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Turning waste into value: using human urine to enrich soils for sustainable food production in Uganda

This article builds on an action research process involving Ugandan smallholder farmers in collaborative experimentation on the use of human urine as a crop fertilizer. The aim is to explore farmers' perceptions and evaluation of the practice as a potential and partial solution to soil productivity problems. Findings show that urine fertilization is valued as a low-cost and low-risk practice contr

Search for contact interactions in e(+/-)p collisions at HERA H1 Collaboration

A search for physics beyond the Standard Model in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at high negative four-momentum transfer squared Q(2) is performed in e(+/-)p collisions at HERA. The differential cross section d sigma/dQ(2), measured using the full H1 data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 446 pb(-1), is compared to the Standard Model prediction. No significant deviatio

Studies on signaling pathways induced by FLT3, an important oncogene in AML

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår kropp består av olika celler som kommunicerar med varandra genom signalering. Cellerna tar emot signaler från omgivningen med hjälp av proteiner som sätter sig fast på deras yta genom mottagare, så kallade receptorer. När receptorerna får signaler skickas de vidare in i cellkärnan där det bestäms hur cellen ska agera. Tyrosinkinasreceptorer är proteiner som sitter pFLT3, a receptor tyrosine kinase, is expressed in hematopoietic progenitor cells. FLT3-ITD (internal tandem duplication) and D835 mutations are found in approximately 30% and 7% of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients respectively, and correlate with a poor prognosis, thus making the mutated receptor a potential therapeutic target. FLT3 mutations cause constitutive activation of intrinsic tyrosin

Att förhandla det förflutna : historiebilden i Halldór Laxness Islands klocka och dess samtida reception

In the years 1943, 1944 and 1946, the Icelandic author Halldór Laxness published the three parts of his novel Íslandsklukkan (called Iceland’s Bell in Philip Roughton’s recent, excellent translation). This is a historical novel, taking place around the turn of the seventeenth century. The way Icelandic history is depicted in the novel, and the way this was discussed in the reviews in Icelandic pap

On the Antimicrobial Activity of Various Peptide-Based Dendrimers of Similar Architecture

Antimicrobial drug resistance is a major human health threat. Among the many attempts to tackle this problem, the synthesis of antimicrobial compounds that mimic natural antimicrobial peptides appears as a promising approach. Peptide-based dendrimers can be designed to have higher potency than natural antimicrobial peptides and at the same time they can evade the bacterial defense system. Novel de

Discrete-time dynamic modeling for software and services composition as an extension of the Markov chain approach

Discrete Time Markov Chains (DTMCs) and Con- tinuous Time Markov Chains (CTMCs) are often used to model various types of phenomena, such as, for example, the behavior of software products. In that case, Markov chains are widely used to describe possible time-varying behavior of “self-adaptive” software systems, where the transition from one state to another represents alternative choices at the so

Multiple independent variants at the TERT locus are associated with telomere length and risks of breast and ovarian cancer

TERT-locus SNPs and leukocyte telomere measures are reportedly associated with risks of multiple cancers. Using the Illumina custom genotyping array iCOG, we analyzed similar to 480 SNPs at the TERT locus in breast (n = 103,991), ovarian (n = 39,774) and BRCA1 mutation carrier (n = 11,705) cancer cases and controls. Leukocyte telomere measurements were also available for 53,724 participants. Most

Acoustic Standing Wave Manipulation of Particles and Cells in Microfluidic Chips

The rise of MEMS and µTAS techniques has created a whole new family of microfluidic devices for a wide range of chemical and biomedical analyses to be performed on small Lab-on-a-chip platforms. The operations often include small samples of particle or cell suspensions on which separation, mixing, trapping or sorting is performed. External fields and forces are used for these operations, and this

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Effect of mixing on enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated spruce: a quantitative analysis of conversion and power consumption

Background: When scaling up lignocellulose-based ethanol production, the desire to increase the final ethanol titer after fermentation can introduce problems. A high concentration of water-insoluble solids (WIS) is needed in the enzymatic hydrolysis step, resulting in increased viscosity, which can cause mass and heat transfer problems because of poor mixing of the material. In the present study,

Immunization with advanced glycation end products modified low density lipoprotein inhibits atherosclerosis progression in diabetic apoE and LDLR null mice

Background: Diabetes accelerates atherosclerosis through undefined molecular mechanisms. Hyperglycemia induces formation of advanced glycation end product (AGE)-modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Anti-AGE-LDL autoantibodies favor atherosclerosis (AS) progression in humans, while anti oxidized LDL immunization inhibits AS in hypercholesterolemic, non-diabetic mice. We here investigated if AGE-

Safety of formoterol in children and adolescents: experience from asthma clinical trials

Background The safety of long-acting beta(2) agonist (LABA) therapy in asthma remains controversial but no large scale analyses have been published of LABA safety in children. Methods The frequency of asthma-related deaths and hospitalisations following formoterol use in children (4-11 years) and adolescents (12-17 years), compared with non-LABA treatment, was assessed in all AstraZeneca-sponsored

Physiological state of female and light intensity affect the host-plant selection of carrot psyllid, Trioza apicalis (Hemiptera : Triozidae)

We have studied the effect of different light gradient regimes on host-plant selection of the carrot psyllid, Trioza apicalis Forster. In both a strong and a weak light gradient, carrot psyllids preferred a carrot leaf placed in higher light intensity. When the choice was between the host (carrot Daucus carota L.) and a non-host (barley Hordeum vulgare L.) virgin adults settled significantly more

Who decides the position for birth? A follow-up study of a randomised controlled trial

Background: Physical benefits are suggested for women and their babies when women adopt an upright position of their choice at birth. Available care options during labour influence women's impressions of what intrapartum care is. This indicates that choice of birth positions may be determined more by midwives than by women's preferences. Question: The aims of this study were to investigate factors