Din sökning på "*" gav 533893 sökträffar
Energi- och miljöfysik
Professionalism and LIS: (Re)constructing the Librarian and the User
Expression and localization of extracellular matrix proteins in rat skeletal development
Several novel matrix molecules of cartilage and bone have recently been identified and characterized. Studies of the maturation of the femoral head give clues as to the function of the novel matrix proteins. We have studied the expression and localization of two cartilage proteins: COMP, chondroadherin (CHAD), and two bone proteins: BSP and osteoadheirn (OSAD). COMP was localized throughout cartil
Traffic engineering of multiple spanning tree routing networks: the load balancing case
This paper deals with optimal load balancing in telecommunication networks based on multiple spanning tree routing. This is the case in switched Ethernet networks where the operator configures different routing spanning trees and assigns each demand VLAN to one of the spanning trees. We consider modeling and solving three load balancing objectives: (i) minimization of the average link load with a
Silent allies and hostile neutrals: nonaligned states in the Cold War
Economic losses and environmental damage in the law of ship-source pollution
NMR Self-Diffusion Studies and Stability Studies of Emulsions
The aim of this study is to characterize emulsion systems by self-diffusion PGSE NMR methods. The specifics of the emulsions studied are all taken from the literature and they are of the W/O or O/W type stabilized with different emulsifiers. We have investigated what characteristics of emulsions that the NMR self-diffusion technique can shed light on. The diffusion behavior of the liquid inside th
Artificial Life goes 'in Silico'
The paper reviews a number of Cellular Neural Network implementation on a Field-programmable Gate-array. It shows by a number of experiments, how these implementations can be used to create dynamic, autonomous processes for applications ranging from computer games to robot navigation.
An integrated approach to simulation-based learning in support of strategic and project management in software organisations
Det eviga som traditionsbrott
Historical, philological and theological comments on a selection from the Revelations of St. Birgitta of Sweden in modern Swedish translation.
Systems Analysis of the Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Energy Supply System in Kamaishi-City
The Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami hit coastal cities in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures of Tohoku Region devastating the energy supply system in the region. Electricity and fuel shortages caused severe problems in the city of Kamaishi varying from lack of mobility, communication, heating to reduced health conditions. This paper, aims to analyze the impacts of the earthquake and t
Trafiksäkerhetseffekten av ombyggda cykelbaneöverfarter i korsningar
Color-Based Detection Robust to Varying Illumination Spectrum
In color-based detection methods, varying illumination often causes problems, since an object may be perceived to have different colors under different lighting conditions. In the field of color constancy this is usually handled by estimating the illumination spectrum and accounting for its effect on the perceived color. In this paper a method for designing a robust classifier is presented, i.e.,
Development of sensitive cellular assay systems and their application to the identification of "orphan" seven-transmembrane receptors
Popular Abstract in Swedish I alla flercelliga organismer behövs utbyte av information mellan cellerna, som bygger upp kroppen. För detta ändamål är cellerna försedda med små antenner, som kan ta emot signaler och kallas därför receptorer. Receptorer kan vara uppbyggda på olika sätt. De flesta receptorer slingrar sig sju gånger genom membranet och har ett gemensamt sätt att fortleda signaler till Seven-transmembrane, G-protein coupled receptors play a central role in physiology since they facilitate cell communication in multicellular organisms by recognition of a broad range of ligands. They also represent important drug targets. Unfortunately, for many of these receptors the endogenous ligands, and, hence, their physiological functions, remain to be identified. These receptors are usuall
Flower Cues for Hawkmoths: Colour, Place and Odour
Popular Abstract in Swedish Blommor använder färg och doft för att locka till sig pollinatörer. Hur använder sig svärmare av dessa olika signaler för att hitta blomman? För att få svar på denna fråga undersöktes två arter av svärmare, en dagaktiv, Macroglossum stellatarum, och en nattaktiv, Deilephila elpenor. Båda arterna har färgseende och den nattaktiva svärmaren kan skilja på olika färger äveFlowers use different cues to attract pollinators including colour and odour. How do hawkmoths use these cues to find the flowers? This question was investigated in two species of hawkmoth, the diurnal species, Macroglossum stellatarum, and the nocturnal species, Deilephila elpenor. Both species have colour vision and D. elpenor can discriminate colours under very dim light intensities. Both speci
The party and the masses : an interorganizational analysis of Lenin's model for the Bolshevik revolutionary movement
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Immunodeficiency mutation databases
Several immunodeficiency-related genes are known and a numb er of disease causing mutations have been identified. Immunodeficiency related mutation information have been collected into IDbases. We are currently maintaining 15 registries, which are available at http://www.uta.fi/imt/bioinfo/. The databases are available for the following disorders: adenosine deaminase, CD3 epsilon, CD3 gamma, JAK3,