

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Combining multiple proxies to investigate water table fluctuations in wetlands : A case study from the Rėkyva wetland complex, Lithuania

The impact climate and land-use changes have on the hydrological conditions in peat bogs and lakes is often complex, but of great importance for the carbon budget and biodiversity in these ecosystems. Links and feedbacks between raised bog water table depth, lake level, net precipitation, hydrometeorological indices, and radial tree growth have been studied and identified in the Rėkyva wetland com

Dynamic site characterization for brownfield risk management

Common remediation and land management approaches often preclude economically attractive and low risk brownfield redevelopment. The authors argue that recently developed dynamic site characterization techniques can greatly improve sound decision making on land revitalization options. A number of these in-situ soil and groundwater test methods, such as MIP, ROST™/UVOST™, XRF and BAT, based on geote

Unravelling uniaxial strain effects on electronic correlations, hybridization and bonding in transition metal oxides

The interplay among spin, lattice, charge and orbit is of central importance for several rich and fascinating properties of oxides, and is the subject of intense research at present. Here, we present an approach to manipulate this interplay by Sn doping to effectively apply uniaxial strain on the TiO2 lattice. The evolution of this interplay in pseudo-homoepitaxial Ti1-xSnxO2 films is measured usi

Säkerhet på jobbet i ett psykosocialt perspektiv : en studie av hur man tänker kring de som utsätter andra för mentalt och tyst våld, även känt som översitteri och mobbing

Säkerhet på jobbet fokuserar ofta på att skydda de anställda från fysiskt våld, utfört av externa personer som inte har någon relation till arbetsplatsen. Det är lättare att peka mot ”de andra”, de som inte hör hemma på arbetsplatsen än att komma tillrätta med arbetsplatsens interna problem. Säkerhet på jobbet i ett psykosocialt perspektiv kan därför upplevas som besvärligt att hantera och riskera

Improving Receiver Close-In Blocker Tolerance by Baseband Gm-C Notch Filtering

This paper presents a receiver front end with improved blocker handling implemented in a 65-nm CMOS technology. Since close-in blockers are challenging to reject at RF, the receiver features a baseband (BB) notch filter, which effectively sinks close-in blocker current directly from the output of an LNTA and passive mixer structure. The notch-filter frequency can be tuned to match the blocker offs

Ulceration in an ileocolic anastomosis treated with ranitidin

The authors report the case of a child born with a gastroschisis and an ileal atresia. After surgery, only 100 cm small bowel and the distal one third of his colon remained. Perianastomotic ulcers developed 6 years later. These were treated successfully with ranitidin, a treatment not previously reported in the literature. The authors conclude that treatment with ranitidin was successful in a pati

Substrate Preference Pattern of Agaricus meleagris Pyranose Dehydrogenase Evaluated through Bioelectrochemical Flow Injection Amperometry

Pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH) is a quinone-dependent extracellular flavoglycoprotein mainly produced by litter-decomposing fungi and contributes to the degradation of lignocellulose. PDH in terms of structure and catalytic features pertains to the glucose methanol-choline oxidoreductase family and oxidizes a wide substrate range of aldopyranoses including hexoses, pentoses, disaccharides and oligos

Harnessing local knowledge for scientific knowledge production : challenges and pitfalls within evidence-based sustainability studies

The calls for evidence-based public policy making have increased dramatically in the last decades, and so has the interest in evidence-based sustainability studies. But questions remain about what “evidence” actually means in different contexts and if the concept travels well between different domains of application. Some of the most relevant questions asked by sustainability studies are not, and

Effect of exercise on the plasma vesicular proteome : A methodological study comparing acoustic trapping and centrifugation

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a heterogeneous group of actively released vesicles originating from a wide range of cell types. Characterization of these EVs and their proteomes in the human plasma provides a novel approach in clinical diagnostics, as they reflect physiological and pathological states. However, EV isolation is technically challenging with the current methods having several disad

Gastrostomy button causing perforation of the posterior gastric wall

A gastrostomy button complication, not previously reported, is described. The button, with an inflatable balloon, was used for nutrition. The patient had had a gastrostomy for 4.5 y, with the same type of gastrostomy button for the previous 2 y and the same device for 1 y. The tip of the button caused a perforation of the posterior stomach wall, leading to death.

Laparoscopy for nonpalpable testis in childhood : Is inguinal exploration necessary when vas and vessels are not seen?

A case of bilateral nonpalpable testes is described. Ultrasonography showed no testis. Laparoscopy revealed no intraabdominal testis, vas or vessels. Human chorionic gonadotrophine test suggested the presence of testicular tissue Computed tomography showed a testis present in each inguinal canal. Inguinal exploration confirmed the finding. This case stresses the importance of careful interpretatio