

Din sökning på "*" gav 532887 sökträffar

A novel initiation mechanism of death in Streptococcus pneumoniae induced by the human milk protein-lipid complex HAMLET and activated during physiological death

To cause colonization or infection, most bacteria grow in biofilms where differentiation and death of subpopulations is critical for optimal survival of the whole population. However, little is known about initiation of bacterial death under physiological conditions. Membrane depolarization has been suggested, but never shown to be involved, due to the difficulty of performing such studies in bact

Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after cardiac arrest

Objective: To identify reliable predictors of outcome in comatose patients after cardiac arrest using a single routine EEG and standardized interpretation according to the terminology proposed by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society. Methods: In this cohort study, 4 EEG specialists, blinded to outcome, evaluated prospectively recorded EEGs in the Target Temperature Management trial (TTM t

Glycemic Control and Temperature Control in Buildings

This thesis is consists of two parts, applying concepts from automatic control to different application areas.The first part of this thesis concerns the development of an optimization-based algorithm, determining the size of insulin and glucose doses for patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus and treated with multiple insulin injections. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by eThis thesis consists of two parts, applying concepts from automatic control to different application areas.The first part of this thesis concerns the development of an optimization-based algorithm, determining the size of insulin and glucose doses for patients suffering from Diabetes Mellitus and treated with multiple insulin injections. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by elev

Fallstudie av konstruktionsbränder

Several severe fires in structural elements, or so-called “structural fires”, have occurred in Sweden in recent years. In order to study this phenomenon, a dozen of real fires in structural elements have been studied in this report. The first objective in the report has been to define the term “structural fires”. The second objective was to describe how these severe fires start and developed. The

Inertial Measurement Unit based Virtual Antenna Arrays - DoA Estimation and Positioning in Wireless Networks

Today we have different location based services available in a mobile phone or mobile station (MS). These services include: direction finding to nearby ATMs, locating favorite food restaurants, or finding any target destination. Similarly, we see different applications of the positioning and navigation systems in firefighting or other rescue operations. The common factor in almost all of the locat

High incidence of chronic graft-versus-host disease after myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Sweden : graft-versus-leukemia effect protects against relapse

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) is a potentially curative treatment option for eligible patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, it is known that cure of CLL is only possible if a graft-versus-leukemia effect is present. Between 1994 and 2007, 48 adults underwent allo-SCT for poor-risk CLL in Sweden. Of these, ten (21%) patients aged 24-53 years (med

Hybrid speciation through sorting of parental incompatibilities in Italian sparrows

Speciation by hybridization is emerging as a significant contributor to biological diversification. Yet, little is known about the relative contributions of (i) evolutionary novelty and (ii) sorting of pre-existing parental incompatibilities to the build-up of reproductive isolation under this mode of speciation. Few studies have addressed empirically whether hybrid animal taxa are intrinsically i

Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the commonest childhood malignancy and is characterized by recurring structural genetic alterations. Previous studies of DNA methylation suggest epigenetic alterations may also be important, but an integrated genome-wide analysis of genetic and epigenetic alterations in ALL has not been performed. We analyzed 137 B-lineage and 30 T-lineage childhood ALL cases

The death of an emperor – Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and his political cancer

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, was toppled in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. A year later he passed away from lymphoma, a disease he had secretly battled for several years, but still it remains unknown exactly when he was diagnosed with cancer, if he was aware of his condition and who close to him knew about his illness. Following his 1979 exile from Iran, physicians from numerous count

Performance of TCP congestion control algorithms with interference in IEEE 802.11ac WLANs

In order to meet the incremental requirements from clients, fifth generation Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) protocol IEEE 802.11ac provides a lot more throughput than his predecessors. However, in all distributed channel access 802.11 protocols, probability of packet loss increases with respect to number of available stations; consecutive packet losses in link layer activates congestion control

The Respiratory Pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis Targets Collagen for Maximal Adherence to Host Tissues

Moraxella catarrhalisis a human respiratory pathogen that causes acute otitis media in children and is associated with exacerbations in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The first step inM. catarrhaliscolonization is adherence to the mucosa, epithelial cells, and extracellular matrix (ECM). The objective of this study was to evaluate the role ofM. catarrhalisint

Different modelling approaches to coupling wall and floor panels within a dynamic finite element model of a lightweight building

This paper presents an investigation of a skeleton based coupling technique used for the assembly of different modules, i.e. walls and floors, in a modular finite element model. For simplicity the skeleton is introduced in the intersections of the panels. In this way all panels can be constrained to the global skeleton, leading to a removal of the constrained degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the indiv

The prevalence and predictive value of the SLC30A8 R325W polymorphism and zinc transporter 8 autoantibodies in the development of GDM and postpartum type 1 diabetes

The objectives were to evaluate possible associations between the SLC30A8 R325W polymorphism and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) as well as postpartum development of type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, we wanted to confirm the prevalence of zinc transporter 8 autoantibodies (ZnT8A), as previously reported, in a larger population and study its predictive value in relation to other β cell specific aut

Neuroblastoma patient-derived orthotopic xenografts reflect the microenvironmental hallmarks of aggressive patient tumours

Treatment of high-risk childhood neuroblastoma is a clinical challenge hampered by a lack of reliable neuroblastoma mouse models for preclinical drug testing. We have previously established invasive and metastasising patient-derived orthotopic xenografts (PDXs) from high-risk neuroblastomas that retained the genotypes and phenotypes of patient tumours. Given the important role of the tumour microe

Methods for image-based dosimetry and radiobiological modelling in radionuclide therapy

Strålbehandling är en av de vanligaste metoderna för att behandla cancer. I den mest använda formen av strålbehandling används en strålkälla utanför kroppen, så kallad extern strålterapi. Ett alternativ är att ge behandlingen med hjälp av ett läkemedel till vilket man har kopplat ett radioaktivt ämne, så kallad radionuklidterapi. Det radioaktiva läkemedlet ansamlas i tumören och ger där en intern In radionuclide therapy (RNT), radioactive pharmaceuticals are administered for therapeutic purposes. Dosimetry, i.e. the estimation of the absorbed dose to various targets, can potentially lead to a better understanding of the therapeutic effects in RNT and allow for individualization of the therapy. However, dosimetry is seldom used in RNT clinical practice, and several problems degrade the info

Parameter sensitivity of CIR process

We study the differentiability of the CIR process with respect to its parameters. We give a stochastic representation for these derivatives in terms of the paths of V.

A tailored 200 parameter VME based data acquisition system for IBA at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis Facility - Hardware and software

With the recent advances towards modern Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), going from one- or few-parameter detector systems to multi-parameter systems, it has been necessary to expand and replace the more than twenty years old CAMAC based system. A new VME multi-parameter (presently up to 200 channels) data acquisition and control system has been developed and implemented at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis Faci