

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Spectroscopic characterization of aluminum plasma using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

A detailed investigation of aluminum plasma induced by a 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser in air was performed. The emission of spectral lines arising from Al I transition at 396.07 nm, Al II transition at 358.46 nm, Al Ill transition at 360.72 nm and Al IV transition at 363.05 nm were well-resolved. The plasma parameters including electron temperature and electron density were determined through the Boltzman

The FERRUM project: Experimental transition probabilities from highly excited even 5s levels in Cr II

We report lifetime measurements of the five levels in the 3d(4)(a(5)D)5s e(6)D term in Cr II at an energy around 83 000 cm(-1), and log(gf) values for 38 transitions from the investigated levels. The lifetimes are obtained using time-resolved, laser-induced fluorescence on ions from a laser-produced plasma. Since the levels have the same parity as the low-lying states directly populated in the pla

Low-lying states in near-magic odd-odd nuclei and the effective interaction

The iterative quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) method we previously developed [Phys. Rev. C 81, 034312 (2010); 86, 024303 (2012); 86, 014307 (2012)] to accurately calculate properties of individual nuclear states is extended so that it can be applied for nuclei with odd numbers of neutrons and protons. The approach is based on the proton-neutron QRPA (pnQRPA) and uses an iterative n

Batch- and continuous propionic acid production from glycerol using free and immobilized cells of Propionibacterium acidipropionici

Propionicacid production from glycerol was studied using Propionibacterium acidipropionici DSM 4900 cells immobilized on polyethylenimine-treated Poraver (PEI-Poraver) and Luffa (PEI-Luffa), respectively. Using PEI-Luffa, the average productivity, yield and concentration of propionicacid from 40 g.L-1 glycerol were 0.29 g.L-1.h-1, 0.74 mol.mol-1 and 20.09 g.L-1, respectively, after four consecutiv

Feedbacks and Interactions: From the Arctic Cryosphere to the Climate System

Changes in the Arctic's climate are a result of complex interactions between the cryosphere, atmosphere, ocean, and biosphere. More feedbacks from the cryosphere to climate warming are positive and result in further warming than are negative, resulting in a reduced rate of warming or cooling. Feedbacks operate at different spatial scales; many, such as those operating through albedo and evapotrans

Self-powered wireless carbohydrate/oxygen sensitive biodevice based on radio signal transmission.

Here for the first time, we detail self-contained (wireless and self-powered) biodevices with wireless signal transmission. Specifically, we demonstrate the operation of self-sustained carbohydrate and oxygen sensitive biodevices, consisting of a wireless electronic unit, radio transmitter and separate sensing bioelectrodes, supplied with electrical energy from a combined multi-enzyme fuel cell ge

Predicting mortality of residents at admission to nursing home: A longitudinal cohort study

Background: An increasing numbers of deaths occur in nursing homes. Knowledge of the course of development over the years in death rates and predictors of mortality is important for officials responsible for organizing care to be able to ensure that staff is knowledgeable in the areas of care needed. The aim of this study was to investigate the time from residents' admission to Icelandic nursing h

Possible human leukocyte antigen-mediated genetic interaction between type 1 and type 2 Diabetes

We assessed the prevalence of families with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in Finland; and we studied, in patients with type 2 diabetes, the association between a family history of type 1 diabetes, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies (GADab), and type 1 diabetes-associated human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQB1-genotypes. Further, in mixed type 1/type 2 diabetes families, we investigated whe

A web-based interactive virtual environment for mobile phone customization

With globalization, more and more companies are becoming multisited. Efficient and timely collaboration and communication among the development team members become critical for product success. This paper proposes a web-based virtual environment for mobile phone customization, named VMPDS (Virtual Mobile Phone Design Space). The features of this system include the combination of web technology and

Long-term exposure to glucose and lipids inhibits glucose-induced insulin secretion downstream of granule fusion with plasma membrane.

Mouse beta-cells cultured at 15 mmol/l glucose for 72 h had reduced ATP-sensitive K+ (K-ATP) channel activity (-30%), increased voltage-gated Ca2+ currents, higher intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca-i(2+]) +160%), more exocytosis (monitored by capacitance measurements, +100%), and greater insulin content (+230%) than those cultured at 4.5 mmol/l glucose. However, they released 20% less ins

Phomopsidone, a novel depsidone from an endophyte of the medicinal plant Eupatorium arnottianum

The medicinal plant Eupatorium arnottianum can be found in the Northeast and center of Argentina and the South of Bolivia. From plant material collected in Argentina an endophytic Phomopsis was isolated. The fungus was identified by microscopic features and analysis of its ITS sequence. Cultures yielded, besides mellein and nectriapyrone, a novel depsidone derivative for which we propose the name

A new general-purpose isothermal microcalorimeter for use at temperatures up to 200 degrees C

The design and some properties of a new general-purpose isothermal microcalorimeter are reported. The instrument is a twin thermopile heat conduction calorimeter, which is designed for use up to 200 degreesC. The calorimetric units and surrounding heat sink are suspended inside a hollow aluminium construction, which is thermostated. Above that unit a second thermostated block is positioned and the

Varseblivningstid och reaktionstid vid utrymning. Sammanställning av enkätundersökning gällande för varuhus, restaurang och danslokal

En enkätundersökning har genomförts bland brandingenjörer i Sverige med syftet att få information om detektionstider samt reaktions- och beslutstider vid en utrymning av tre olika lokaltyper; varuhus, restaurang och danslokal/nattklubb. Reslutaten kan ligga till grund för fortsatta studier för att bestämma partialkoefficienter för dimensionering av de gångvägar som används vid utrymning. Den ger o