

Din sökning på "*" gav 533233 sökträffar

Time to prime: En studie i auditory & olfactory priming

New perspectives on how to best market your brand or products is an ever changing subject. A seemingly unnoticed development in the eyes of ordinary people has been that marketing psychology has become more and more potent in the industry of marketers and brand developers. Benefitting from unconscious behaviors and manipulation has created tools for companies and organizations that this paper is s

Licensjakt på varg som regel eller undantag?

Det brukar sägas att undantaget bekräftar regeln men för svensk vargförvaltnings vidkommande är det undantaget som blivit regeln. Med undantaget menas en bestämmelse i EU:s Art- och habitatdirektiv som möjliggör licensjakt på arter trots att de egentligen är skyddade enligt samma direktiv. Skyddet kan ses som EU:s svar på fridlysning. Trots skyddet har Naturvårdsverket och flera länsstyrelser meThe wolf topic is subject for considerable controversy in Sweden. Today, wolves are recognized, by the IUCN redlist, as locally endangered and what is more, the Swedish population suffers from ample inbreeding. However, between 2010-2022 license hunts have been allowed on an almost yearly basis, albeit not without numerous appeals. Because the wolf is strictly protected under the European Unio

Grundpelarna för Organisatorisk Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) har kommit att bli ett centralt begrepp när det berör konkurrenskraft och ekonomisk tillväxt. I samband med att antalet implementerade ML-system ökar kontinuerligt ställs högre krav på organisationer att bli mer datadrivna och anpassa sig efter ML-teknologin för att hänga med i de teknologiska trenderna. Däremot är forskningen bristande kring vad som händer innan organisation

Capturing killer acquisitions in the digital sector: Article 102, EU Merger Control and Commission’s approach

The ‘killer acquisition’ -phenomenon has been a subject of heated discussion for past several years. It usually describes as a situation where the target company, commonly a start-up, is acquired by an incumbent and its innovation products are discontinued. This leads to a loss of both competition and innovation, causing a harm to consumer welfare. Their prevalence is still mostly unknown, but res

Hamnarna; från stuvare och småskutor till stordrift i infrastrukturnoder

ABSTRACT Strukturförändringar inom industrin i kombination med ny sjöfartsteknologi och utbyggda väg- och järnvägsnät innebar omvälvningar i Sveriges hamnar. Under andra hälften av nittonhundratalet skedde stora förändringar i många av kusthamnarna, såväl volymmässigt som lokaliseringsmässigt och organisatoriskt. I denna studie dras paralleller kring hur hamnrörelsen utvecklades i tre skilda regio

Can you trust the process? A study about the relationship between governance structures and management control in Swedish municipalities

Title: Can you trust the process? A study about the relationship between management control and governance structures in Swedish municipalities Seminar date: 1st of June, 2022. Course: BUSN79, Degree project in Accounting and Finance, Master level, 15 ECTS Authors: Madeleine Axelsson and Victor Hedman Supervisor: Johan Dergård Keywords: Governance in public sector, New public management, Post-new

Shapes - Next Generation IoT sensors

Denna uppsats är baserad på ett projekt inom produktutveckling av nästa generations IoT-sensorer för företaget Sensative AB. Projektet tar vid där ett pilotprojekt, färdigställt i januari 2022, slutade, vid samma företag och av samma författare. Projektet fokuserar på att solidifiera och utveckla den design som gjordes i pilotprojektet, samt att utforska nya designidéer för ytterligare trådlösa seThis Master Thesis is based on a project in the product development of the next generation of IoT-sensors for the company Sensative AB. The project commences where a pilot study, finished in January 2022, concludes at the same company by the same author. The project focuses on solidifying and developing the design made in the pilot study, as well as exploring new design ideas for additional wirele

Åtgärdsprogram inom vattenförvaltning: Förutsättningar för utveckling av en lokalt anpassad förvaltningsplan för Vombsjön

