Din sökning på "*" gav 533978 sökträffar
Robert W. Cox
Biodiversity and sustainable forestry in changing landscapes – principles and southern Sweden as an example
Between History and Material Culture: On European Regionalism and the Potentials of Poetic Aanalysis.
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Autologous blood recovery and wash in microfluidic channel arrays utilizing ultrasonic standing waves
”Två hypermodernt klädda och väl kolorerade damer". Om kvinnlighet och kriminella nätverk.
The impact of default settings on evacuation model results: a study of visibility conditions vs occupant walking speeds
This paper aims to analyze the impact of different strategies regarding the use of default model settings and embedded data-sets. Initially, the consequences of these different strategies on the results produced are discussed. This is followed by a detailed case-study focusing on the qualitative and quantitative impact that selecting different strategies may produce: whether the user provides thei
Morphometric and molecular variation in the Nordic dogroses (Rosa Sect. Caninae, Rosaceae)
In the present thesis, I investigate the hierarchical structure of morphometric and molecular diversity within and between the Nordic dogroses (Rosa Sect. Caninae, Rosaceae). I also investigate patterns of geographic differentiation and taxonomic relationships within the group. The dogroses are characterized by a unique genetic system, the so-called ”canina meiosis” that leads to an uneven allocat
Transforming moments - A Psychological Perspective on Religious Visions : Contemporary and Historical Cases
Helvetet på jorden. Resor till Stora Kopparbergs gruva
Lägg inte ner Akademiska verkstaden!
Assessing the quality of qualitative research in entrepreneurship
Fysik: naturvetenskapsprogrammet. Kurs B
I skuggan av spelfilmen: svensk experimentell film
The chapter presents the history of Swedish experimental film, and discusses aesthetics as well as institutional conditions. Among filmmakers treated are Viking Eggeling, Gunvor Nelson and Peter Weiss,
MA - ekonomi och metodik
Regulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3)
High Strain Fatigue Crack Growth and Crack Closure
Popular Abstract in Swedish I en komponent som utsätts för upprepande på- och avlastningar, d.v.s. cyklisk belastning, kan defekter i form av sprickor initieras och börja växa. Detta fenomen kallas utmattning och kan leda till haveri med potentiellt katastrofala följder. Det är därför viktigt att förstå fenomenen som ligger bakom utmattning och att ha tillförlitliga modeller för att förutsäga livsUnderstanding of the growth of fatigue cracks is of utmost importance since such growth often has a profound influence on the life of components subjected to cyclic loading. Thus, reliable fatigue life models enable a more efficient use of materials and improve the performance and efficiency in many applications. This thesis deals with the growth of fatigue cracks subjected to high load amplitude