

Din sökning på "*" gav 527346 sökträffar

"Det har gått lite troll i att de inte ska lyda...": internkommunikation på ett kontor

Problem: Företag idag ser tyvärr kommunikation som en sidoeffekt av en organisations övergripande planering. Detta är mycket negativt då man med en effektiv kommunikation och information i företaget bland annat kan vinna tid, skapa ett bättre samarbeta och på så sätt tjäna pengar. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka och analysera internkommunikationen på Grossisternas Malmökontor.

Om dåtid för framtid: en studie av informationssatsningen "Levande historia"

Situation: "Levande historia" initierades 1997 av statsminister Göran Persson, som en reaktion på elevers okunskap om Förintelsen, samt upptrappad rasism och nynazism i samhället. Genom att sprida kunskap om Förintelsen och få igång en diskussion om värdegrundsfrågor, som demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter, skulle man hindra historien från att upprepas. Syfte: Undersökningens syfte är a

Campingfolk – de frihetsbehövande

This study aimed at understanding the phenomenon of permanent living in caravans. The central questions where; how did it come that the camping inhabitants chose to live permanently in caravans? How did they describe their living and the context? How did they describe themselves, the society and others reaction to their choice of living? Empirical data from interviews with seven inhabitants was pr

Idrottens betydelse för unga idag om lusten att träna

The main purpose of this study was to investigate young girls´ and boys´ socialization in sport involvement and what keeps them motivated do continue. This study is based on a qualitative method. I have interviewed three girls and three boys, all between 15 and 16 years of age. My main questions were; what kind of sports is he/she active in, who introduced him/her to sports, what keeps him/her mot

Att bli pensionär : en studie av sju kvinnors anpassning till pensionärslivet

When we started this project our aim was to discuss and interpret older women's adjustment to their new lifes as retired. Did we interpret the retirement as a difficult transition for the women, or as if they felt satisfaction with their new situation? We interpreted the results of the interviews using gerentologic theories. The questions that led our work was how our respondents apprehended t

De hade bråttom att se världen - en uppsats om för tidigt födda barn, ur föräldraperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to compare the female and male feelings when they received and live with a premature child. The main issues of this essay were: - The new parents reactions on the notice of the interruption of the pregnancy and that the child have to be delivered premature. - The new parents experience of the delivery, admission at the maternity ward and the neonatology ward. - The ne

Arbetsliv i hemtjänst : vårdbiträdenas vardagsarbete

Home service is a part of the elderly care activities and lately it had get more attention in research. Home service is a kind of public elderly care, where old people who can´t cope with thier commonplace life or personal care, get help in their ownhomes. The aim with this essay was to try to understand how the assistant nurses workingdays were and to show how homeservice had developed in Sweden.

Att sluta med narkotika - en litteraturstudie

The aim of this thesis has been to analyse what kind of explanations that is presented in earlier research to why drug addicts get to the end of their drugabuse. The questions that our work came out of has been: 1. What external factors mean something for a drugaddict to end his or her drugabuse? 2. What internal factors mean something for at drugaddict to end his or her drugabuse? 3. Of what impo

Vad är en ätstörning? Vilka är orsakerna samt de utlösande faktorerna? En litterärstudie och en kvalitativ undersökning på grundskolorna i Ängelholms kommun.

The purpose of our essay was to highlight the problems with eating disorders that exist in our society. It’s clear that our society have a fixation on how our body should look like. TV, newspapers and publicity show us the ideal pictures of the woman. To be attractive you should be extremely slim, beautiful and stay young. Does an eating disorder, like anorexia and bulimia nervosa, arise from this

Att stängas ute, eller att inte vilja komma in : Om de hemlösas situation i Helsingborg

The intention of this study was to inquiry how the social workers at the social service offices in Helsingborg perceive the homeless and their situation, and what kind of aid and support the homeless are getting so they can change their situation. We have also examined how the homeless describe their own situation and how they experience the treatment and the help they get from the social workers.

Möten med barn inom socialtjänsten : en kvalitativ studie

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of child perspective, from the view of the social worker including its interpretation and its application in Social Welfare. Questions: What's the meaning of a child perspective from the angle of the social worker? How can this perspective be seen in the work of the social worker? How is the course of action of the social worker in h

Så nära men ändå så långt borta: en jämförelse mellan svensk och dansk narkotikapolitik i ett socialt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to describe and compare the Swedish and Danish societies' attitude towards narcotics in regard of social efforts against drug abuse. When it came to social efforts, we were in particular interested in comparing Malmö in Sweden and Copenhagen in Denmark. The questions we used was: - Under what circumstances did the present politics of narcotics develop in Denmark a

Tanke - Handling - Konsekvens En kvalitativ studie kring elevers beteendeförändringar i samband med ARTträning

The purpose of this paper was, from a mainly youth perspective, to study how pupils experience ART training and also if they, their teachers and their ART trainer can notice any changes in the pupils behavior connected to ART. The main issues of the paper were: · How do the pupils find the ART training? · What changes in behavior connected to ART do the pupils experience? · What changes in the pup

Sverige och Tjeckien på väg mot den gemensamma arbetsmarknadspolitiken : en komparativ studie

The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze the European labor market policy and its implementation in two countries, i.e. Sweden and the Czech republic. The central questions were: Why was a European labor market policy formed? What are the main strategies of the policy for increasing the degree of occupation? How do people work in Sweden and the Czech Republic so that the EUs demands a

Mobbning - Vad 13-14 åriga elever berättar.

The purpose with this essay is to describe how children from the seven grade of a Swedish elementary school understand bullying. The following questions have been discussed. How do the children in this school define bullying? What do the children think about why someone bully? Who becomes a victim of bullying and who becomes a bully? What do the children think about how someone bully? What do the

The Polish-European paradox

This paper presents views and observations about some current social problems in Poland. The problems introduced are theoretically discussed in reference to Poland’s entry in the European Union. The argumentation in this paper is performed in three stages. The first stage presents a model of Polish society throughout communism towards today’s society, were the weight is put on the Catholic Church’