

Din sökning på "*" gav 533928 sökträffar

Segmental duration - an essential feature of the West Swedish dialect

The present study is about the phonetic properties of the West Swedish dialect spoken specifically in the city of Gothenburg, i.e. göteborgska. On the basis of a perception test using synthetic speech the present investigation concerns the distribution of segmental duration within stressed and post-stressed syllables in the task of identifying the West Swedish dialect. In this study I will use the

Coherent electron flow from a double slit with slit widths in the quantum conductance regime

We report on a theoretical study of the quantum interference behaviour of electron flow from a double-slit device made from a semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) system with the slit widths in the quantum conductance regime. The device consists of a double slit and a single slit in a configuration where the single slit is placed on the source side of the double slit. The wavefunction

Spatial analysis of School fires in Malmö, Sweden.

School fires are a considerable problem in many Western countries. The cost of arson in Swedish schools is over 300 million Swedish kronor per year. Since the end of the 1990s, a fire occurs on average once per day, and every second fire is an arson. Malmö is one of the most affected municipalities in Sweden. The causes of arson are difficult to elucidate but can be related to factors such as indi

The Return of YHWH : The Tension between Deliverance and Repentance in Isaiah 40-55

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jesaja 40-55 representerar en av Gamla testamentets höjdpunkter. Här ackumuleras bilderna av Gud som Israels konung, herde, fader, moder, skapare och försörjare. Det är en befriande, nyskapande och mäktig Gud som tilltalar ett modlöst, förtvivlat och krossat Israel. Dessa kapitel domineras av budskapet om tröst och räddning till den grad att bibelforskningen sammanfattaThe theology of Isaiah 40-55 has two seemingly contradictory aspects: the tension between the consolatory message of deliverance, and the harsh tone of accusation. In this part of the Book of Isaiah, YHWH's return to his people is demonstrated through the accumulation of declarations about YHWH's ability and his will to deliver the Israelites from the exile. At the same time, the Israelites are ex

Can I be an Instantaneous Stage and yet Persist Through Time?

Abstract in Undetermined An alternative to the standard endurance/perdurance accounts of persistence has recently been developed: the stage theory (Sider, 2001; Hawley, 2001). According to this theory, a persisting object is identical with an instantaneous stage (temporal part). On the basis of Leibniz’s Law, I argue that stage theorists either have to deny the alleged identity (i.e. give up their

Development of the Lund AMS Facility for the Detection of 59Ni – with Applications in the Nuclear Industry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Acceleratormasspektrometri, AMS, är en relativt ny metod för att bestämma extremt låga koncentrationer av såväl radioaktiva som stabila atomer. Metoden innebär att man med kärnfysikalisk teknik räknar atomerna en och en. De främsta fördelarna med AMS, jämfört med konventionella metoder, är att mycket små provmängder kan analyseras och att mättiden är kort. Mängden av eAccelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is a highly sensitive method for counting atoms and it is used for detecting very low concentrations of both radionuclides and stable isotopes in small samples. The two major advantages of the AMS method are that the required amount of sample material is very small, but also that the efficiency is rather high, it takes less than an hour to analyse a sample. The

Turn Me On, Turn Me Off! Techno-Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects of Direct Load Management in Residential Houses

Load management is a techno-economic measure for harmonizing the relations between supply and demand sides, optimising power generation and transmission and increasing security of supply. It can also benefit the environment by preventing use of generators with higher emissions. This study was performed in collaboration with one electric utility in Southern Sweden, which aims solving peak load pro

Peasant proudction and limits to labour Thyolo and Mzimba Districts in Malawi, mid-1930s to late-1970s

The persistence of a low productive peasant sector in sub-Saharan Africa is one of the enigmas of development research. This study approaches the question from a historical perspective by analysing the paths of agrarian change in two contrasting cases in Malawi from the mid-1930s to the late 1970s. The cases - Thyolo and Mzimba districts - with their overt differences in terms of population densit