

Din sökning på "*" gav 532418 sökträffar

Direktiv 2002/14/EG om information och samråd - påverkan på svensk arbetsrätt

Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur EU-rätten påverkar den svenska arbetsrättsliga modellen, särskilt arbetsgivarens generella informationsplikt och om Sverige har levt upp till de krav som EU-rätten ställer vid införlivandet av direktiv 2002/14/EG om införlivande av allmän ram för information till och samråd med i Europeiska gemenskapen, gällande nationella förhållanden. The purpose of this paper is to examine how EU law influences the Swedish labour law model, particularly the general obligation of employers to provide information and concerning, whether Sweden has lived up to the requirements imposed under EU law regarding the implementation of the directive 2002/14/EC establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Commun

WHO:s checklista - för mer än säker kirurgi? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av WHO:s checklista

I avsikt att öka patientsäkerheten inför allt fler vårdgivare i Sverige Världshälsoorganisationens, WHO:s, checklista för säker kirurgi. Syftet med studien var att belysa operationssjuksköterskors upplevelse av WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metoden var kvalitativ intervjustudie. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien ingår tretton intervjuer. Resultatet i studien v

Konsensus eller handlingsfrihet? En komparativ studie av den svenska regleringen avseende beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad och den engelska regleringen gällande parental responsibility

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att utifrån en komparativ studie av svensk och engelsk rätt beskriva hur respektive lands regleringar gällande beslutanderätten vid gemensam vårdnad och parental responsibility är utformade samt vad ifrågakommande lagstiftningar innebär. Huvudregeln i svensk rätt avseende beslutanderätt vid gemensam vårdnad är att konsensus ska föreligga mellan vårdnadshavarna nThe purpose of this essay is to describe and compare the Swedish regulation concerning joint custody and the English regulation regarding parental responsibility. In Swedish law the principle rule is that both parents should make all decisions regarding a child together, if they have joint custody. In English law the starting point is that each person with parental responsibility may act alone a

Green Building Certification Schemes and their Perspectives on District Heating

Background: There has been a recent global movement toward certification of “green” buildings. The Sweden Green Building Council currently supports four sustainable building certification schemes: LEED, BREEAM, Miljöbyggnad, and GreenBuilding. These systems use widely disparate criteria to assess building sustainability and are adopted at differing rates within the nation. They are also constantly

Regional tillväxt - EU:s strukturfonder i Sveriges regioner

This study investigates the implementation of the EU cohesion policy in a Swedish context. The EU cohesion policy aims to, through the Structural funds, diminish the economic and social differences between less-favoured and affluent regions in the EU. However, there has been a paradigm shift in Swedish politics; from income equalization and redistribution to the poorest regions, towards a greater

How Economic Growth Affects Emissions. An Investigation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve

The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) describes an inverted U-shaped relationship between per capita income and environmental degradation. In this paper this relationship will be analysed by using per capita GDP as proxy for per capita income, and per capita carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide as representatives for environmental degradation. Using cross-country time series data for ten global coun

Tidlösa teman - En studie av begrepp, ord och uttryck om romer i det svenska samhället.

Roma people have since their first stay in Sweden endured discrimination and violations due other people’s intolerance of their values, way of living and culture. Some of the most common concepts used to describe the Roma people are as a threat or a problem, as incompetent or incapable and as un-Swedish. These concepts were found in both studies of the Roma people and official governmental investi

Smart Grid District Heating Business Model – Smart Energy Management from a Customer and End User Perspective: A case study of smart grid District Heating Business Development in Malmö, Hyllie

Background: The current mass proliferation of information and communication technology (“ICT”) has created the ability to communicate with customers and manage energy production in unprecedented ways. With the arrival of “smart” energy meters and wireless communication, a new level of customer interaction is possible. In this scenario, a “smart grid” is created in which multiple energy meters are

”Parternas förhållande har varit stormigt” – en studie av formuleringar i svenska hovrättsdomar om grov kvinnofridskränkning och våldtäkt i nära relationer utifrån ett genus- och rättighetsperspektiv

