

Din sökning på "*" gav 532966 sökträffar

The Anatomy of Autonomy: An Institutional Account of Variation in Supranational Influence

This article presents a rational institutionalist account of why the Commission and the ECJ vary in their capacity to pursue successfully a supranational agenda. In the empirical part, the explanatory power of this approach is illustrated through a comparison of the Commission's and the ECJ's autonomy in the pursuit of a joint agenda in EU enforcement. The article suggests that the EU as a strateg

A follow-up study of Nordic multiple sclerosis candidate gene regions

In this study, the results from three Nordic linkage disequilibrium screens in multiple sclerosis (MS) were investigated, in a new sample set of 314 Nordic MS trios from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. Among 30 non-HLA and two HLA microsatellite markers individually genotyped, eight markers displayed distorted transmission with uncorrected P-value

Transposable elements in mammals promote regulatory variation and diversification of genes with specialized functions

Nearly half of mammalian genomes are derived from ancient transposable elements (TEs). We analyzed the prevalence of TEs in untranslated regions of human and mouse mRNAs and found evidence suggesting that TEs affect the expression of many genes through the donation of transcriptional regulatory signals. Furthermore, we found that recently expanded gene classes, such as those involved in immunity o

High-frequency switching and Kerr effect - nonlinear problems solved with nonstationary time domain techniques

A time domain method building on the concept of wave splitting is used to study direct wave propagation phenomena in weakly nonlinear media. The starting point is the linear wave equation with time-dependent coefficients. This means that the studied nonlinear medium in some sense has to be approximated with a nonstationary medium which changes while the wave passes through. For the nonstationary e

Height-controlled nanowire branches on nanotrees using a polymer mask

The production of complex three-dimensional dendritic structures is an important step in the application of semiconductor nanowires. One promising method for achieving this is the sequential seeding of multiple generations of epitaxial nanowires using metal seed particles. However, it is difficult to control and predict the position of second and higher generation nanowires with respect to the fir

Effects of artificial acid rain on microbial activity and biomass

The emission of air pollutants which form acid components in rain and snow represents a threat to natural ecosystems. Increased leaching of nutrients from soils (ABRAHAMSEN et al. 1976b), decreased pHvalues in lakes and changes in fish populations (SCHOFIELD 1976) have been suggested as some of the consequences of the increased acidity of rain. Scandinavian coniferous forests are very stable ecosy

Buprenorphine misuse among heroin and amphetamine users in malmo, Sweden: Purpose of misuse and route of administration

Buprenorphine misuse by injecting drug users was assessed in a survey of 350 needle exchangers, either amphetamine (57%) or heroin users (42%). 89% of heroin users and 24% of amphetamine users reported using buprenorphine at some time during the previous year. Most users reported illicit acquisition. Among illicit users, 87% of heroin users reported intake for withdrawal treatment or self-detoxifi

An exact ab initio theory of quantum transport using TDDFT and nonequilibrium Green's functions

We present an exact ab initio theory for describing the motion of interacting electrons through nanoscopic constrictions. Our theory is based on time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and nonequilibrium Green functions. We consider the system electrode-device-electrode initially contacted and in equilibrium, therefore the scheme is thermodynamically consistent. Besides the steady-state r

QSim, a program for NMR simulations

We present QSim, a program for simulation of NMR experiments. Pulse sequences are implemented and analyzed in QSim using a mouse driven interface. QSim can handle almost any modern NMR experiment, using multiple channels, shaped pulses, mixing, decoupling, phase-cycling and pulsed field gradients. Any number of spins with any spin quantum number can, in theory, be used in simulations. Relaxation i

Matrilin-2, a large, oligomeric matrix protein, is expressed by a great variety of cells and forms fibrillar networks

Matrilin-2 is a member of the protein superfamily with von Willebrand factor type A-like modules. Mouse matrilin-2 cDNA fragments were expressed in 293-EBNA cells, and the protein was purified, characterized, and used to immunize rabbits. The affinity-purified antiserum detects matrilin-2 in dense and loose connective tissue structures, subepithelial connective tissue of the skin and digestive tra

Cadmium-induced bone effect is not mediated via low serum 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D

Cadmium is a widespread environmental pollutant, which is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis. It has been proposed that cadmium's toxic effect on bone is exerted via impaired activation of vitamin D, secondary to the kidney effects. To test this, we assessed the association of cadmium-induced bone and kidney effects with serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)(2)D); measured by enzyme

The effect of organic farming on butterfly diversity depends on landscape context

The recent dramatic decline in farmland biodiversity is often attributed to agricultural intensification and structural changes in the agricultural landscape. One suggested farm practice seen to benefit biodiversity and reverse declines is organic farming. Because organic farming is viewed as a more sustainable form of agriculture it is currently subsidized by European agri-environment schemes. Ho

Aggressive treatment of acute limb ischemia due to thrombosed popliteal aneurysms

OBJECTIVE: The absence of infra-popliteal runoff in patients with acute limb ischemia and thrombosed popliteal aneurysms carries a high risk of amputation. A combined treatment method involving thrombolysis and surgery is reported. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Information regarding six patients was reviewed. Ankle brachial indices and degree of ischemia were recorded. All patients underwent digital subtr

Biosorption of chromium (III) and chromium (VI) by untreated and pretreated Cassia fistula biomass from aqueous solutions

The present study explained the effect of pretreatments on the biosorption of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) by Cassia fistula biomass from aqueous solutions. For this purpose Cassia fistula biomass was pretreated physically by heating, autoclaving, boiling and chemically with sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde, gluteraldehyde, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, commercial laundry detergent, orthophosphoric, sulph

Penetrative ductile deformation and amphibolite-facies metamorphism prior to 1851 Ma in the western part of the Svecofennian orogen, Fennoscandian Shield

The Svecofennian orogen in the Fennosandian Shield consists of several Palaeoproterozoic meta-igneous provinces that generally young progressively southwards and westwards. The understanding of the tectonic evolution of these different provinces is linked to the ability to constrain the timing of ductile deformation and metamorphism within them. In the western part of the orogen, in central Sweden

Prophylaxis for severe haemophilia: clinical challenges in the absence as well as in the presence of inhibitors

Prophylaxis is defined as the regular administration of clotting factor concentrates to prevent bleeding. Extensive data from observational studies and a recent randomized controlled trial (have established that early prophylactic treatment prevents bleeds and arthropathy in boys with severe haemophilia. The initiation of prophylaxis in young children remains challenging. To prevent arthropathy, p

Kinematic hardening in large strain plasticity

A finite strain hyper elasto-plastic constitutive model capable to describe non-linear kinematic hardening as well as nonlinear isotropic hardening is presented. In addition to the intermediate configuration and in order to model kinematic hardening, an additional configuration is introduced - the center configuration; both configurations are chosen to be isoclinic. The yield condition is formulat