

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

Xenofobin och kosmopolitismen - En förenlighetsanalys över motsatta värden

The aim of this composition is to explore if there exists any cosmopolitan values which are compatible with xenophobic ones, to answer if there are any valid arguments to vindicate xenophobic expressions. It is a fact that xenophobia is a growing phenomenon in our political world and it grows without proper dispute from the opinion or democracy supporting organizations. The used methodology in the

Can Affirmative Action Be Justified?

This paper deals with affirmative action linked to theories of equality. The aim is to answer the question: Can affirmative action be justified? Three different perspectives, or faces that I have chosen to call them, are the core of the analysis; formal equality meaning equal rights, actual equality which deals with equal opportunity and absolute equality which is understood as equal results. Aft

Sekuritisering av migration - Mexikansk invandring som ett amerikanskt säkerhetshot efter 11:e september-dåden

This thesis is a case study, which sets out to argue that the U.S., through the discourse of security, has been able to use measures to control migration that would otherwise not have been legitimized. The new agenda of migration as a security threat makes it possible to frame a necessity of increased regulations around the boarder. The effects of 9/11 on US policy with regards to Mexican immigrat

Framgång eller misslyckande: En analys av Lissabonfördraget ur två demokratiteorier

The Lisbon treaty entered into force on the 1st of December 2009 and this alters the way the European Union is governed. This thesis examines if some of the most important constitutional changes will enhance the democratic legitimacy of the European Union. The focus of my analysis is on the following aspects: that the use of qualified majority voting has expanded in the Council of Ministers; that

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A study of the mix between reality and fantasy in five important litterary works in the genre generally known as the Cronicles of the Indies.

Regional risk- och krishantering - en studie av samtliga länsstyrelsers risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser

This thesis studies all regional risk- and vulnerability analyses of Swedish county administrative boards from 2006. The method used in this descriptive study is direct content analysis based on theoretical models and relevant research areas. In total, 51 questions for each of the 20 county administrative boards has been answered where some answers have been quantified. The results of the study re

3D-glass keypad for future mobile phones of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Abstract The competition regarding market shares in the mobile handset industry is tough. Today the mobile phone is more and more becoming a personal accessory and trends in shape, color and material are changing rapidly. The keypad is one of a phone’s many components which the end user gets in touch with first. It is used to activate the phone, and it is what the user feels and looks at initially

Jaha, ska vi börja räkna repliker nu? : om skådespelerskors lika rätt på den svenska teaterscenen

All people, regardless of gender, are entitled to participate in cultural life. 41% of the permanent actors and actresses at the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm are women. Only 34% of the Malmö Theater roles in 2009 went to actresses. There is a male norm, not only in Swedish society, but also in the Swedish theater. How does this norm look like and what methods are required to change it? Eve

Sportevenemangens baksida : FIFA World Cup 2010 i Sydafrika och rätten till bostad

This is an investigation of the FIFA World Cup 2010 and effects on housing rights in Cape Town. South Africa has a harsh history of displacement of people and the government has, because of that, promised that no one will be displaced because of the sport event. The government is also promising a lot of opportunities for the population in the entire Africa. To investigate how mega-events affect ho

Systems Approach to Health-care Waste Management

This thesis attempts to examine the situation of health-care waste management in Guyana using a systems approach and to understand the roles of government in mandating, facilitating, and initiating a reduction of the adverse impacts related to human health and environment. It examines the existing situation of health-care waste management using the principles of the viable system model to guide th

Skicka vidare: En analys av fenomenet Affiliate Marketing i modebranschen

Titel: Affiliate marketing Författare: Eva Dobosz, Josefine Schüler Handledare: Kristina Bäckström, Cecilia Fredriksson Utbildning: Service Management, Retail & Turism Problemdiskussion: I Sverige domineras bloggosfären av modebloggar. Modeföretag har insett vilka marknadsföringsmöjligheter bloggen skapar då den inte betraktas som en kommersiell mediekanal av modekonsumenter. Resultatet är; Af

Ordning och reda i utredning - om kunskap och objektivitet i barnavårdsutredningar

Abstract In this study I have sought to understand the conditions for knowledge and objectivity in family assessment-work. I have used a philosophical theory to reach understanding of what possibilities and obstacles there are for an assessor in trying to reach knowledge about, and to be objective in, working with child and family-assessment. To fulfill my purpose I have made one group- and one s

Shikei - En empirisk studie om dödsstraffet i Japan.

This thesis tries to clarify why Japan still uses the death penalty even though there have been radical norm changes throughout the 20th century. This essay, through using a comparative case study method, concludes there are three main reasons for why Japan still possesses the capital punishment, which are all connected to each other. First, Japan has not signed nor ratified the international tre

Den kreativa (över)klassen?

In the last decades regions have become increasingly important as actors in the global challenge for economic growth. To be a strong competetor you need to have the right skills and in an era where knowledge-based industry is the key for economic growth the right skills is identified as the right knowledge. The keepers of this knowledge is known by Richard Florida as the “the creative class” and b

Kampen om Afrika : en komparativ studie av Kinas och Europa Unionens riktlinjer avseende handel och mänskliga rättigheter

The purpose of this essay is to discuss whether the occidental approach to human rights, namely the importance of civil and political rights, in Africa is disappearing with the Chinese influence and its oriental viewpoint with focus on economic, cultural and social rights. China has lately chosen to ”Go Global” and now they officially promote their perspective on human rights. The intensified coop

Ska man vinna matchen kan man inte ha inbördeskrig - En studie av gränsregional auktoritetsproblematik i Haparanda-Tornio och Öresundsregionen

Cross-border regionalism has changed the preconditions for power. The traditional nation-state term of power has changed, and as new cross-border regions are created, so are new interests and actors. This essay is a comparative analysis of the organization and the actors in Haparanda-Tornio and Öresund, with the aim to answer the question: Who “owns” a cross-border region? To understand the how th

E-demokratin är död - länge leve e-demokratin!

Studien tar sin början i hur e-demokratin – en demokrati byggd på informationstekniska verktyg – sägs vara död och försvunnen i Sveriges kommuner. Ända sedan denna digitala demokrati i mitten av nittiotalet anammades som den kommande räddningen för en förmodat krisande demokrati, har dess förespråkare kommit att eftersöka den med ljus och lykta. Studien frågar sig om e-demokratin verkligen försva

VITRYSSLAND Demokratiseringsprocessen sedan självständighet fram till idag. - Hur stat, civilsamhälle och president verkar för demokratisering.

Syftet är att analysera och undersöka verkan hos tre faktorer inom demokratiseringsprocessen i Vitryssland. Uppsatsens tre förklaringsfaktorer är stat, civilsamhälle och president. Analysen av dessa förklaringsfaktorer behandlar tiden från självständighet 1991 fram till idag. Materialet i uppsatsen består av böcker främst hämtade från kursen democratization vid lunds universitet och vetenskapliga

Energy efficient buildings in warm climates of the Middle East

Fast development of energy efficient buildings is necessary to deal with growing and high levels of energy consumption and related environmental impacts in the Middle East countries including Iran and Israel. Design for climates such as hot arid and Mediterranean climates entails facing challenges regarding both heating and cooling energy demands in buildings. Since the late 70s, research has been