

Din sökning på "*" gav 533978 sökträffar

Non-invasive assessment of atrial electrophysiology in AF – Influence of posture change

The authors sought to non-invasively defect changes in atrial fibrillation rhythm during autonomic provocative maneuvers. Digital Holter from 23 patients with chronic AF before and after active postural change were subjected to routine editing, and then underwent QRS and T wave subtraction, leaving pure atrial fibrillatory records. Spectral analysis by autoregressive method was performed on this r

Enhancement of Human Operator's Perceptual Sensitivity for Telesurgical Systems via Polytopic System Approach

A suturing including knot tying is one of the more difficult operations to learn in telesurgical systems. Apprentice surgeons commonly suffer from suture breakage or knot failure. The difficulty, generally, comes from the absence of feedback of interaction force cues in a medical device (e.g., a needle and a thread) . Even if there is haptic feedback to the operator, the operator may have a diffic

Women, Work and Social Change

This book takes up three aspects of social change in Sweden. By looking at changes in the labor market, changes in education and changes dealing with long-term sickness during the years surrounding the turn of the century, Antoinette Hetzler captures a process of growing exclusion that has particular importance for Swedish women. One is left questioning if the transition of the welfare state in S

Den förnöjsamme undersåten: Dygdens flexibilitet i 1700-talets Sverige.

Artikeln diskuterar dygdens ställning i 1700-talets Sverige - hur den diskuterades och legitimerades i dåtidens sedeläror. Förnöjsamhet var en särskilt populär dygd och dess relation till samhälleliga hierarkier ger oss en insyn i dåtidens moraliska landskap. Det ger oss även en uppfattning om hur tänjbara de moraliska gränserna kunde vara och vilka möjligheter som fanns att argumentera mot de råd

Was the wage burden too heavy? : Profitability and wage shares of settler agriculture in colonial Malawi, c 1900-1960

The historical role of European farming in southern and central Africa is a delicate matter that has received a great deal of attention among scholars over the years. Going through this vast literature a striking consensus emerges: success or failure of European farming in southern Africa was to a large extent depending on their access and control over labour. These propositions have so far never

Language and Literacy : Some fundamental issues in research on reading and writing

Abstract in Norwegian Hovudlina i forskinga på lesing og skriving byggjer på tanken om at talt språk på alle vesentlege punkt er primært i høve til skrive språk. Omgrepsapparatet for studiet av språk og lese- og skrivedugleik er også bygd kring denne tanken. Dette er problematisk frå eit vitskapsteoretisk standpunkt sidan tanken om det talte språket sin dominans ikkje er tilstrekkeleg empirisk undMainstream research on reading and writing is based on the assumption, common in modern linguistics, that spoken language is primary to written language in most important respects. Unfortunately, the conceptual framework for the study of language and 'literacy' (encompassing both reading and writing skills) is built around this assumption. This is problematic with regard to the philosophy of scien