

Din sökning på "*" gav 528141 sökträffar

Identification of abnormally expressed genes in skeletal muscle contributing to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

The metabolic defects of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can result from changes in gene expression and protein functions due to genetic and environmental influences. The aim of this study was to identify abnormally expressed genes associated with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, and further to test whether possible defects are inherited or acquired. To achieve this, we used cDNA diff

Identitet och Nationalism i Peru - Quechua-kulturen konfliktens spegel

Spanjorernas erövring "konflikt", Quechuakulturens strategier av motstånd, men också av anpassning. I modern tid; storskalig urbanisering, ekonomisk ruin och inre väpnande konflikter. Med ett Socialantropologiskt synsätt analyserar bokens författare, Johan Cronehed, det peruanska samhället och dess sociala uppbyggnad. Utifrån Quechuaindianernas etniska tillhörighet visar författaren hur det är m

Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP). Functions in collagen binding and assembly.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Målsättningen i denna avhandling är att identifiera funktionen hos COMP (Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein). Detta protein finns framförallt i brosk och sena. Dessa vävnader tillhör bindväven och har till funktion att ta upp och fördela belastning, utgöra ett skydd och förmedla transport av olika ämnen. De är uppbyggda av ett fåtal celler inbäddade i en dominerande exConnective tissues contain a prominent extracellular matrix that provides mechanical and physical properties. This extracellular matrix contains as a major constituent a network of collagen fibres. These are composed of collagen fibrils, which in turn are assembled from many collagen molecules aligned parallel to each other. Several proteins, e.g. collagens, leucine-rich repeat proteins and thromb

Crowded Field Photometry and Luminosity Function Analysis as Probes of Galactic Evolution

Crowded field photometry is a powerful method to investigate stellar evolutionary processes in astrophysically interesting regions such as nearby external galaxies and globular cluster cores. While detectors are approaching the physical limits for photon detection, data analysis methods for crowded stellar fields are not yet equally sophisticated. In order to obtain high accuracy of measurements

Assessing ‘Green Energy Economy’ policies for transforming the building stock in Shanghai

The 2008–2009 global financial crisis triggered ‘Green Energy Economy’ (GEE) policy packages to stimulate green growth in many countries. China soon became a leader and, supported by its 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010), devoted approximately one-third of its US$ 647 billion stimulus package to green energy technologies. Since then, numerous policy instruments have been implemented to encourage ‘Gr

Silver Age Innovators

When designing innovations for the silver age, it is not sufficient to discover old people’s needs only. In addition, one also has to discover old peoples’ new roles as consumers, citizens and innovators. Since this is a group that until recently has been given few opportunities to make their voices heard, there is a need for methods that identify their needs and demands. More importantly, we need

Extraction of PCBs from Sediments: Towards Bioavailability Assessment Based on Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Beständiga organiska miljögifter, till exempel PCB (Polyklorerade bifenyler), har vållat stora miljöproblem i flera decennier. Dessa föroreningar är kemiskt och biologiskt sett väldigt stabila, vilket gör att de bryts ner mycket långsamt i miljön och alltså kan transporteras långväga med vindar och strömmar. Därför kan man hitta PCB över hela jorden, även i områden där Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) pose serious threats to our global environment. These compounds have high chemical and biological stability and they are also very lipophilic. These characteristics not only render POPs the ability to spread widely and pollute remote areas, they also make them prone to accumulate in adipose tissues of living organisms. Consequently, it is important to monitor P