

Din sökning på "*" gav 532858 sökträffar

Relationship between platinum-bearing ultramafic-mafic intrusions and large igneous provinces (exemplified by the Siberian Craton)

This study aims at summarizing available geological and geochemical data on known Proterozoic platinum-bearing ultramafic-mafic massifs in the south of Siberia. Considering new data on geochemistry and geochronology of some intrusions, it was feasible to compare ore-bearing complexes of different time spans and areas and to follow their relationships with the recognized large igneous provinces. In

Language Learning : Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1. The neurocognition of second language acquisition

The papers in this volume explore the cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition from the perspectives of critical/sensitive periods, maturational effects, individual differences, neural regions involved, and processing characteristics. The research methodologies used include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and event related potentials (

Pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The most common pediatric malignancy is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), of which T-cell ALL (T-ALL) comprises 10–15% of cases. T-ALL arises in the thymus from an immature thymocyte as a consequence of a stepwise accumulation of genetic and epigenetic aberrations. Crucial biological processes, such as differentiation, self-renewal capacity, proliferation, and apoptosis, are targeted and derange

Electronic structure of (Ga,Mn)As revisited

The detailed nature of electronic states mediating ferromagnetic coupling in dilute magnetic semiconductors, specifically (Ga,Mn)As, has been an issue of long debate. Two confronting models have been discussed emphasizing host band versus impurity band carriers. Using angle resolved photoemission we show that the electronic structure of the (Ga,Mn)As system is significantly modified from that of G

Computational Studies of Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes

We review computational studies of three important mono-nuclear molybdenum oxo-transfer enzymes, dimethylsulfoxide reductase, sulfite oxidase and xanthine oxidase. We show that calculated energies for these reactions are very sensitive to details in the calculations, in particular to the density-functional method employed and the size of the basis set, but the treatment of dispersion and solvation

On the significance of the trigger reaction in the action of the calicheamicin γI 1 anti-cancer drug

The significance of the so-called trigger reaction in the reaction mechanism of the calicheamicin γI 1 anti-cancer drug has been studied with ab initio quantum chemical methods. The structures of four fragments of calicheamicin γI 1, consisting of either 39 or 41 atoms, have been fully optimized using the Becke-Perdew86 density functional method and the 6-31G* basis sets. The four structures const

Theoretical study of the electronic spectrum of plastocyanin

The electronic spectrum of the blue copper protein plastocyanin has been studied by ab initio multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (the CASPT2 method). The six lowest electronic transitions have been calculated and assigned with an error of less than 2000 cm-1. The singly occupied orbital in the ground state is Cu 3d-S(Cys) 3pπ antibonding with some N(His) 2pσ character. The brigh

Doubling the spectrum of time-domain induced polarization by harmonic de-noising, drift/spike removal and tapered gating

The extraction of spectral information in the inversion process of time-domain (TD) induced polarization (IP) data is changing the use of the TDIP method. Data interpretation is evolving from a qualitative description of the subsurface, able only to discriminate the presence of contrasts in chargeability parameters, towards a quantitative analysis of the investigated media, which allows for detail

True Partnership as True Learning : Knowledge Sharing within Mannheimer Swartling

True Partnership as True Learning is ultimately a book about satisfaction. It is a book about working at, and being part of the Swedish law firm Mannheimer Swartling. More specifically, it is a book about knowledge sharing. The aim of this book is to outline a discussion on how, and why, knowledge is shared in practice, and what it takes to achieve an elite identity organization and sustainable surue Partnership as True Learning is ultimately a book about satisfaction. It is a book about working at, and being part of the Swedish law firm Mannheimer Swartling. More specifically, it is a book about knowledge sharing.The aim of this book is to outline a discussion on how, and why, knowledge is shared in practice, and what it takes to achieve an elite identity organization and sustainable succ

Microstructural degradation of silicon electrodes during lithiation observed via operando X-ray tomographic imaging

Due to their high theoretical capacity compared to that of state-of-the-art graphite-based electrodes, silicon electrodes have gained much research focus for use in the development of next generation lithium-ion batteries. However, a major drawback of silicon as an electrode material is that it suffers from particle fracturing due to huge volume expansion during electrochemical cycling, thus limit

The EU 2020 innovation indicator : A step forward in measuring innovation outputs and outcomes?

In October 2013, the European Commission presented a new indicator intended to capture innovation outputs and outcomes and thereby “support policy-makers in establishing new or reinforced actions to remove bottlenecks that prevent innovators from translating ideas into products and services that can be successful on the market”. This article aims to evaluate the usefulness of the new indicator aga

Nya stenåldersfynd från norra Skåne : den första kvartsboplatsen

I samband med fortsatta omlandsstudier inom det s.k. E4-projektet i norra Skåne inventerades i maj-juni 1997 sjösystemen mellan Eket och länsgränsen. Flera tidigmesolitiska lokaler återbesöktes och ytterligare boplatser påträffades. En av de mest intressanta nyfunna lokalerna ligger i anslutning till Naturskolan vid Hjälmsjöns östligaste del. Där hittades den första kvartsdomineradeboplatsen i Skå

Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i högre utbildning och skola

Sedan 2010 stadgar skollagen att ”Utbildningen ska vila på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet.”. Skollagen ger i sig ingen ledning till hur dessa begrepp ska tolkas. Uttrycket står på en egen rad i kap 1 §5, som annars handlar om demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, förhål-landet till religion, med mera. Avsaknaden av precisering av begreppet är problematisk då det är första gången som begrep