Vombsjön är en sjö belägen I sydvästra Skåne som fyller en viktig roll som dricksvattenreservoar. Sjöns avrinningsområde består till ca 70% av jordbruksmark vilket har medfört långvarig påverkan på vattenkvaliteten från lokalt näringsläckage. I dagsläget finns ingen lokalt anpassad förvaltningsplan för Vombsjön utan den förvaltas utifrån den regionala förvaltningsplan som gäller för hela SödrLake Vomb is situated in the southwest of Skåne, Sweden, and is important due to its role as drinking water reservoir. The lake is situated in highly cultivated farmland and is highly influenced by nutrient rich run-off water. There is no locally adapted water management plan for lake Vomb and the lake is currently managed under a regional water management plan which covers the entire Southern B

LGBTQ+ People & Disasters - A Queer Human Rights-Based Critique of Vulnerability

Climate change and hazard events pose an existential threat to human rights. Hazard events were traditionally viewed as ‘natural disasters’ which were beyond our control and the people caught up in them were unfortunate victims to the unstoppable force of nature. Disasters are not natural; we can choose to prevent them and assist vulnerable populations. This recognition has led to the development

Stuck in Routines? The Interaction Between Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance

There are many unemployed in Sweden that do not qualify for unemployment insurance and instead are referred to social assistance. In 2011 the Swedish Department of Finance issued a report suggesting changes to the current system. The proposed changes would make it easier for the unemployed to qualify for unemployment insurance. This study aims to investigate why the interaction between social assi

Att arbeta med barn som anhöriga i vuxenpsykiatrin - en studie av yrkesverksammas upplevelse

Children of parents with mental illness (COPMI) are exposed and at risk for developing mental illness, therefor it’s essential that they receive necessary support. In Sweden professionals working in mental health care are obligated by law to acknowledge and provide support to their patients’ children. Despite this, research shows that the work is neither obvious nor as extended as it should be. Th

In situ X-ray diffraction studies of vertically aligned CsPbBr3 nanowire arrays

Forskning vid Lunds Universitet har lett till nanotrådar som odlas i tunna aluminium-membran, vilket gör trådarna betydligt mer motståndskraftiga mot fukt, värme och annat som kan skada dem. Detta projekt utnyttjar röntgenstrålars interaktioner med materia för att studera hur trådarna växer med målet att informera framtida forskning. Alltsedan Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen upptäckte röntgenstrålar år 189The past decade has seen a great interest in the development of metal halide perovskite materials for use in photo-optical devices, due to the excellent photo-optical properties of these materials. The primary limitation to industrial adoption, and the subject of much research, is the susceptibility of these materials to degradation from exposure to various factors such as air, heat and moisture.

The Meaning of Gender Issues as Narrated and Negotiated by Activists in Mozambique

Feminist activism in Mozambique has suffered dramatic changes throughout the many socio-political processes the country has encountered. Consequently, the activists in civil society still struggle to fight against patriarchal oppression, political repression, and socio-cultural norms that hinder women's full realization of their rights. As it follows, this research aims to investigate how acti

An Analysis of Spatially-enabled Mobile Decision Support Systems in a Collaborative Decision-Making Environment

The effectiveness of decision-making processes has been enhanced by integrating multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and geographic information system (GIS) methods to solve more complex spatial problems that were not possible to solve using conventional GIS methods. A spatial decision support system (SDSS) supports various stakeholders in the decision-making process, by processing data using

Falafel på favaböna : En studie på olika ingrediensers effekt på volym och textur

Köttkonsumtionen ökar hela tiden och bidrar till en negativ klimatpåverkan. Detta på grund av de växthusgaser som köttindustrin medför. Att äta en mer växtbaserad kost kan ha en effektfull inverkan på minskandet av dessa växthusgaser. Sverige är ett av de länder som är sämst på att äta baljväxter, då vi mer eller mindre enbart äter ärtsoppa och bruna bönor med fläsk, när det kommer till baljväxterMeat consumption keeps increasing, which in time, contributes to a negative climate impact due to the greenhouse gases that the meat industry causes. Eating a more plant-based diet can have a direct impact on the reduction of these greenhouse gases. Sweden is one of the countries were its people stick to a minimum number of legumes in their diet, as they only eat it in everyday meals like pea so