This paper focuses on the distinction between the private and the public in relation to violence and sexual crimes against women in relationships and intimate relationships. Historically, violence and sexual abuse in intimate relationships has been placed in the private sphere away from the law. Concepts such as "family matter" and "family violence" has expressed that a certain

"Lite mer queer helt enkelt"

Denna studie undersöker en specifik del av marknadsföringsprocessen. Segmentering avser arbetet med att urskilja och identifiera mindre och distinkta enheter från en bred marknad, och är en förutsättning för ett arbete med riktad kommunikation. Utifrån en socialkonstruktivistisk förståelse för identitet och sexualitet kombinerar studien queerteoretiska uppfattningar med marknadsföringsteori i syftThis study examines a specific part of the marketing process. Segmentation refers to the efforts of distinguishing and identifying smaller and separate entities from a broad market, an essential part of targeted marketing communications. A social constructivist understanding of identity and sexuality underlies this study. The study combines queer theoretical views and marketing theory in order to

Assessment of the waste management system on Zanzibar -a case study on Jumbi landfill, Mwanakwerekwe dumpsite and Tunguu dumping area

Zanzibar, as a part of a developing country in East Africa, struggles with a bad municipal solid waste management system. This master thesis is an attempt to analyse the current waste situation on Zanzibar and the environmental and social effects of four dumpsites in order to give recommendations on how to improve the waste management system. The thesis was made as a Minor Field Study funded by SI

Skydd mot missbruk av tidsbegränsad anställning

Mot bakgrund av direktiv 1999/70/EG som genomför ramavtalet om visstidsarbete slutet mellan ETUC, UNICE och CEEP har det ifrågasatts om lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd lever upp till direktivets krav avseende införande av hinder mot att tidsbegränsade anställningsformer missbrukas. Ramavtalet mellan de sociala parterna inriktar sig speciellt på missbruk som uppstår ur användningen av på varandrFollowing the entry into force of Council Directive 1999/70/EC concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP it has been questioned whether the Swedish Employment Protection Act is in accordance with the directive concerning the introduction of measures to prevent abuse of fixed-term employment contracts. The framework agreement between the social partners

Våga visa, våga fråga - en studie i hur museer kan hantera utmanande ämnen

During the last twenty years there's been a growing amount of exhibitions that in different ways challenge peoples feelings and ideas. It can be exhibitions that show other interpretations of a phenomenon than the once we're used to see or subjects that can be found sensitive or provoking to some people. I've found an explanation to why museums show this type of exhibitions in the ne

Den kommunala arkivfunktionen. En studie i demokrati

The aim of this thesis is to study and analyze from an archivists point of view how the function of the municipal archives relates to the aspects of the professional position and, work situation and education of those who work in archives, and to the laws and regulations. Our discussion is framed by the notions of democracy and transparency and their significance for archival practices in a munici

Mergers and Default Risk: Explaining the Change in Default Risk of Swedish Acquirers

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of mergers on the acquirers’ default risk for a sample of Swedish companies during the period of 2002–2011. In order to establish that we will study the changes in default risk, as measured under the Merton framework (1974) pre- and post-merger and analyse the effects of a number of different explanatory variables on these risk changes. Our study

Democratization amidst Violence, Conflict and Wars: The Case of Nigeria

Despite the enthusiasm that greeted democratization in Africa and Nigeria in particular, it has turned out that expectation has run contrary with the reality. The wave of democratization in Africa has turned out to be wave of conflict, violence and war. This paper examines the dynamics of fraudulent elections in African most populous nations,Nigeria; a land with great potentials but lacking the fr

Contagion from the US debt crisis: the relationship between integration and contagion and the mitigating effect of anti-crisis measures

The aim of the paper is to draw a conclusion about the effect that integration has on the (in)stability of the linkages between international stock markets. To measure this (in)stability we focus on the contagion effect caused by the US debt crisis. Furthermore, we take the anti-crisis policies of the different countries into account and discuss whether this could have a mitigating effect on the r