single mode waveguides fabricated monolithically in SU-8. SU-8 is a negative resist, which can be structured by UV lithography followed by a baking step to induce cross-linking. As a material platform, SU-8 is well suited for systems used for biochemical analysis, as it possesses very high chemical resistance and good mechanical stability. Here we

Modeling and Optimization with Modelica and Optimica Using the JModelica.org Open Source Platform

This paper reports a new Modelica-based open source project entitled JModelica.org, targeted towards dynamic optimization. The objective of the project is to bridge the gap between the need for high-level description languages and the details of numerical optimization algorithms. JModelica.org is also intended as an extensible platform where algorithm developers, particularly in the academic commu

Greening the world economy through cities

Besides comprising a majority of the world’s population, cities concentrate disproportional amounts of the world’s economy and decision-making power. Further, though urban areas cover only around two percent of the Earth’s surface, they consume 75 percent of its resources. Yet as a hub for social and political movements and centres of technological and institutional knowledge and innovation, citie

Max- and Sum-Separable Lyapunov Functions for Monotone Systems and Their Level Sets

For interconnected systems and systems of large size, aggregating information of subsystems studied individually is useful for addressing the overall stability. In the Lyapunov- based analysis, summation and maximization of separately constructed functions are two typical approaches in such a philosophy. This paper focuses on monotone systems which are common in control applications and elucidates

Absolute quantification of perfusion using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: pitfalls and possibilities.

Absolute quantification of cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume and mean transit time is desirable in the determination of tissue viability thresholds and tissue at risk in acute ischaemic stroke, as well as in cases where a global reduction in cerebral blood flow is expected, for example, in patients with dementia or depressive disorders. Absolute values are also useful when comparing seque

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Abstract in Danish Artiklen viser, hvordan gerontologi er lavt prioriteret i uddannelser på bachelor-, diplom- og masterniveau (kandidat) i primært Danmark og Norge. Der tages udgangspunkt i et nordisk kortlægningsarbejde, som blev gennemført i 2008. Dette suppleres med danske og norske aktiviteter, som er kommet til, siden surveyen blev gennemført. Der argumenteres for, at et nyt kortlægningsarbe

Local exchange-correlation potentials

Recent advances in the many-body theory of electrons in solids and in the theory of the interacting electron gas are used to construct explicit local effective potentials which incorporate the effects of correlation and exchange. For ground state properties we consider the scheme by Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham and provide data for the effective potential μxc. For excitation energies the corresponding