

Din sökning på "*" gav 532675 sökträffar

Nonionic Microemulsions: Dependence on Oil Chain Length of the Surfactant Curvature Elastic Properties

The aim with this thesis has been to increase the knowledge about nonionic microemulsions and how they behave with increasing temperature. I have studied Nonionic Microemulsions made from C12E5, water and oil, with predominally hexadecane as oil, but also with octane, decane, dodecane and tetradecane as oil. I have worked with microemulsions at fixed surfactant to oil volume ratio of 0.815:1 and

Spatio-temporal filtering methods for enhancement and separation of speech signals

In this paper, we give an overview of the background for, the ideas behind, and the challenges to be addressed in the project "Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Enhancement and Separation of Speech Signals," which is funded by the Villum Foundation. The project aims at addressing the problem of enhancing and separating speech signals from noisy mixtures, a problem also known as the cocktail pa

Postmodernity and its Archive. The Principle of Insufficient Reason Revisited

In this essay, I discuss two major theoretical discourses of modernity, namely, of classical modernity and postmodernity. Moreover, I aim at a proposition of a possible historical relation between those two discourses of crucial importance to modernity’s intellectual history. This historical connection is founded on what I call the principle of insufficient reason. The principle of insufficient

Optimal Control over Networks with Long Random Delays

This paper studies the effects of stochastic time delays on automatic control systems which uses communication networks. We assume a linear process to be controlled and known delay probability distributions.The contribution of this paper is to extend the theory in(Nilsson 1998) to delays that may be longer than one sample period.Using a quadratic cost we find the optimal full-state-information con

Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet

Förbud mot könsdiskriminering, enligt vilket en arbetsgivare inte får missgynna en arbetstagare eller en arbetssökande på grund av hans eller hennes kön, har uttryckligen stadgats i Lag om jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män i arbetslivet. Denna jämställdhetslag är avsedd att befrämja kvinnors och mäns lika rätt i fråga om arbete, arbetsvillkor och utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetslivet. När det gäl

Eco-Standards, Product Labelling and Green Consumerism

This book provides the reader with a broad policy analysis of a main set of tools aimed at realising an increasingly appreciated aspect of late modern democracy: green political consumerism. The authors illustrate and explain how green labels and other eco-standards are created and negotiated within a broad continuum between science and politics, by addressing political, regulatory, discursive, an

Performance simulation investigation of TINA networks

The paper discusses the performance of TINA (Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture). The TINA architecture allows both multiple service vendors and multiple network providers. It is developed by a consortium which includes network operators and telecommunication and computer equipment suppliers. The foundation of TINA is object orientation and distributed computing. A computationa

Masculinity and Violence in Vietnam 1

In this essay, I draw on fieldwork conducted in Vietnam to reflect on their meaning and implications for understanding continuity and change in patterns of intimate partner violence in Vietnamese society. Current discussions in Vietnam of men’s violence against women elucidate both efforts to deal with a societal problem and manage it in ways, which tend to maintain the gendered asymmetries within

Of values for management decision making

Husserlian phenomenological theory is offered as an integrated and integrating for an understanding of management decision making and related issues in work and organizational sciences. The aspects of meaning, meaning constitution, subjective processes, and perspectives, mutual understanding of each other´s perspective, individuals as horizons of possible worlds are central to this conception, mak

Systolic blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetes: an observational study from the Swedish national diabetes register.

OBJECTIVES: To estimate risks of fatal/nonfatal coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and cardiovascular disease (CVD) with SBP in an observational study of patients with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Twelve thousand, six hundred and seventy-seven patients aged 30-75 years, treated with antihypertensive drugs, without previous congestive heart failure, followed for 5 years. RESULTS: Risk curves of CHD

When the genome plays dice: circumvention of the spindle assembly checkpoint and near-random chromosome segregation in multipolar cancer cell mitoses.

BACKGROUND: Normal cell division is coordinated by a bipolar mitotic spindle, ensuring symmetrical segregation of chromosomes. Cancer cells, however, occasionally divide into three or more directions. Such multipolar mitoses have been proposed to generate genetic diversity and thereby contribute to clonal evolution. However, this notion has been little validated experimentally. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:

A community-based intervention to reduce alcohol-related accidents and violence in 9th grade students in southern Sweden: The example of the Trelleborg Project.

The purpose of the present study was to analyse if a community-based intervention has led to a decrease in alcohol-related accidents and violence, and whether this was mediated by a reduction in excessive drinking and frequency of distilled spirits consumption. We applied logistic regression analyses on cross-sectional, non-repeated data, which was collected from a questionnaire distributed in cla

Tumour markers in prostate cancer II: diagnostic and prognostic cellular biomarkers.

The main goal of prostate cancer tissue biomarkers is to improve diagnostic and prognostic accuracy. A particularly important question is whether the cancer needs immediate treatment or if treatment can be deferred. It is highly unlikely that a single biomarker that provides comprehensive prognostic information about a newly diagnosed prostate cancer will be forthcoming. Despite extensive research

A system dynamics model for analyzing the stability of software release plans

Release planning for incremental software development assigns features to releases such that most important technical, resource, risk and budget constraints are met. The research presented in this paper is an element of a three-staged procedure. In addition to an existing method for (i) strategic release planning that maps requirements to subsequent releases and (ii) a more fine-grained planning t